• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

⫸STICKY⫷ ★ Dream Journal : Share your dreams ☯

Last night I was with a coworker and my girl. My coworker pulled a coyote ugly move and poured water on himself and starting dancing with these dope forearm tattoos that he doesn't have. My girl was really impressed. Then this high school hoe shamed me on FB for an unrelated reason. I felt so bad. Everyone thought I was an asshole. So me my girl and coworker went to the zoo to release rare monkeys. I told the high school hoe about it on FB and everyones like okay word he's cool.

Movings this here.

It's 3am just had another strange dream.

I was eating blueberries. They were perfect not too big and soggy. I was in a writing competition at high school and was like middle of the pack, slacking, and mostly just wanted more blueberries. So I left and went downtown, and along the way my dad said he was coming over my place. So I tried to find the blueberries faster.. I ended up at my schoolmates house. His dad coached the red sox when I was in elementary school. His mom was real hot.. trophy wife. I walked by his mom and dad and went straight to their outdoor pool. I was doing flips n stuff trying to record myself on my phone.. one time I forgot to throw my phone on the side of the pool before jumping in and it fell in the water. Didn't break, so it was real water proof. Ok so Dana's house was the last (and only) house I remember going to. I needed to hurry home, but stopped at Papa Gino's with my girlfriend who literally comes out of nowhere. Not sure if she was at the restaurant already, or what, but we got 2 huge things of bread sticks for $1 each. I sorta wanted blueberries though but whatever I got food and my dad was there in line behind us... Totally oblivious to me, and with some weird kid my age with long "emo" hair. So I rushed home, and then I woke up
Fun one last night. I was looking for crystal meth and was given a dealer's address by somebody and it ended up being in the city where I went to high school. When I showed up the guy remembered me, although I didn't recognize him. He told me that I'd shown him such a good time in 2010 (specifically, 2010) that he would give me some for free. So he gave me a nice-sized rock, generally spherical instead of elongated like the crystal I've come across in real life. I smoked it with some friends and was dream-high (being high in dreams can be pretty weird). I don't remember much of the rest but at one point I was driving a bunch of stimmed-up folks around in a packed car.
July 16-17, 2022: "Dad Being Mean/Lucid Bedroom"

My dad was being really nasty to me. He said that I would either die or go to jail from taking kratom, and that my mom hated me for doing it. He was saying crazy things, like I should just move to Florida and smoke weed because Mitt Romney was legalizing it there. He told me that someone had a cat named Blue Danube and he wanted to eat it. Some Christmas-themed commercial came on the TV that apparently used to scare me for some reason, and he taunted me by saying, "Hey look, your favorite commercial is on!".

In my bedroom, there was steam and water coming from my appliances and I couldn't turn them off of get it to stop. That made me realize that I was dreaming and I flew out of my room, which led me to the back room of some store. I ended up flying through the mall and landed to make out with some random woman, but that's where the dream ended (as most of my good lucid ones do).

July 17-18, 2022: "Cottage/Back in Time"

I was living in my grandfather's old cottage because it had been abandoned, but it was in really poor condition. The floorboards were caving in and water was leaking everywhere. There were other people living there too, and I couldn't find a place to sleep. I tried lying in a hallway but everybody kept walking over me. I kissed an Asian woman who thought that it meant we were in a committed relationship. When I told her that I didn't want to get that serious, she threw a knife at me and it stuck in the wall.

The very first Subway sandwich restaurant from 1965 was being restored, and I was helping create the displays. It started to become more like I had actually stepped back in time, and everything (cars, etc.) looked as though it would have back then. I walked downtown and everything still looked like the past, but apparently it was a re-creation for some movie or documentary that they were filming.

July 18-19, 2022: "War with Canada/Mentally Challenged Dude"

The U.S. was at war with Canada (partly England at one point) and they were controlling what we were allowed to eat. Authorities were literally coming into homes and replacing our groceries with theirs. I hid a box of pizza because I knew that I would get in trouble for having it.

