• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Benzydamine- NSAID, Stimulant, Psychedelic?


Jul 20, 2007
There was a mention in OD or BDD the other day about Benzydamine, which I had never heard of, so I did a little looking, and it seems pretty interesting.

Benzydamine Structure:

From Wikipedia:

Benzydamine, available as the hydrochloride, is a locally-acting nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug with local anaesthetic and analgesic properties providing both rapid and extended pain relief as well as a significant anti-inflammatory treatment for the painful inflammatory conditions of the mouth and throat.[1]

It selectively binds to inflamed tissues (Prostaglandinsynthase-inhibitor) is virtually free of any adverse systemic effects.

It may be used alone or as an adjunct to other therapy giving the possibility of increased therapeutic effect with little risk of interaction.

Also From Wikipedia:

Side effects

Benzydamine is well tolerated. Occasionally oral tissue numbness or stinging sensations may occur. Benzydamine may be abused recreationally.[3] In oral dosages of 750 mg to 2000 mg it is a deliriant and CNS stimulant, popular in Poland and Brazil. In Brazil it is very popular and many people use it for recreational purposes. A person in a benzydamine trip may experience a feeling of well-being, euphoria and in higher doses will hallucinate, paranoia, dry mouth and convulsions may also be experienced. The trip can last up to 8 hours, after that the user becomes tired and quiet, but sleeping is almost impossible. Abuse can cause ulcers, liver and kidney damage.

I don't know if it's okay to post links to other forums, but this is a report from "Mind and Muscle Forums"

Jan 14 2007, 09:27 AM

I took this shit for the first time in my life and gotta say it something you gays should try once.

i just entered a private rave party at my frinds apartment.....maybe 12 people on there....when i geit in he allready offers me Pure MDMA .I rejected....then he comes with alcohol, MJ and tobboco...But i wanted to stay clear for the night. i was planning on taking my BDO and have a good time. But then he comes and offers me BENFLOGIN ( benzydamine HCL ). i thought about 20 minutes with the box in my hands...so then i rememberd this thread and decide to take just so you guysknow what this is about.

1:00am Popped 20 pills, drank a cup of wine

2:00-3:00am start to see lightnings corssing over everybody and everything. they were green, yellow and blue...it doesn´t matter ahat i am looking at the lightinings are atill there. its a really aswome sights!!! start to see people dancing in slow motino and as i moved my hands passing in front of my eyes i would see a " matrix hand". No confusion Like with LSD. and grat ability to comunicate....I was having halucination and at the same time i was engaging in all types of conversation...talking like a mother fucke!! couldn´t stop to talk. this was like if i on some mother fucking didhinbiting stimulant. the mental clearness is ther and no wird feeling trough you bodys...basically you get only more agitated but mind clearness stays the sama.

3:00-6:00am I start to get really bored...the halucinations start to get stronger as i am seing much more lights, a "smoke" coming from peoples bodies,and start seing mouths moving even though the person was a sleep. at this time i am really tired on my body but my brain i super alert, i am still talking to everybody. i start feeling the agony that LSD brings with it...at this time i was feeling excatly like on a good dose of LSD: body tired, minf wake and halucinatiosn...( halucinations stay the whole time...they don´t just come and go.....they stay alive the whole trip so it starts to get really boring) the up from this molecule is that your mind
is perfectly fine..its like if i was sober the whole time but just halucination.....no euphotia unlti now and no "mystical" or profund thoughts like with LSD.

6:00 to 9:00 am ( end of party) now i start to get my energy from the start of the trip.....i start to dance again and this time i feel lighter, this body lightness gave me a litle euphria: i start to have serius memory lapses like what happens with MJ. halucinations are atill there all the time so i just got used to it and i am feeling this is just part of me...nothing i can do about it.

9:00 am til 12pm got home and cant sleep. so i start to hear music with my closed yes. The music just got really vivid, alive, slow motion just like with LSD.a started to have less open yees visual at rhis point and begin to have closed eye visual......halucination that dind´t make any sence...i saw a Lotus flower, i saw a arm punching me, i saw a strange creature. Nothing really WOW!! more like " what was that?? ". i cant sleep for nothng...i cant stopo moving my feet....i wanna freaking dance but i resist. halucinations at this exact time are here still but veryyyy weak and wakenfullness is really high. my friend calls me asking if i can go to sleep and i say that this is impossible...he took BENFLOGIN too and was in pure agony and in a total BAd trip. and i too am feeling big anogny ao i decide to put this to an end taking 1,4 bdo. took 3 m and felt really nice, it killed the agony and gave extreme euphoria and i began to dance again. by now the BDO is wearing off and i amPE! start to feel agony again so i am gonna take 5ml to sleep.

