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Heroin Are there any successful heroin chippers out there?


Apr 13, 2013
Hi Swims dad got addicted to heroin 17 years ago always smoked it off foil it has ruined a lot of lives etc but Ill skip this.

Swim has tried codeine and tramadol but he wont be doing tramadol again because in his opinion it is shit but codeine is nice when he takes codeine (very occasionally) he wonders what heroin would feel like and has considered trying it but would rather not if such a strong person like his dad could get addicted then what would that mean for him? swim was wondering if their are any chippers who have been doing heroin recreationally and not got addicted and they have managed this for a long time?

Swim has a few question as well as the above question for heroin chippers
1.whats you roa?
2.how does the high feel?
3.have you experienced increase tolerance?
4.and have you ever had any craving of any kind?

Thanks in advance

Ps. I wasn't sure exactly where to post this so sorry if I posted it in the wrong area.

Also how would you compare a heroin high to a codeine high?
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Bro ill be 100% straight up with you. Ive been using heroin along with every opiate known to man for the last 10 years. And I've been selling dope for the past 5 or 6 years. I've seen countless amounts of lives being completely ruined from this drug. Many times I've even thought about quitting selling just because of this but i can't because then i wouldn't be able to support my own habit. Right there shows you how much power and control this drug has. If you tell yourself your only going to do it once just to try it, then you might as well go ahead and pawn all your shit and start robbing people because that is what's going to happen anyways. So question number 1. I started out smoking it but within time began to inject. Once you do that there is no going back to any other ROA. It doesn't matter how you do it though I've seen lives ruined from snorting, smoking or whatever it just don't matter. When those withdraws kick in you are willing to do anything to get your fix. Question 2 the high is unreal. Soon as you pull that needle out, even before, your whole head and body starts tingling and you get the most europhic feeling i can imagine. You feel like your on top of the world and nothing can bring u down. Alot of people including myself describe it as 20 times better than the best orgasm you have ever had. Smoking it you don't get this "rush" but you still feel like your on top of the world. The rush lasts about 30 seconds to a minute then you have an amazing body/head buzz for the next couple hours. Question 3 yes. I don't know ONE person that their tolerance doesn't just keep on rising and rising until you quit for a while. Question 4 yes haha I'm craving it right now, and every fucking second I'm awake, and sleeping lol. I thought i used to crave sex haha but now i know what true cravings are. Its so sad but i would rather have a phat shot of dope than have sex with the most beautiful woman on earth ANY day. I'm sure I'm not the only one That thinks like this. It doesn't matter how strong you are. This shit will take down a fucking grizzley bear. If you want to tempt fate and try it then you can't say you havnt been warned. Just do a google search on heroin withdrawals, a VERY close friend of mine shot himself in the head because he couldn't take the w/ds. and I've been through them many times and thought of doing the same thing, lucky i didn't have a gun next to me or i just might have. Please take my advice from someone that's been around the block many times and stay away, it just isn't worth ruining your life, because chances are very great that it will.
I'm a 20 year old Uni student that's been around heroin on more than a few times. I began snorting it and smoking it at the age of 17. Even though I don't live in my hometown where it was more available sometimes I crave it, especially when I visit. It just costs so much money. I know people in prison, dead, and ruining their lives due to this shit. It's a shitty drug that can ruin everything you had and even more you didn't even realize you had.

It's awful for you. That being said, I'm assuming you're a grown man, and you can make your own decisions. Do whatever you're going to do, I won't stop you or even judge you. Listen to me or not, but I greatly feel the general outcome of happiness will be greatly subdued if you try h.

1. Insufflation/Inhalation, and Intravenous Injection once (though it was a small amount)
2. I feel like the ultimate comfort it's possible to have. Almost feels like you can piss again after holding it forever, you can eat after not eating all day, and you can crawl into bed and sleep after a long day; all these feelings, all at once.
3. Yes. I used to go on a few binges back in the day (a year ago; I last used 4 months ago) and I would need near double the amount to get the same effect after a week or so.
4. Yes. I still get cravings.

