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Have You Ever Overdosed? [and all overdose discussion/stories]

Od'd a handfull of times but the worst was a combination of a lot of Pregabalin, Morphine, Alcohol, and Cocaine where i spent 3 days in a coma

Heroin multiple times. It's scary and painful

fentanyl- blacked out, don't remember

methadone & temazepam = Felt really good. Didn't care I was OD'ing until I was put into the hospital.

In what way does heroin OD hurt? I would have imagined the opposite was true (what with it being a very potent pain-killer). I've OD'd on heroin/oxy/morphine to the extent that I have injected them and then immediately nodded off into unconsciousness but I've always just woken up an hour or two later and been fine.
The only time I have ever overdosed properly was on barbiturates and it was intentional.

It was a very bad time in my life and I was made homeless again. After having been homeless for three years on-and-off I just couldn't handle it again on top of everything else going on in my life.
I went to the public library to listen to my favourite music on YouTube on their computers while I waited to OD. The library has toilets where there's one room with a toilet, sink etc and you can lock yourself in. Once I felt the pills kick in I was going to go into one to die. It was 10am and nobody would know the same person was locked in there all day until security checked when the library closed 7 hours later.
I took a lot of Phenobarbital and suddenly felt it kick in. The speed with which it hit me is what saved my life. I went to get up and go into the bathroom and fell backwards off my chair before I could even stand up. Everything went black and I fell unconscious as I hit the floor (in what seemed like slow motion).
I woke up 4 days later on a ventilator in intensive care.
Later I was told that paramedics had arrived within 5 minutes of my OD and that I had already been in a coma when they arrived.

I hate saying this part, because I don't wanna encourage people to follow suit, but it was probably the nicest possible way to go. Before losing consciousness I just felt extremely calm and had an overwhelming sense of peace before rapid losing consciousness in a way that just felt like falling asleep.
The only time I have ever overdosed properly was on barbiturates and it was intentional.

It was a very bad time in my life and I was made homeless again. After having been homeless for three years on-and-off I just couldn't handle it again on top of everything else going on in my life.
I went to the public library to listen to my favourite music on YouTube on their computers while I waited to OD. The library has toilets where there's one room with a toilet, sink etc and you can lock yourself in. Once I felt the pills kick in I was going to go into one to die. It was 10am and nobody would know the same person was locked in there all day until security checked when the library closed 7 hours later.
I took a lot of Phenobarbital and suddenly felt it kick in. The speed with which it hit me is what saved my life. I went to get up and go into the bathroom and fell backwards off my chair before I could even stand up. Everything went black and I fell unconscious as I hit the floor (in what seemed like slow motion).
I woke up 4 days later on a ventilator in intensive care.
Later I was told that paramedics had arrived within 5 minutes of my OD and that I had already been in a coma when they arrived.

I hate saying this part, because I don't wanna encourage people to follow suit, but it was probably the nicest possible way to go. Before losing consciousness I just felt extremely calm and had an overwhelming sense of peace before rapid losing consciousness in a way that just felt like falling asleep.
my god, that's a sad story :( i hope you're better and have found a home now
OD'd on propoxyphene once. Incredibly high heart rate and panic. It mite have just been caused by cannabis, but I felt like I was dying. Went to ER, Poison Control was called, doctor bitched me out, I'm still glad that drug is gone
I injected a eyeball measured dose of MDMA once and that felt like an “I’m dead on my feet” overdose. I’ve never felt so much fear and dread in my entire life. Fortunately it subsided in 2-3 minutes just as I made it to the phone to call an ambulance (which I then didn’t do).

Besides that injecting 0.5 g of meth not knowing it was from a new batch overamped me totally for several hours. Knocked me on my ass in a public restroom and caused me to literally glow red and pour sweat for at least 3 hours in the middle of winter. I couldn’t see straight or focus and could barely walk. When I just barely got it together I just walked around the city for hours in 5 degree centigrade weather in a t-shirt complaining about the heat.