A mentally challenged (Down's Syndrome?) man wanted to join the military, and his family was giving him a hard time because they didn't think that he could do it. They gave the example that he didn't even know who David Bowie was. He actually seemed very bright and I felt bad for him. I also learned that he had been badly abused as a child, and someone showed me a wooden structure covered in nails that he had been chained to or something. Sad.

Sweet Dreams!!!
I had a dream about Bluelight for the first time in several years last night, and it was pretty intense.

There was a Bluelight meetup, and it was being held in a large open space in a mall. As per real Bluelight, it was mostly men, with the few women who were there getting quite a bit of attention. I talked to a few people and we mostly discussed the goings-on of the forum. One guy pulled me aside and warned me against being involved with a certain clique of posters, and showed me a piece of paper with their names written on it (I don't remember them but none of them were real Bluelighters' usernames). Then I hung out with a heavier guy. He had his eyes on a thin German redhead woman who was there and mentioned this to me. I looked at his eyes and they were impossibly huge black saucers. He was clearly on some sort of psychedelic, or maybe MDMA. I mentioned his pupils and he got uncomfortable, so I dropped the topic.

I started hoping someone would pull out some drugs to share. Not too far from me, somebody made a joke about crack cocaine and laughed. I was wondering if somebody would pull out some crack, and considered whether it would be worth indulging. (I've always enjoyed it, but that level of physical stimulation would be a bit much for me these days. Who am I kidding, I would do it if someone offered, and I'm sure I would have in the dream as well.) Alas, nobody did.

Finally, I met with the only real Bluelighter to appear in the dream. It was @arrall, and he was there with his girlfriend. He was a redhead with freckles and had a sports-team baseball cap on. He introduced himself with a drawl that sounded Texan. I introduced myself ("Hey, I'm [real name], S.J.B. on the forum"), and for some reason, emulated Arrall's accent. Somebody else who was there laughed at me for doing so and I was mildly embarrassed. In the dream, the accent made me think he was Albertan, so I asked him if he was. He said no, he was from [rural town about two hours from where I grew up], and that his girlfriend was from that general area as well. I was happy to hear they had grown up near me, described where I had grown up ("south of [large city] close to the [river]") and asked his girlfriend whether she was familiar with [small city that was very close to where I grew up]. She smiled and said yes.

At that point things went south. An emaciated, rat-like man who was twitching and laughing and gibbering like a lunatic walked up to me and began shooting me with a paintball gun. The paintballs were yellow and were lobbed in slow arcs toward me. I was hit multiple times. I told him to stop and he did briefly but then began shooting me again At this point, as I tend to do in dreams, I completely lost my shit and beat him to the point that he was, literally, a pulp with little shards of bones sticking out. For some reason this pulp was in a cardboard box when I was through with him. If this were reality anything that looked like that would absolutely be dead but in the dream it wasn't clear whether that was the case or not. Everybody was shocked and uncomfortable -- the vibes were bad. I felt nervous and was wondering whether I would get in trouble or whether it would be considered legitimate self-defense.

A large, powerful-looking man then clipped half-way out of the floor like a poltergeist to talk to me. He introduced himself as the man who had sent the paintball guy after me. He commended me on how I had readily dispatched him, but he was just a peon and actually I was surrounded by this gangster's men. He pointed to a fancy car (maybe a Porsche or a Corvette) just outside the glass facade of the mall and said that they were after the person who owned that car, which they believed to be me. At this point I realized I had no shoes on, and my feet were dirty. I said: "That can't be my car, I have no shoes!" The gangster in the floor stared at me for a second and then a look of doubt came over him. Soon after, we all looked at the car as a procession of teenage boys in clothing that suggested wealth came out of it. We all realized that these were the actual targets of the gangster, and they left.