On top of all this, I never was the biggest fan of downers. I'd rather be stimulated, but heroin still gripped ahold of my soul for a fairly dark period of life. I'd still probably do it again if offered to me (definitely if it were free) and I don't feel like that's ever going to change. Sex has lost a bit of luster, though it gets more stimulating the longer I stay away from the tar. I'd be careful with this chemical.
I have seen very few people quit using dope before getting addicted. They typically never got heavily into it because of availability or liking the high or whatever. Statistically most people who use don't get addicted, but if your father is an addict, I have to say quit while you're ahead. It's fucked my life pretty well & it's fucked a lot of my friends too.
If you're curious about opiates, but still new to them, why don't you make up a few strict rules for yourself to avoid the worst?

Like, you can use anything BUT Heroin, and never IV. At least pharmaceuticals are harder to get hold of, and you avoid the most dangerous method of administration this way, also a very unsafe environment. And if you're new to opiates even Kratom should work for you for a few years, which is nothing as addictive.

But I would think long and hard about even trying H. Even though it's the only opiate I can get hold of on a whim I would never go there. I just don't feel it's worth what would, or is likely, to follow.
I agree with almost everyone on this thread. Here's the story of how heroin brought me to my knees.

I have always had a strong will. Never been addicted to anything, speed, cigarettes, whatever.
I was able to test my strong will, i quit smoking cigarettes for a month after smoking nearly a pack a day, just to tell myself i can refrain for a month.
I quit masterbating for a month just to say i have the will power to do it.
I tried heroin once with my girlfriend. Eventually did it a couple days after, then a couple day outta the week, then everyday for about a week.
I tried to stop one day, and got withdrawals. I couldn't do it the second day, and bought a sac.
Ever since then, i used dope for about 11 months with my girlfriend, and straight up turned into a junkie. Stopped hanging out with all my friends, turned sketchy, spent every penny from my hard earned pay check on dope. Spent my thousands of dollars from my grandpas savings on dope just to support the habbit.
To this day i am still struggling to stop. I finally did 3 days clean off suboxone and relapsed. Now i feel like shit.

Either way, this is the worst drug ever. Don't put your foot in the door. If you try it, you might fall in the well, and its fucking hard to get out. Not a day goes by where i don't think about a sac.

Good luck
Hey man, I saw your thread and logged in. Maybe I can stop you. I have never tried heroin, but I am addicted to and have tried every other opiate under sun. I have comfortable access to MS Contins and I pop them daily.

I used to be one of them occasional users who thought I could control it. I have even taken 3 - 6 months off by my own whim to reduce tolerance on more than a few occasions BUT now I am unable to stop. I have actually recognised it. It has crept in. I have planned breaks on and off for the past 4 months now and can not do it anymore. I find myself in this "auto-pilot" where I drive to my contact and just by them without thinking. I can't explain it to you. I know I am addicted now and I just can not stop. I started on Codeine, so watch it.

Lately I have been lurking on known street corners. Even though I have that MS Contin contact, I need more. Maybe if I find stronger dope, I will be able to take that long break and then use the heroin on occasion i tell myself. I have had one very skinny junky looking guy stand up and clap his hands together when he saw me. I got sort of intimidated by the moment and walked past him. he sat back down. I am sure he was a dealer of either heroin or meth. Just recently I went back to another spot just to "see". I actually had a convo with two people about weed, then I asked about smack and he offered to call his dealer "as dealer was nearby" and to give number. Again, I got heated and backed down and said i'll be back when I am ready.

I am sure I will be a heroin addict one day, and i just can not stop myself. So before you find yourself in this situation, do not get a taste for opiates. You have been warned.
idk if you could call me a chipper, but I'm on suboxone and have successfully gotten high on dope several times this year, but only for a day or two each. having gotten back on my subs I don't even feel the urge to do it, it seems entirely not worth the time or effort.

I don't think whether or not other people can do it successfully should be taken into consideration. what matters is whether you can. judging by your dad's struggle with the drug, I'd bet you will become addicted too. it sucks, but if you don't want to potentially ruin lives and go through the same hell your dad did you should avoid heroin like the plague.
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it's doable, but extremely hard. i've been fucking around with hard opioids for 9 years now and never developed a habit, but instead was physically dependent on alcohol, GBL, baclofen and to a lesser degree benzos. a smack habit would have been preferable to all of those.
The chances of anybody being able to do it for a long period of time are slim to none. Some people can pull it off for a couple years (and usually even that's a stretch for most) but eventually they all end up strung out and in a bad way.