Overal all charateristcs : Halucinations all the time, the entire trip but nothing of a glowing experiece. you just see ramdom stufaf al the time that sometimes don´t make any sense. you stay with your mind completely sober and really clear and get really talkitive. you feel lots of agony and wish the trip to stop all the time. this is more like a fun halucinogen reather then a psychodelic trip with shroons or lsd. basically this fits more for recreatinal paties onnight clubs, raves etc sinse you get extremelly talkitive and want to talk to everybody. paranoia is ther to , body tempture rises, you have lots of tremors all over the body and feel eletric twichs that are identical to the GHB ones.

BENFLOGIN ressembles LSD in many things but they differ mainly for the intentions of the use> benflogin a halucigenic for recreational parties and LSD for a "trip" or whaterver else. benflogin would be best charaterise as "a recreational LSD". People that really enjoy tripping on LSD one in a while probabley would love this compund . for me i just found it a different experiece that is somewhat fun."

It sounds like an incredible compound for occasional use- but there's almost no information about receptor binding. This sounds like a serotonergic psychedelic / DARI - not like an anticholinergic/ DARI.

It's got the PEA skeleton in it, but so do hundreds of other substances, I suppose.

Any thoughts?
As it turns out, coincidentally, I've been working on the paper-synthesis of a molecule that looks similar to this one. Although I don't want to say any more on this subject in this thread because I don't want my ideas stolen by a pharma companies whose ethics I do not share.

[We should take this thread to a private channel...]
Theres no phenethylamine in that, looks and sounds more like diphenhydramine, both have the same ArC(H)O(CH2)xNMe2 unit except this is a propanolamine rather than ethanolamine.
i was going to say the same thing...obviously diphenhydramine is known for hallucinations at high dose as well
oops, you're right, the nitrogen is wrong. But besides two ringed structures joined by a carbon chain, this has almost nothing in common with diphenhydramine.


They could both be anticholinergics, but- assuming the author of the report knows what he's talking about- I doubt that's the cause.
What do you mean the nitrogen is wrong?

I meant the right hand side of the structure in your first post, they both have a benzylic dimethylaminoethyl or propyl ether.

The effects do sound more anticholinergic, strong hallucinations but feeling otherwise fairly sober, though they say at one point "at this time i was feeling excatly like on a good dose of LSD" the rest of it sounds nothing like acid.
looks to me like an anticholinergic with central stimulant properties (inhibiting DA and norepinephrine reuptake).

doesn't sound too safe to me, i might try it once but wouldn't take it repeatedly
ya this compound exhibits toxicity (or say wiki says), I don't think i'd even dahvul here
In that little trip report, I don't understand why the author claims he had such a wonderful experience at times then speaks of 'agony' and eventually has to GHB himself to end the trip. Anyway, from the description it doesn't sound all that enjoyable after the first hour. And if it has anticholinergic properties...yuck. There's nothing worse than an anticholinergic deliriant when it comes to tripping. Whenever I think of an anticholinergic, I am reminded of the part of Philip K. Dick's 'A Scanner Darkly,' where Freck tries to kill himself with a barbiturate overdose, but was sold anticholinergics instead...at least he had a good wine.
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^ yeah, really. He doesn't describe anticholinergic hallucinations, though, which is what lead me to think it might have had some 5HT2a affinity
Adrenochrome said:
As it turns out, coincidentally, I've been working on the paper-synthesis of a molecule that looks similar to this one. Although I don't want to say any more on this subject in this thread because I don't want my ideas stolen by a pharma companies whose ethics I do not share.

[We should take this thread to a private channel...]

Id like to see this if you dont mind.. Organic synthesis is one of my hobbies and my goals in life.

It doesn't seem to be an anticholinergic (well, from this report at least).
I wish there would be more reports; cause I'm really curious: are the hallucinations anticholinergic or serotoninergic?

I also wonder what causes the stimulation.
The report talks about being talkative and euphoric...
So it could be amphetamine-like; but caffeine also makes you talkative...

Anyway we cannot draw conclusions from ONE report...

I really wonder though; is it a miracle obscure drug with psychedelic and amphetamine-like properties?
Or just a medication that causes anticholinergic hallucinations and stimulates the CNS like Yohimbine; Caffeine; or any other shitty stimulants do...
There just isn't enough information about it at all, is there? But it's used in douches, right? I wonder how hard it would be to down one of those...
^ If you decide to beer-bong a douche or two to explore this compound, please post a video

This drug is widely available here where I live, and widely abused. I never used it, but I heard several reports saying that the effects are similar to those of large doses of anti-histaminic drugs, with the difference that the hallucinations are somewhat more benign... But on the other side, people often describe visual distortions like flickering lights, jolts of light, sparkles.. Perhaps the mechanism is both serotoninergic agonism and cholinergic antagonism.
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