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Miscellaneous Ideas on Amanita muscaria uses?

Shame on me that I have never tried amanita.

One wonders why there´s no muscimol analogs RCs out there

Look, even the molecule looks deceptively simple. C'mon chemist of the XXI century...

So basically... heat and maybe add some juice to accelerate the process. I'm curious what traditional peoples did to prepare this. I'm aware that in Siberia they drank reindeer urine from the animals who consumed amanitas, so that their bodies did the pre-processing for them.

No reindeer in these parts and the prospect of drinking urine does not sound great... but your description still makes amanitas sound precarious if not prepared properly. This does not give license to them being "misunderstood" but actually makes it seem like they are quite well understood in the risks of taking them improperly.

Great post btw, especially your description of the high. I would love to feel that infinity feeling without all the distracting and illusory imagery. It's one thing that sometimes annoys me about psilocybin species and the other psychedelics. It's difficult to meditate on them because they won't visually STFU.

Hello Psychonaughts!

Someone I met has an academic interest in the collection of reindeer urine. I have figured out how to concentrate mushroom in reindeer, but cannot see how to persuade a reindeer to urinate in a receptacle.

You don't have to, just follow them around till they relieve themselves and suck the snow / dirt there. It won't take much at all.
Whole dried amanita muscaria are quite good tasting. I mainly eat them for the flavor and just keep the dose low enough where I don't get many effects. I dry them overnight in a 200 F oven.
is there any proof that oral ibotenic acid is actually dangerous? As a hydrophilic glutamate receptor agonist, it reminds me of MSG, which also has been called neurotoxic, despite the neurotoxicity only occuring in cases where it is directly injected into the brain.
Side note, pure synthetic muscimol is becoming available in the united states, by a well known cannabinoid company. I've yet to try any but I am curious.

I've eaten dried chips before at a low dose. It was very relaxing. The fresh mushroom i find beautiful but disgusting
Whole dried amanita muscaria are quite good tasting. I mainly eat them for the flavor and just keep the dose low enough where I don't get many effects. I dry them overnight in a 200 F oven.

So....you're saying like party up in your crib next weekend?

They have a dubious reputation because of exactly that, the fact treat them like they would the psilocybin ones. It's important to consider them a whole different animal, because unless you want some extremely intense and unpleasant states, one needs to actually perform some kitchen chemistry on these in order to get the most out of 'em, and make for a physically pleasant experience, utterly mind-shredding as they will be nevertheless. Though if you insist on a comparison, imagine that with the magic mushrooms psilocin was indeed the portal into endless possibility, but that its prodrug psilocybin were toxic. That's what we're dealing with here.

And if you prepare 'em well, you have a substance that, through mechanisms still not well understood, invokes an experience quite reminiscent of the dissociative experience. It shouldn't be, considering the GABA-ergic emphasis within its psychopharmacology, yet for contextualizing within the total scope of exotic mental states what it does to the human mind there's no nearer category of effects. But it's quite the convenient distance removed yet near. It's the both the right proximity that allows meaningful and effective cross-potentiation, and both the right remoteness for having dissimilar enough effects summed. The dissociatives deepen with their clinical exactitude core aspects within the fungal psychomorphosis. And in turn the fungus adds organic aspects into the cold frankensteinian mindspace, a certain perennial biological interconnectedness that really isn't provided for by molecules being basically pepper married with nylon precursor and petrochemicals.

So you want to chemically cleave off a molecule of CO2 first. You don't want to just dry them, you want to do so at the proper temperature for decarboxylation without side-effects. And you don't want to ingest them (you can, but aside from nausea your trip will have weird instances of self-similarity as if to impress you with the realization you have eaten your own flesh), instead of exerting dominance by complete biological encapsulation, it provides a healthier relationship between your chemistry and creature's from the onset by organizing a forum in the form of a heated, aqueous environment which the common teacup could hold. Seriously though, tea is better, it will provide an additional breakdown of the ibotenic acid into muscimol. At that point you can also chemically aid this reaction by adding lemon juice. But note that adding juices will makes things harder once you recognize your liver as the best decarboxylation process in this list, and perform the radical yet logically implied act of urophagia. Also note that combining with dissociatives is to be done at the end of performing this biohack, as the metabolites of dissociatives are rather nephrotoxic, if another reason had to be provided apart from the horrendous taste.

I'm scared of them nowadays. Nothing else lets you see into infinity, not without a world of melting and fractal and other compartmentalizing fireworks, but seeing into infinity with a mind as clear as a sober one, if it weren't for the feeling of space that's indeed off as in Alice's Wonderland, size being a choice. The size of objects, and the size of mind. That's two of the reasons they're compared to dissociatives, textbook dissociative symptoms combined with a clean and seamless transition into baseline waking consciousness, even if the fabric of reality has just been ruptured and a complete dream state has bled into reality supernaturally weaving together the before and after.
There is a series made by Channel4 called 'Sacred Weeds', which covered 4 different, lesser known psychoactive plants, with spiritual use (Salvia, henbane, fly agaric and nine blue lotus). They are really informative programs, other than not giving details on how to prepare fly agaric (the times I've tried, the fly agaric turned into slimes mess). It's a pity, as they seem really interesting...
Thiomuscimol is supposed to be x10 the potency of muscimol. But the references are OLD and not human trials. One day someone will taste it. Likely not in my lifetime.

Series: Acta Chemica Scandinavica vol. 30b
Title: Structural Analogues of GABA. Synthesis of 5-Aminomethyl-3-isothiazolol (Thiomuscimol).
Author(s): Lykkeberg, Jytte ;Krogsgaard-Larsen, Povl ;Garegg, Per J. ;Norberg, Thomas ;Pilotti, Anne-Marie ;Anthonsen, T.
Publisher: Danish Chemical Society
Year: 1976
Pages: 781--785
DOI: 10.3891/acta.chem.scand.30b-0781

Series: Journal of Labelled Compounds vol. 36 iss. 9
Title: Synthesis and receptor binding of 5-amino[3H]2methyl-3-isothiazolol ([3H]thiomuscimol), a specific GABAa agonist photoaffinity label
Author(s): B. Frølund; B. Ebert; L. W. Lawrence; S. D. Hurt; P. Krogsgaard-Larsen
Year: 1995 September
Pages: 877--889
DOI: 10.1002/jlcr.2580360909

Series: Neurochemistry International vol. 34 iss. 5
Title: Equilibrium binding characteristics of [3H]thiomuscimol
Author(s): B. Ebert; B. Frølund; N.H. Diemer; P. Krogsgaard-Larsen
Year: 1999 May
Pages: 427--434
DOI: 10.1016/s0197-0186(99)00038-8