The drug is so addicting and has ruined so many lives for a reason..

Also, we don't use SWIM here. Please read the BLUA.

And as far as heroin compared to codeine... it's completely different being as codeine is incredibly weak.
Yeah you really can't compare heroin to codeine. I mean yes I suppose the general effects are similar but they're just not in the same league.

To answer your question - I know a grand total of ONE person who uses heroin occasionally and has done so for years...and I know a lot of heroin users on this website. That being said, that particular person is also probably the strongest guy I know (mentally I mean) and even he's come very dangerously close to slip-ups more than once. But when it comes to mental strength he's definitely very much out of the ordinary.
It honestly isn't worth the risk mate. I'm trying to get clean off smack right now and you just can't imagine how much I wish I'd never tried it. I used for less than a year and I already feel like it's ruined my life. Don't go down that road.
Also, from a purely practical standpoint, it would be a shame for you to jump from codeine to heroin simply because that would hi-jack your tolerance when you could still be getting high off so much less.

But seriously...I really wish I'd listened to everyone who told me not to go down that road. Be smarter <3
I agree with everything that's been said here. Heroin has ruined my life and a bunch of friends lives. It is very rare to find a recreational heroin user because the drug is so addicting. I will answer your questions but I suggest you seriously reconsider trying this drug. Also most people work their way up from like oxy, morphine or other stonger opiates. Codeine is one of the weakest opiates so that is a big transition.

1. ROA- can be smoked, snorted, plugged, or injected. Whether you start out smoking or snorting, eventually most people turn to IV use because your tolerance will rapidly rise and you won't be able to get the same effect.
2. The high feels amazing, that's why its such an addicting drug. Very euphoric and makes you not care about anything.
3. Not only me, but everyone who uses this drug experiences increase in tolerance. Unless you use it infrequently, which is pretty much impossible. So yes, tolerance rises very quickly and you will need it to feel "normal" or else you will be dopesick and withdrawals fucking suck. You will do anything you can to get your fix to get well.
4. Yes I have cravings all the time. Whenever I am clean I still want to use all the time.

Heroin has fucked up so many peoples lives, including my own. I hope you reconsider trying this drug, but if you are dead set on it, then just know, you've been warned.
Bro ill be 100% straight up with you. Ive been using heroin along with every opiate known to man for the last 10 years. And I've been selling dope for the past 5 or 6 years. I've seen countless amounts of lives being completely ruined from this drug. Many times I've even thought about quitting selling just because of this but i can't because then i wouldn't be able to support my own habit. Right there shows you how much power and control this drug has. If you tell yourself your only going to do it once just to try it, then you might as well go ahead and pawn all your shit and start robbing people because that is what's going to happen anyways. So question number 1. I started out smoking it but within time began to inject. Once you do that there is no going back to any other ROA. It doesn't matter how you do it though I've seen lives ruined from snorting, smoking or whatever it just don't matter. When those withdraws kick in you are willing to do anything to get your fix. Question 2 the high is unreal. Soon as you pull that needle out, even before, your whole head and body starts tingling and you get the most europhic feeling i can imagine. You feel like your on top of the world and nothing can bring u down. Alot of people including myself describe it as 20 times better than the best orgasm you have ever had. Smoking it you don't get this "rush" but you still feel like your on top of the world. The rush lasts about 30 seconds to a minute then you have an amazing body/head buzz for the next couple hours. Question 3 yes. I don't know ONE person that their tolerance doesn't just keep on rising and rising until you quit for a while. Question 4 yes haha I'm craving it right now, and every fucking second I'm awake, and sleeping lol. I thought i used to crave sex haha but now i know what true cravings are. Its so sad but i would rather have a phat shot of dope than have sex with the most beautiful woman on earth ANY day. I'm sure I'm not the only one That thinks like this. It doesn't matter how strong you are. This shit will take down a fucking grizzley bear. If you want to tempt fate and try it then you can't say you havnt been warned. Just do a google search on heroin withdrawals, a VERY close friend of mine shot himself in the head because he couldn't take the w/ds. and I've been through them many times and thought of doing the same thing, lucky i didn't have a gun next to me or i just might have. Please take my advice from someone that's been around the block many times and stay away, it just isn't worth ruining your life, because chances are very great that it will.