On overdosing heroin after taking amphetamines I just passed out, smashed into 3 or 4 walls of the toilet cubicle on the way down and woke up a few hours later in a hospital where I proceeded to vomit and then dry retch for 6 hours.
I ODed on meth once. I was a total dumbass, and hit my bowl 3 HUGE times back to back - without stopping for oxygen... so just the lack of oxygen is going to cause a reaction at that point. I did it inside my walk in closet, home alone. Just got off work, ready to get blasted. I walked out of the closet and halfway collapsed on my bed while my vision blacked out and I felt pins and needles all over, extremities felt like they were going to sleep, or no circulation feeling. I walked down the hall with my phone in my hand, trying to think of who I know that I can call who does meth. I only knew one other person that did it. I kept having to lean against the wall in my hallway because my vision was going in and out (blacking out.) By the time I got to the living room, my heart was beating OUTSIDE of my chest. Faster and harder than any humans heart should ever beat. My head was pulsating and the pressure on the sides of my head felt as if my head were to explode any second. With a heart and a head about to explode, vision going in and out, pins and needles all over - and I actually started to drive to the hospital (very close by) but I didn’t because I wasn’t well enough to drive. This all happened very, very fast.
The moment I knew I couldn’t drive, I pictured my children growing up to discover their mother overdosed on meth and died. That thought drove me to call 911. But while the operator had me on hold, I cried out to God with all my heart because I didn’t think I’d live til the ambulance came. Once I established clear connection with God, like it all just, went away. I canceled the ambulance. I was fine. Except something must’ve chemically went haywire because I had panic attacks every other day, then every week, month, they ended about 6 months later and never came back (unless I’m in opioid withdrawals) and other than that, I’m fine. No lasting damage.

Interesting, can you actually cancel an ambulance or do they have to investigate (like a call for police assistance -- which i don't think can be canceled)?
OD'd on propoxyphene once. Incredibly high heart rate and panic. It mite have just been caused by cannabis, but I felt like I was dying. Went to ER, Poison Control was called, doctor bitched me out, I'm still glad that drug is gone

That reminds me! I do tell a lie (not really, I just forgot :/ lol)

Well before I ever used a drug (apart from I'd smoked weed here and there) I had just gotten out of hospital after being detoxed from alcohol. I had had a seizure and bit a chunk out of my tongue. Fortunately my dad came home from work like 10 mins later so he took me to hospital. I was in A&E (Emergency Room) for a couple hours then my name was called to be seen. I remember getting up and my legs shaking so bad everyone was staring. Next thing I know I'm being told as I was walking across to the nurse I had a massive grand mal seizure. It went on for over six minutes, despite a nurse having first injected me with Lorazepam (2mg) and then Diazepam (5mg) and they had to put me into a Phenobarbital coma before I died. I actually have moderate brain damage to this day due to hypoxia (you don't breath during a seizure so 6+ minutes is not good). It was also so violent (on them hard tiled hospital floors) I broke six ribs, cracked open my left orbital socket, dislocated my left shoulder and fractured my right wrist in 2 place.
They decided to keep me in and detox me safely (the maximum dose of Chlordiazapoxide/Librium - 50mg every 2 hours - did NOTHING so they had to give me 2.5mg Lorazepam every three hours and 3mg Haloperidol every 4 hours) in the hospital due to the extreme severity of the withdrawal. They said if I had had that seizure anywhere but in a hospital I would have definitely died.
Sorry, going off on a tangent, but it also explains why (after being on morphine in hospital) I was sent home with a prescription for codeine.

About 3 days later I had not slept at all and I remembered how the codeine made me kinda sleepy so I decided to keep taking it until it made me sleepy enough to sleep. I wasn't trying to get high and knew NOTHING about opioids at the time.
I took about 240mg (yeah, not that much) over 90mins or so. Suddenly I felt very very hot. My skin was bright right and itched so bad I was bleeding from writhing at my skin. I felt very week, too. I looked in the bathroom mirror because my eyes felt weird and puffy and my whole face was swelling up, especially around my eyes.
I also had extreme diarrhoea (I know...from CODEINE...but I did) and suddenly I had to lie on the floor and was so week I couldn't even sit up. I shouted of my parents to call an ambulance.
They had to carry me to the ambulance. They took my blood pressure and then I got scared because the PARAMEDIC looked really freaked out. They gave me an injection to raise my blood pressure and my mam came and they told her my blood pressure was 42/26. She was like OMG and the paramedic said "we brought it up to that. It was worse when we got here"

I was kept in hospital for 24 hours on lots of fluids and lots of anti-histamines and fortunately got better pretty quickly.
For the most part I've actually almost never overdosed in a way that might be serious (as in life threatening)

I've had 2 potentially serious drug overdoses or near misses.

The first was deliberate, my suicide attempt in early 2011.