Most of the Bluelighters were still milling about. The paintball guy wasn't actually dead; he had reappeared in human form, but was beet red, as if he had been skinned. He ran out of the room. One of the Bluelighters mentioned to me that there was a CCTV camera in the room and everything had been caught on it. I became very nervous. Near the exit to the mall was a restaurant without any staff. I saw a running sink behind the counter, went over to it, and used it to wash the blood off my hands. As I was doing so, the restaurant staff came back, saw me leaning over the counter, and yelled at me then ran towards me. I ran out of the mall away from them.

I appeared to be in New York City. I hadn't run far when I started getting nervous that I had slept in and missed work, and then I woke up suddenly with that concern in my head.*

*I often wake up well before morning with the concern that I've missed work. This low-level paranoia is, I think, due to (a) the fact that I often flip my sleep schedule from diurnal to nocturnal on the weekend by staying up 36+ hours on Friday, then have just Sunday to readjust and (b) I actually was late for work a couple months ago because I did this on a Saturday instead of a Sunday and had consumed an excess of alcohol and poppy seed tea. I had somehow turned the volume of my alarm off and couldn't remember it going off in the first place. I am determined not to repeat that experience.
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Yesterday I had one of the craziest and fun dreams that I ever had, it was fucking weird in a way.

I don't remember the beginning of the dream but it was something like I was trying out abilities I had as a child but didn't use, as if they were secret powers.
I used my hands in a certain way, and from my fingers came out a kind of energy, vibrant and almost transparent, that made it manipulate the nearby matter, turning everything black from which hundreds of colored circles came out, but as if it were a screen, as if it turned the world into a psychedelic screen....
This is the least of it, the crazy part comes now.
I meet a number of people, in a building (where I was) apparently abandoned or rather very messy. It seems that one of the people there looks like a former boss, I'm not sure. There are dozens of people going back and forth trying things out, they talk about a "Kundu" concept or something. That concept would be like the Matrix "liberation", when you get to liberation you can do anything, (like in matrix stopping bullets in the air).
The building was a "test room" to test the "kundu". In a short time I find myself flying, teleporting, running at an amazing speed and a series of other impossible things. It was rectangular and it had a big inner courtyard.
At one point I think "this can't be real...!!!" and I say to one of the people there.... what year is it? He answers me, "2022, what year do you think we were in?" (a bit like laughing).
It causes me even more confusion (the style was totally lucid dreaming) and I tell him: "It's just that in my mind I had a memory of living in 2023..., and it's just that all this seems to me like being in a dream!". He answers me: "Sure, and that's what it's all about..." That "it's all about" was referring to the fact that it must seem that way, I caught that clear nuance in his tone.
Then I tell the guy that seem the guide of all this, "Hey, I'm not completely sure that I want to be here (as it was getting crazier by the minute), I'm not sure that I want to learn kundu all the way down."
He says, "No, don't worry because you're already into the play and you're playing".

It was crazy as hell to be honest, I woke up feeling super energized, like something had changed in me, like I reached "kundu" or whatever the shit it was.
Wow, craziest dream in several months.

That day I took huperzine A (afternoon) , 3 grams artemisia annua before sleepind and some tea of saffron+cymbopogon +rhododendron adamsii/sagan dalya (I suspect sagan dalya had something to do with the theme craziness).
i do not remember the dream/place/memory but i remembet the feel
wery welcom
(OMG, am I really over a month behind on these??? I'll try doing several a day whenever I can.)

July 19-20, 2022: "Church/Barnes & Noble"

I was at church with my parents and they were showing a movie about Jesus. Maurice (and/or Robin) Gibb from the Bee Gees and Carly Simon were there. I was eating a bowl of cereal/crackers and realized that they were probably communion wafers. I had to pee and walked up a steep floor wearing a long black cape. (I actually woke up to pee at that point.)