rather than typing a long paragraph stating my opinions...i instead am going to quote Dboy1987's entire post because i couldn't have stated the 'facts' any better myself. the ONLY difference between me and Dboy is that I do not sell it...thus i have a tougher time supporting my habit. And i have done things that i am incredibly ashamed about in order to support my usage. I have always been a good person with strong morals and a firm believer in karma and just all-around doing the right thing. However, like Dboy said...once those w/d's hit (or shit..even BEFORE they hit and you know youre either out or running out..) your list of acceptable actions and behaviors to acquire more expands to include almost anything. I now have a criminal record and labeled a thief because of H. before becoming addicted, i would NEVER have dreamed of shoplifting. Just wasn't in my nature and quite frankly, too scared to because of the consequences. Well...that changed and for quite awhile that was how i supported my habit...my shoplifting things EVERY day. Obviously youre eventually going to get caught as I have.

More mirroring of Dboy's post: once you start IV'ing it..will never go back to anything else. I started by snorting, moved to the needle and thats that. 2nd...yep..the high is incredible..BUT..each successive usage..that high gets a little less and less intense. There goes your increased tolerance and increased usage trying to chase that first high. I quit for a few months and first time i used again..i got completely ROCKED off of 1/2 a cap. Before quitting temporarily, i would bang 2 caps to get my high. Now, few months back into it and even that doesnt cut it sometimes, and have started banging 3 at a time occasionally...just chasing that amazing high rather than just 'feeling normal'. So yes...your tolerance will skyrocket very quickly and very seriously. believe that answered #3. and #4..again mirroring Dboy...yup...i crave it every moment of every day. its my very first thought upon waking up each morning (and its a daily mental battle with myself to try and wait at LEAST 30 minutes to an hour after waking up before banging out my first shot.) And I as well would rather have a huge shot and get a beautiful high than get laid. Which is why i haven't gotten laid in quite awhile...because i dont care about it...each and every one of my days consists solely of 1st: figuring out a way to put together enough $$; 2nd: going out and actually acquiring the dope; and 3rd: using it while trying to save some for the next morning to start me off as the vicious cycle repeats itself.
and the w/d's? pure hell. no other way to describe it. I used pills for years before switching to dope about a year ago...and as bad as w/d'ing from 30s and 80s and such is nothing compared to being dope sick from H. the biggest difference is that being sick from H...i will throw up several times an hour on top of all the other w/d symptoms. I get incredibly bad restless legs to where i literally cannot sit still for more than 30-60 seconds; yet youre so drained of any and all energy that you cant get up to do anything. So my routine is get up..pace around my room stretching my legs for a minute or 2...until to exhausted to stand...sit down for a minute or 2 until my legs are kicking so bad that i have to stand up...this repeats itself every few minutes and the only change in that routine is me running to the toilet to throw up a time or 2. the hot/cold flashes, the runny nose, the all over achiness. every minute feels like an hour; every hour feels like a day..and tomorrow? pff..may as well not even exist. and yet again to mirror Dboy...while going through the w/d's...yeah..i have considered just ending things because i couldnt take the pain. and i am so against taking your own life...i think there is nothing more selfish in the world putting others through all that pain because you couldn't handle your problems. Just goes to show how much the dope fucks with your head. It completely takes over your world in every aspect and goes downhill very quickly. I used to have a good life...good job...good friends...nice things...nice car...money in my pocket...all the things of a normal person. Now i have none of those things and a monkey on my back the size of an elephant. its not worth it.

no doubt about it...it WILL ruin your life. its not a question of 'if'...the only question is how long will it take to destroy everything around you.

well...i ended up typing a long paragraph or few anyways lol.
I think people who chip are generally people who don't have easy access to heroin all the time....Heroin is not something that's generally right out in the open and if you're not directly involved with it, it's easier to chip on it...Once you do have the means to get it all the time and you're buying it on your own from dealers it's usually a matter of time
1.whats you roa?