It wasn't planned, I'd been suicidal a couple years. And something had happened that upset me and I just decided I'd had enough.

So I took a bunch of drugs, mostly opioids, plus a ton of alcohol. I was also gonna cut myself but I never got to that point because I took so much I lost consciousness very quickly.

I woke up in the hospital. They moved me to the mental health ward after I was stable. I then spent some time in a psych hospital and then was discharged.

The 2nd time, woulda been mid 2017? I'm still not entirely sure how this happened.

I was with my then bf, we were both serious heroin addicts and we both used together. Pretty much we always had our shots together and did everything together. Like a combined heroin habit between the two of us.

He would generally mix up our shots, like sometimes we'd mix them up individually but often he'd mix up for the 2 of us (or more if we were with other addicts) and give me my shot. Mainly cause we usually used his connections and he would meet the dealer and get our drugs.

Anyway one morning I had my shot, and then the next thing I remember is my BF trying to wake me up about 20-30 minutes later. Fortunately both of us had a huge habit, so I wasn't about to die or anything, but apparently I'd somehow gotten a shot that contained enough heroin for me, him, and a third person, all at once. He explained how it happened but I don't remember the specifics.

Anyway, it had to have been at least a solid gram or more of heroin in a single shot.

I was so out of it I could barely stay conscious. Probably would have easily killed someone else.

Anyway, I was OK, but it was a close call. It was enough for me, him and a third person we used with, me or him woulda likely been ok but if the third person had gotten that shot it almost certainly woulda killed him without medical intervention.

So yeah, close call.

There were also a few times when I was first getting hard into opioids when I felt like I was on the edge, but those are the primary 2 examples I can think of.

Fentanyl isn't a problem where I live and the heroin is usually of pretty stable quality, and I've had a decent tolerance for most of my years on heroin, so for the most part overdoses or near miss overdoses have been rare.
Yes, but I got really lucky. I sat down in the shower to wake up a bit, and I sure did - over 24 hours later.
The entire apartment was water damaged, I had puked and shit myself and herniated two discs in my neck.
Motherfucking champion.
In what way does heroin OD hurt? I would have imagined the opposite was true (what with it being a very potent pain-killer). I've OD'd on heroin/oxy/morphine to the extent that I have injected them and then immediately nodded off into unconsciousness but I've always just woken up an hour or two later and been fine.
Precipitated wifhdrawL suckz even for non dependent users. Always makes me cry
Precipitated wifhdrawL suckz even for non dependent users. Always makes me cry

I'm not sure how precipitated withdrawal could happen without dependence..

Not saying it doesn't exist. Just that I wasn't aware it existed.
I'm not sure how precipitated withdrawal could happen without dependence..

Not saying it doesn't exist. Just that I wasn't aware it existed.
Yeah if you are on a strong opioid, especially OD level and given narcan you will have precipitated wd even if its your first time
Yeah if you are on a strong opioid, especially OD level and given narcan you will have precipitated wd even if its your first time

Interesting. I would expect any withdrawal to wear off pretty fast. Since your body doesn't think it needs such a crazy amount more opioids than it has.
Precipitated wifhdrawL suckz even for non dependent users. Always makes me cry

That's not the OD causing that, though. That's the narcan causing that.
Never had narcan but whenever I'd shoot up (or just use) opioids when I was an alcohol (I was BADLY alcohol-dependant - like a gallon of wine and two pints of vodka every day, plus up to a dozen beers) I'd sometimes write on my chest "NO NARCAN/OPIOID BLOCKERS IF I'M BREATHING" lol because of horror stories about getting narcan'd - being in precipitated withdrawal, and then being too sick to get out and score again.
I've overdosed 4 or 5 times, each time extremely lucky to be alive and saved by mere chance. I mean, one time they had to put me over their shoulder and rush me to the hopistal as it was quicker than an ambulance and I was already turning blue by the time I wasfound, or another, where I was driving and happened to pull off into a parking lot and gently drift into a woman's parked car who called paramedics. Or the time I was waaaay out in the boonies at this chick's house and she had said she had no narcan, thankfully she actually did.
Both those two times the fent was so strong, I had to be narcanned again after an hour or two one time as I fell back out and started oding again with just what was left in my system, the other time I got a nice high out of it after the WD went away, without using more
i'm pretty sure the amount of time my brain has gone with low oxygen from od's on top of how many times i've hit my head are the reason why i'm dumb as fuck now lmao