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IV Ecstacy??

IV mdma can be really overwhelming If you take too much. Huge bellringer with nausea, headache and not able to walk at All for 15minutes. And thats it, when you shoot it, it IS very short acting and you start to crash in an hour. Not so fun...
But snorting it when The IV Rush is gone is good way to avoid crashing so fast.
Oral or plugged MDMA is the way to go. Smoking and shooting MDMA are actually less enjoyable.
It gave me the most vivid and realistic hallucinations I have ever had.
I literally could not tell what was real and what was not.
This went on for over 6 hours.
At high dosages it will also raise your body temp a lot, I was feeling warm and sweating in a tshirt while in the woods at night with less than 5C and medium wind.

yup me too

love it - it's one of my favorites for sure
In the 90s a whole group of people were kind of evangelical about plugging MDMA. Don't know the details but they were insistent that it was the way to go. Any parenteral route will avoid first-pass metabolism so essentially none of the MDMA is N-demethylated to MDA so I would imagine the effect is slightly different. This was before forums advised people on such matters so who knows who tried it first.

Could have been they had low quality E with only 80mg in it and they figured how to get the hit of double dropping from a smaller dose.