2.how does the high feel?
euphoric,carefree,relaxed to the max.

heroin and codeine are fairly similar as they both metabolize into morphine. I personaley fond codiene MUCH more euphoric when i could actually get high on it.

3.have you experienced increase tolerance?
meh. I only use on the weekends so not really. a "bag" still gets me high as shit. but there were times when i would use a gram+ over the weekend and thats when my tolerance got out of control.

4.and have you ever had any craving of any kind?

I work/stay busy most of the week so not really. but you better believe by the time friday afternoon rolls around the only thing on my mind is a fat shot of dope. Ive even left my mom stranded at work and other fucked up shit like that because i was fending so hard for dope.

Ive ben at this shit for almost 2 years man. Its honastley not worth it. I mean if you already have all your shit together and can affored a habbit for the next few years than go for it. Us telling you not to start doing dope isnt ganna stop you from doing dope. Me and everyone else here knows this because we were all in your position once. Its taken me about 2 years to figure out how dumb the shit is. Im only 18 and have alot ahead of me.
OP, this question has been asked 100 times here in 100 different ways and the consensus is always the same... It's incredibly incredibly rare to be able to "chip" for any real amount of time. (Use the search engine to find the threads covering this topic).

I know you're looking for a bunch of posters to come here and answer all your questions nice and neatly saying, "I chip with no problem, don't have cravings, my life hasn't changed at all, no big deal, blah blah blah," but it's not going to happen because 99.9% of users can't do it.
1.whats you roa?
2.how does the high feel?
3.have you experienced increase tolerance?
4.and have you ever had any craving of any kind?

Also how would you compare a heroin high to a codeine high?

1. Snorted
2. Essentially like morphine, very nice.
3. Yes, I need to snort more heroin-- I do 1 full bag now, but sometimes desire more.
4. I crave it-- I always want to be heroin high -- but I have had self-control for years now (as with any drug, but not drugs altogether since I do dose *something* everyday).

Heroin is much, much more fire than codeine.
i was able to chip for like six months on weekends (friday night, saturday night, rest of week clean of opiates) without ever encountering major physical w/d symptoms (i'd feel a little icky on sunday, but no worse than a moderate booze hangover). my girl was a daily user at the time so eventually i got pulled into it (i'm paying anyway, might as well enjoy it...) and i eventually had to detox with a sub taper, but that's another story. if you can set yourself up with an environment where it's not constantly around - only by request - and you are strong enough of will to only request it two nights out of every seven day period (not everyone is), i'm convinced you can continue along like that forever without getting into too much trouble. my roa was insufflated (i think once you IV you're down the rabbit hole) and the high always felt pretty much as good as the first time, every weekend. using at that rate, i didn't observe a major increase in tolerance over the six month period, and i never really experienced distracting cravings during the week - sure, you'd look forward to the weekend, but you look forward to the weekend for lots of reasons. but playing with dope is like playing with fire, and if your dad was addicted, you may be more predisposed to addiction yourself. having been there, done that, i'd recommend most folks stick to nice, non-addictive things like psychedelics, booze and pot.
I know you're looking for a bunch of posters to come here and answer all your questions nice and neatly saying, "I chip with no problem, don't have cravings, my life hasn't changed at all, no big deal, blah blah blah," but it's not going to happen because 99.9% of users can't do it.

Yup. I really hope you haven't made up your mind yet OP. I signed up on this website to basically ask the same question, or something along the lines of 'is it possible to use heroin without getting addicted?' (my first post on BL!), everyone told me that no, it wasn't, I wasn't stronger than any of them no matter what I may think now and I would get addicted eventually if I went down that road - I figured they just didn't know me well enough and didn't listen, and now I'm stuck trying to kick an IV habit and I'll reiterate that it wasn't fucking worth it. It's been about 9 months and it's already managed to suck all the happiness out of my life.
Yes, heroin feels incredible, but it stops feeling incredible very quickly and rather starts becoming something you need not to be miserable, let alone sick. Worst part is you don't even realise when it becomes a problem. Just be smarter and don't get started.