I was at Barnes & Noble bookstore and The Joker bludgeoned a male comedian/actor to death, then pulled a shotgun on me. I said something like, "If you're gonna shoot me then just do it." and he backed down. They had strange looking dessert foods on display, like something from Asia or the Middle East. A guy with tattoos said that he felt like the employees wouldn't help him because of how he looked, and I told him that I've felt that way too. A young woman was being assaulted and I rescued her somehow. I left my pants in the parking lot and hid behind a sign in the vestibule. I looked at what I thought was a toy keyboard, but it turned out to be something like an answering machine combined with a tiny sewing loom.

July 21-22, 2022: "Mall Music/Cleaning My Room"

I went to the mall with two guys from some famous rock band and brought my guitar. We set up and played "Joy To The World" & "I Never Dreamed You'd Leave In Summer" by Three Dog Night with me on vocals. One of the guys smoked crack and his girlfriend got upset. She put her arm around me as we were leaving, and her dad gave us a ride home.

My mom was helping me clean my room, which was attached to the kitchen of a diner. There was a naked dude back there, and I tricked her into looking at him just to be funny. We came across an old notebook that I had named "All Is Good", which contained a combination of writing, drawings and small items that I had pasted in. Apparently I had done it about 15 years ago. There was a photo of some druggie-looking young woman in it, and my mom said that I shouldn't have made her stand out in the cold to pose.

My house turned into more of a cheap hotel/apartment, and I brought firewood to some junkie dude across the hall because we had woodburning stoves. I was still arguing with my mom about something. She was partying with a bunch of people in the living room area, including an old female co-worker of mine. I found some old weed of mine and shared it with Anthony Kiedis, who had been diagnosed with ALS. It was sad because I had to hold the pipe for him.

July 22-23, 2022: "Prince"

I was working for Prince and had to unload a huge storage truck. It contained a bunch of fresh buffet foods for a record company event, plus cassette tapes and musical instruments. He invited me into a room where he was staying, and played a song for me on a piano that had hand-controlled bass pedals under the keys.

July 23-24, 2022: "Office Job With Dad"

I worked for my dad at a corporate office and he was giving me a hard time about everything. I kept on messing up and forgetting to do things. I left some old Babe Ruth & Lou Gehrig baseball cards lying around by mistake. We were short-handed because all of the employees were coming down with colds. A girl who used to make fun of me in high school saw me getting stressed out, which really bothered me.

I had left a pint of Canadian Club whiskey in a metal locker, and kept trying to dispose of it before anyone found it. I had to show that girl something on a calculator and forgot how, which made me feel even more stupid. There was a female boss conducting military drills in a large empty room. I asked her for help and she mocked me in front of everyone.

Sweet Dreams!!!
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Picking up where I left off...

July 24-25, 2022: "Hospital Office, Supermarket"

I was at a hospital/office building, trying to find a remedy for my sore, swollen lips. Guy that worked with my dad said that my dad was so quiet that he had "turtle lips". Had false memory of getting into some kind of trouble there in the past and tried to go back in time and prevent it, but realized I couldn't. Drank bottle of champagne from cooler there. Monkey in a tree by the parking lot was mimicking my facial expressions and it creeped me out. A bunch of bodybuilders came into the store shirtless and started causing a scene.

July 25-26, 2022: "Multiple Scenarios"

My dad went diving in the local waters at night and I worried about him drowning.

Went to Stop & Shop/Grand Union with my parents and aunt. They sold vinyl records that were all warped and chipped.

Saw rooftop where The Beatles had their impromptu performance during the "Let It Be" sessions, but it was around Eastham, MA. Ate at Indian restaurant there with my old best friend.

Lifted weights in the back yard where I grew up and my current female neighbor joined me, which was her way of showing that she was interested in me.

I went to some beach in Cape Cod or Rhode Island and "The Air That I Breathe" by the Hollies was playing. Guy from small eatery made me a drink with gin & raw eggs. Back at home, my dad got drunk and tried to play my synthesizer.

Found website advertising Prince's new album.

