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Heroin How strong to snort powdered substances?


Nov 29, 2021
not just h but any substance that is in powder form and is snorted as ROA, how strong should the snorting be? You don't want the powder to go into your lungs obviously so I do short and weak snorts to just get it, I assume, in the upper part of my nose...I don't know, is there a way to snort correctly?
I wonder whether (pure and non-caustic) substances will damage the lung if one snorts too hard? In the end they get dissolved and taken up into the bloodstream completely so it shouldn't be too bad to get some in your lungs?

I usually snort pretty strong for the stuff not dripping out of my nose again, but I rarely got a drip down the throat, so I guess the majority remained in the nasal cavities.
not just h but any substance that is in powder form and is snorted as ROA, how strong should the snorting be? You don't want the powder to go into your lungs obviously so I do short and weak snorts to just get it, I assume, in the upper part of my nose...I don't know, is there a way to snort correctly?
Are you snorting h4 or afghan h3? Cause for the h3 I would consider smoking it off of tin foil.

Now for snorting, you can snort pretty hard with all the classic drugs, they dont get up your lungs that easily, and a lil bit is no prob.
I wonder whether (pure and non-caustic) substances will damage the lung if one snorts too hard? In the end they get dissolved and taken up into the bloodstream completely so it shouldn't be too bad to get some in your lungs?

I usually snort pretty strong for the stuff not dripping out of my nose again, but I rarely got a drip down the throat, so I guess the majority remained in the nasal cavities.
It's basically impossible to snort stuff into your lungs, as far as I know. The body is pretty good at stopping solid particles from getting in there.
The concern is not really with insufflating something into your lungs. What you're trying to avoid is insufflating with so much force that the powder ends up in the back of your throat, which basically means it will be swallowed and then processed orally, leading to a lower overall bioavailability and a less potent effect.

The mucous membranes of the sinus are the target area. The interior walls if you will, of the sinuses are moist with this mucous and the goal is for the powder to come into contact with this mucous and then be absorbed through said mucous membranes. If you pull too hard, you will end up with the powder in the back of your throat.

I'm not going to say it's an idiot-proof process, but if you go steady, not too hard and not too soft, you should be able to figure it out.
Comes down to person, drug used, how powdered said drug is, etc.

Some people have different sinuses, resulting in more or less bypassing of nasal membranes. Certain drugs just come more powdered (APBs will go right into the lungs they are often do fine.) And of course how milled the drug is, a crystal won’t make it as far as a fine powder.

I snort with decent force, but not like you see in the movies. Maybe twice the speed of a normal breath. Obviously exhale your lungs beforehand to allow for enough vacuum time.

I don't know if a picture will be as helpful to you as an explanation. If you would like a picture, google Nasal Mucosa and something usable will probably pop up.

The nasal mucosa line the interior of the sinuses, so there is nowhere specifically to "aim for". The nostrils and the interior of the nose itself are not the target. You are only trying to insufflate the powder past the nostrils. It is really a pretty easy process. I think once you have done it a couple of times you'll be surprised.

I would recommend placing your straw or banknote so that it is essentially inside of your nostril, close to the opening of the sinus. Take a good inhale from your nose, generally a quick sniff is plenty. So long as it doesn't fall back out the straw, you should be fine. You will likely sniff continually for a few minutes after snorting as the powder shifts inside the sinus. I don't think you will have a problem dude.