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COVID: Anyone notice drug supply disruption in the US?


May 23, 2013
I'm just curious. I've read some stuff in the media about drug supply being disrupted, but the media lies about everything. Has anyone in the US noticed less drugs available, lower purity, and higher prices as a result of COVID? Reminder to not discuss specifics of price as it is against forum rules.

If so what drugs and what general region? I'm particularly interested in the supply of black market opioid pharmaceuticals, heroin and fent. But welcome all observations.
Weed is not dried up in Great Britain but seeing as we aren't a legal country its getting harder to secure a reasonable product
I half wish I still had a finger on the pulse of the dope scene in minneapolis, but I dont. I haven't heard anybody complaining about a drought at the methadone clinic, but that doesnt mean much

I can tell you the weed game is running stronger than ever. My guy says he has never been busier, and after trumpbucks came in, he moved multiple pounds in a couple days, just through little ounce and half ounce sales.

Surprisingly, it seems the summer EDM show type drugs are still coming back. Some unbelievably good molly and acid going around, even though there are no shows, obviously. THANKS OBAMA
the dispensaries here have been out of flower a couple weeks now. you can get oil, edible, etc tho

Wow I was about to say I seriously doubt weed has dried up in America... the legal states I've heard of are considering dispensaries essential businesses, like liquor stores. But I basically don't smoke weed anymore so I don't really have any idea I guess.

I don't get any drugs from the street, all my drugs are from the Internet, or alcohol. The issue I have seen is that inertnational mail is basically fucked, I have a letter that hasn't arrived (nor have I gotten a love letter from customs) for like 5 weeks now.

Plenty of liquor/beer/etc, the liquor stores are packed with customers and bottles. Though Everclear has been sold out since this thing started.

I'm jonesing for toilet paper though, my dealers have all been out since March. A package of TP costs more than a barrel of crude oil right now. Strange times we live in.

Turns out this guy was a visionary after all:

Yeah the dispensaries won't sell flowers now in my city if you don't have a card, however there is more than enough top quality flower in the black market at well below dispensary prices.
There is no real shortage, just greed by the "legal outlets".
I’m in the PNW. Heroin prices and availability hasn’t changed but meth and coke are very limited and doubled the prices. Shrooms is not a problem, k is no where to be found & weed at dispensaries goes by really fast.
I'm hearing the dope in Chicago has become some terrible synthetic bullshit with weird effects. I'd imagine coke is getting worse too, but coke was always bad up here. The only things we do good here in the US are weed and pharms, everything else we rely on Latin America and the Middle East for. Fascinating insight really, I sort of knew this before but had no idea it went this far.
I'm hearing the dope in Chicago has become some terrible synthetic bullshit with weird effects. I'd imagine coke is getting worse too, but coke was always bad up here. The only things we do good here in the US are weed and pharms, everything else we rely on Latin America and the Middle East for. Fascinating insight really, I sort of knew this before but had no idea it went this far.

This is correct, I live just north of there and it's terrible (cocaine for sure, fentanyl still seems to be decent) for the past month. The synthetic cocaine though is just terrible. I honestly don't know what these dealers plan to do after destroying their reputation with the fake garbage they are pushing.
Hello all, im here in the USA, deep south. We had about two weeks where weed got a little more scarce ,but went back to normal pretty fast.. the ice cream truck ran late and was not good for about a month. However, we have gotten that worked out. Pharmaceuticals are so scarce here that it is sad! Good luck everyone!
At least in Charlotte NC I haven't noticed much disruption. You can still find some nice flower and extracts if you look hard enough. Same with psychs, though DMT has become rare and heavily taxed, but that's the only big change I've noticed.
This is correct, I live just north of there and it's terrible (cocaine for sure, fentanyl still seems to be decent) for the past month. The synthetic cocaine though is just terrible. I honestly don't know what these dealers plan to do after destroying their reputation with the fake garbage they are pushing.

Yeah I don't plan on trying to get anything besides real pharms now. I'm sure the market will recover after this but I'm not going to try my luck for a while.
I'm in AZ and the crystal meth quality has been hit hard. It's improved dramatically over the last month, but consistency is still as issue. So far i've noticed 2 or more different "mystery" substances being passed off as meth, and boy is it scary how good the stuff looks. You'd never suspect it was anything but FIRE until you crush the first shard. Very brittle and crushes with little effort.
I half wish I still had a finger on the pulse of the dope scene in minneapolis, but I dont. I haven't heard anybody complaining about a drought at the methadone clinic, but that doesnt mean much

I can tell you the weed game is running stronger than ever. My guy says he has never been busier, and after trumpbucks came in, he moved multiple pounds in a couple days, just through little ounce and half ounce sales.

Surprisingly, it seems the summer EDM show type drugs are still coming back. Some unbelievably good molly and acid going around, even though there are no shows, obviously. THANKS OBAMA
Whats Obama got to do with it?
Wow I was about to say I seriously doubt weed has dried up in America... the legal states I've heard of are considering dispensaries essential businesses, like liquor stores. But I basically don't smoke weed anymore so I don't really have any idea I guess.

I don't get any drugs from the street, all my drugs are from the Internet, or alcohol. The issue I have seen is that inertnational mail is basically fucked, I have a letter that hasn't arrived (nor have I gotten a love letter from customs) for like 5 weeks now.

Plenty of liquor/beer/etc, the liquor stores are packed with customers and bottles. Though Everclear has been sold out since this thing started.

I'm jonesing for toilet paper though, my dealers have all been out since March. A package of TP costs more than a barrel of crude oil right now. Strange times we live in.

Turns out this guy was a visionary after all:

Wow I was about to say I seriously doubt weed has dried up in America... the legal states I've heard of are considering dispensaries essential businesses, like liquor stores. But I basically don't smoke weed anymore so I don't really have any idea I guess.

I don't get any drugs from the street, all my drugs are from the Internet, or alcohol. The issue I have seen is that inertnational mail is basically fucked, I have a letter that hasn't arrived (nor have I gotten a love letter from customs) for like 5 weeks now.

Plenty of liquor/beer/etc, the liquor stores are packed with customers and bottles. Though Everclear has been sold out since this thing started.

I'm jonesing for toilet paper though, my dealers have all been out since March. A package of TP costs more than a barrel of crude oil right now. Strange times we live in.

Turns out this guy was a visionary after all:

Im from the south and all the drugs here have been hit hard and when you do find it they are no good or sky high. Also people call this meth? Lol the 90's had the real meth this shit now days isn't worth a fuck. DMT is just now hitting the streets here