Sweet Dreams!!!
couple nights ago and still in my head:
i was at some kind of "party" in like a multi level shanty town.
wasnt really getting high or anything but just hanging out.
kept noticing that the longer i stayed the more i lost; shoes, shirt, wallet, belt etc and instead of just leaving i was trying to find the ones who were taking my shit on the sly. never could find them and ultimately was walking around naked still trying to locate the thieves.
woke up and went back to sleep and went to the same dream.
not sure what this means if anything but i saw it as me stuck in my living world getting robbed blind with no way out and all the.while trying to get at those who were stealing everything i had. maybe gov? idk. just my first thoughts when waking for good in the AM.
stuck in my head, though....
I had a dream that I flew to Mars and was living out of this space ship. Then this guy showed up and was doing burnouts and doughnuts in a black car that kinda looked like Knight Rider. I grabbed my space laser pistol and got into a shootout with him. (There was more to it, but forgot the details)

I've been having pretty interesting and light hearted dreams recently. Not too many nightmares or negative stuff, which is a relief.
(I'm still almost a month behind on these stupid things...)

Aug 4-5, 2022: "Ex-Girlfriends, etc."

I went to someone's house and saw an ex-girlfriend of mine standing silently motionless on a stairwell above me, almost like an apparition. She read me a poem that she had written about us but pinned me to the floor and started reciting it maniacally in a threatening way. I blinked my eyes and it became a room full of people, which made me start to think that I was dreaming but it never became fully lucid.

My ex became more like another woman that I had dated for a short time, and I was at her home. She had huge, disfiguring sores around her mouth and I wondered how she had gotten them. She went in to take a shower and threw her panties at me through a crack in the door, which sort of turned me on but also creeped me out because of the condition that she was in. I drank a big can of something strong like Four Loko because I was stressed out.

I went to an old videogame arcade where a teenage guy was smoking synthetic cannabinoids like K2/Spice. He was acting strangely and I warned him to be careful. My uncle was there and he had long braids in his hair that made him look Native American. On the drive home, there were cars crashing everywhere and I narrowly avoided them.

My toilet was clogged with all kinds of trash and it overflowed. Later it was more like a hotel or apartment complex.

I watched a video of some funny song about junk food/fast food that kept on using the word "bitch", and it was absolutely hilarious at the time.

I was riding with my parents in our old van and had to hold my breath while we drove through an underpass filled with water. He drove to the top of a bridge and we all braced for impact because he went over the edge.

Sweet Dreams!!!
I had a dream about Bluelight for the first time in several years last night, and it was pretty intense.

There was a Bluelight meetup, and it was being held in a large open space in a mall. As per real Bluelight, it was mostly men, with the few women who were there getting quite a bit of attention. I talked to a few people and we mostly discussed the goings-on of the forum. One guy pulled me aside and warned me against being involved with a certain clique of posters, and showed me a piece of paper with their names written on it (I don't remember them but none of them were real Bluelighters' usernames). Then I hung out with a heavier guy. He had his eyes on a thin German redhead woman who was there and mentioned this to me. I looked at his eyes and they were impossibly huge black saucers. He was clearly on some sort of psychedelic, or maybe MDMA. I mentioned his pupils and he got uncomfortable, so I dropped the topic.

I started hoping someone would pull out some drugs to share. Not too far from me, somebody made a joke about crack cocaine and laughed. I was wondering if somebody would pull out some crack, and considered whether it would be worth indulging. (I've always enjoyed it, but that level of physical stimulation would be a bit much for me these days. Who am I kidding, I would do it if someone offered, and I'm sure I would have in the dream as well.) Alas, nobody did.

Finally, I met with the only real Bluelighter to appear in the dream. It was @arrall, and he was there with his girlfriend. He was a redhead with freckles and had a sports-team baseball cap on. He introduced himself with a drawl that sounded Texan. I introduced myself ("Hey, I'm [real name], S.J.B. on the forum"), and for some reason, emulated Arrall's accent. Somebody else who was there laughed at me for doing so and I was mildly embarrassed. In the dream, the accent made me think he was Albertan, so I asked him if he was. He said no, he was from [rural town about two hours from where I grew up], and that his girlfriend was from that general area as well. I was happy to hear they had grown up near me, described where I had grown up ("south of [large city] close to the [river]") and asked his girlfriend whether she was familiar with [small city that was very close to where I grew up]. She smiled and said yes.

