Help! Getting Amazon seller account back


Apr 5, 2021
So when I was much, much younger I sold a lot of stuff from around the house on Amazon. Unfortunately, maybe because of my age, I didn’t take being a good seller hat seriously and eventually my “score” fell below what it needs to be to sel on Amazon.

Many years ago, I tried writing them to convince them to re-open my account; I even showed them I have an eBay with a perfect score. But of course, things don’t sell as quickly on eBay as they do on Amazon…However, they refused to re-open my account and said they would not even consider it in the future. Now, you may be thinking I did something terrible while a seller but I really, really didn’t, besides just not take the deli g seriously enough (ie not mail things right away; I didn’t have my own mode of transportation then).

I’ve heard it’s not that difficult to reopen a seller account but I can’t figure out how to do that without usi someone else’s account, which I can’t really do right now.

If anyone has any advice on how to proceed, I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks:
You will need to consult a lawyer and/or an accountant for this but.

I belive you can get around you being the seller by registering a company, getting a company bank account and a business email.

Get your accountant to reccomend you a lawyer so you can beginto think about this.
Pretty sure you can get an agency to do this for you (at a cost obviously). Are you selling products you made? or Amazon FBA? What's the model?