At that point things went south. An emaciated, rat-like man who was twitching and laughing and gibbering like a lunatic walked up to me and began shooting me with a paintball gun. The paintballs were yellow and were lobbed in slow arcs toward me. I was hit multiple times. I told him to stop and he did briefly but then began shooting me again At this point, as I tend to do in dreams, I completely lost my shit and beat him to the point that he was, literally, a pulp with little shards of bones sticking out. For some reason this pulp was in a cardboard box when I was through with him. If this were reality anything that looked like that would absolutely be dead but in the dream it wasn't clear whether that was the case or not. Everybody was shocked and uncomfortable -- the vibes were bad. I felt nervous and was wondering whether I would get in trouble or whether it would be considered legitimate self-defense.

A large, powerful-looking man then clipped half-way out of the floor like a poltergeist to talk to me. He introduced himself as the man who had sent the paintball guy after me. He commended me on how I had readily dispatched him, but he was just a peon and actually I was surrounded by this gangster's men. He pointed to a fancy car (maybe a Porsche or a Corvette) just outside the glass facade of the mall and said that they were after the person who owned that car, which they believed to be me. At this point I realized I had no shoes on, and my feet were dirty. I said: "That can't be my car, I have no shoes!" The gangster in the floor stared at me for a second and then a look of doubt came over him. Soon after, we all looked at the car as a procession of teenage boys in clothing that suggested wealth came out of it. We all realized that these were the actual targets of the gangster, and they left.

Most of the Bluelighters were still milling about. The paintball guy wasn't actually dead; he had reappeared in human form, but was beet red, as if he had been skinned. He ran out of the room. One of the Bluelighters mentioned to me that there was a CCTV camera in the room and everything had been caught on it. I became very nervous. Near the exit to the mall was a restaurant without any staff. I saw a running sink behind the counter, went over to it, and used it to wash the blood off my hands. As I was doing so, the restaurant staff came back, saw me leaning over the counter, and yelled at me then ran towards me. I ran out of the mall away from them.

I appeared to be in New York City. I hadn't run far when I started getting nervous that I had slept in and missed work, and then I woke up suddenly with that concern in my head.*

*I often wake up well before morning with the concern that I've missed work. This low-level paranoia is, I think, due to (a) the fact that I often flip my sleep schedule from diurnal to nocturnal on the weekend by staying up 36+ hours on Friday, then have just Sunday to readjust and (b) I actually was late for work a couple months ago because I did this on a Saturday instead of a Sunday and had consumed an excess of alcohol and poppy seed tea. I had somehow turned the volume of my alarm off and couldn't remember it going off in the first place. I am determined not to repeat that experience.
Jesus christ what an entertaining read. I'm convinced you've made this up lmao
Jesus christ what an entertaining read. I'm convinced you've made this up lmao

I don't think my awake self is creative enough to come up with a ridiculous narrative like that. :LOL: That's why I love dreaming so much: dreams are a subconsciously-generated work of art, and unlike film, novels, etc., the suspension of disbelief is complete.

It's rare that I remember them in as much detail as this one, but I've had a few over the years that I've written down.
I don't think my awake self is creative enough to come up with a ridiculous narrative like that. :LOL: That's why I love dreaming so much: dreams are a subconsciously-generated work of art, and unlike film, novels, etc., the suspension of disbelief is complete.

It's rare that I remember them in as much detail as this one, but I've had a few over the years that I've written down.
I've been accused of making up my dream reports over the years, and I always say the same thing: I'm not nearly creative enough to imagine some of the things that my subconscious mind seems to come up with! I've even written poetry/song lyrics in my dreams that are better than half of the ones I've composed while awake.
Aug 14-15, 2022: "Peeing in Strange House"

I was in someone's house and briefly realized that I was dreaming. I floated to the ceiling just to make sure. I had to take a pee and went into their bathroom. The toilet wasn't working so I had to use the sink. Some dude came in and started peeing right next to me, so I said that I would wait until he was done.

Aug 15-16, 2022: "College Dorm"

I was in a co-ed college dorm with people who were half my age (I'm in my 50's). One young woman had her arm around me and I liked her, but I felt kind of awkward about it. Some guy was playing a synthesizer out in the parking lot with a Zoom/Skype camera so that we could watch him. I went outside to try playing and it was in the back of a large truck, but the instrument was in bad shape and didn't sound right. I tried explaining to them that I really do know how to play and sing.

Aug 17-18, 2022: "Mom Leaving Dad/Female Singer"

I was in the house where I grew up, and my mom left a note on the front steps telling my dad that she was leaving him for another guy. He was devastated and crying on the phone to my aunt, saying that every time I heard some love song it upset him. (I think that it was a real song, but I can't remember it except for a line like, "I miss you all day long".)

My parents were producing a song for some female singer that reminded me of Selena (not Selena Gomez, the one from the 1990's that was tragically murdered). Her sax player said that I should ask her out, but I didn't think that she would be interested. I went outside and some drunk guy was peeing on the lawn. A dog walked by that looked more like a kangaroo. I had small flames in my hair that I tried to put out but my whole head burst into flames.

Sweet Dreams!!!
Aug 18-19, 2022: "Mom Senile"

My mom started acting really confused. I asked her if she had taken any medication and first she said no, then she said Benadryl. Later, we were at the mall and I realized that it wasn't actually her; it was some lady that I had never met before.

Aug 19-20, 2022: "Department Store Job"

I was working at a store like Walmart and kept it open after closing time for my friends to hang out there. A couple of my co-workers were mad for having to stay late. A female friend of mine was drunk and her male friend accused me of giving her alcohol and/or drugs. Some guys were jamming on synthesizers and I joined in.

My cousin had become my manager, and he was a stickler for detail. I was afraid of doing a bad job because everybody in the family would know. I had to create a display of those old "Standing Liberty" quarters, but couldn't figure out where they went. There was a huge snowstorm going on outside and it caused the roof to collapse. (That woke me up.)

Aug 21-22, 2022: "DMV"

I had to photocopy something like 5,000 pages of paperwork to re-register my car with the DMV. They were all over the place and I couldn't even find half of them. My mom said that I would go to jail if I didn't turn in the paperwork on time, and gave me a hard time about being so irresponsible (as she does in real life, LOL). We were in the house where I grew up and the floors were covered in mud, apparently from a flood.

Sweet Dreams!!!
Had this dream about 2 weeks ago:

I'm sitting around a table, having a discussion with the Queen and Charles. I'm trying to convince them that they should just be honest with the public and not try to hide why they're doing this great reset thing. The impression was that there was a legitimate reason why it was being attempted - it was one of those dreams where there wasn't really any words, just direct communication. They seemed unmoved by appeals. I get up from the table and go to a wilted looking plant by a windowsill. I touch the plants leaves and bring the plant back into full bloom, then proceed to do it to a second wilted plant.

We're all leaving this meeting, proceeding down a corridor to an exit which is blocked by a giant slab of stone. I touch the stone with my hand.. and the exit is cleared. Not sure whether the stone disintegrated or it was just implied that the path was now clear. We proceed onwards towards a helicopter. As we approach the helicopter I sense danger to the Queen. There is a figure lurking in the shadows, on the first floor balcony of Mediterranean style villa. I fly up to confront the figure, which turns out to be Adolfo Nicolás (a previous 'black pope' of the Jesuit Order). He's holding a sniper rifle. I tell him this is not acceptable, ending the danger. The dream now starts to get incoherent as I start exploring the inner room of the villa. The dream ends.