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Lucid dreaming/sleep paralysis/astral projection

I have only experienced sleep paralysis after abusing serotonin releasers. It happened for a few nights after an MDMA binge, and back when I used to take AMT very often, I'd experience it the night or two after a binge. I have never experienced the "old hag" entity, thankfully. It's never felt like anything was there with me, instead it is like I suddenly wake up except my body is still asleep. It feels like the feeling when your leg falls asleep and starts to wake up, that insanely strong buzzing sensation, along with a rushing/falling feeling. Each time it's happened, I have felt a sense of panic, and worked to slowly start to move something, typically I would twitch my leg until it would fall off the side of the bed, and that would snap me out of it. Then I'd fall back to sleep and proceed to have extremely vivid, lucid or nearly lucid dreams. Typically the subject matter would be something apocalyptic, either in a literal sense or in a personal sense. The most vivid and disturbing one involved my eyeball disintegrating and my parents took me to an insane asylum and I realized that my whole life as I remembered it was just the ravings of a madman, and that I was actually insane and a tremendous burden to my family. I couldn't wake up from it, and was fully aware I was dreaming, and eventually I started to believe it. Never been so glad to wake up from a dream before.
One of my more recent intense dreaming experiences, was a dream within a dream. In the first dream I was fighting something, for my very life, I felt my flailing my arms and speaking to it in reality but I was still stuck in the dream. I felt like I woke up and started going about my day. But things were just, different, and weird. I don't remember exactly what happened, but eventually I woke up for real and realized what I had experienced somewhat. I need to start a dream journal. And I need to get some dream catchers.
Usually I stop using thc products for 1-4 weeks every year depending on my doctors ever varying opinion. During these breaks the lucid dreams and just dream recall in general is so intensified it's like a psychedelic experience on its own.

My perspective has always been it is going on while using THC but because of short term memory recall issues also created by THC I only experience it if I am awakened during much shorter REM cycles. Because those of us using THC medically must build better memory analogies and ways of moving short term memories into long term more successfully, once we are no longer inhibited by THC we have a few weeks of near perfect dream recall (probably 5% vs 1% but it feels amazing).

That being said I still have dreams that break through and are fully recalled in the morning and occasional lucid dreams.

Is there a term for dreams that are not lucid but evoke powerful emotional responses?

Eg. I was walking my dog waiting at the curb to cross a busy street mid block. I looked right at traffic and my dog, turned left, turned back right and saw my father on the leash instead of my dog. I suddenly had to urgently take it off him. He immediately ran into traffic. The dream shifted and I only remember this tiny piece.

Besides all the psychological issues obviously spinning in my head this tiny vignette seemed to stand out when I recalled it later that day not upon waking.
In my experience, though I doubt many others will have it, there is a certain phenomenon- it seems -where the astral body can become dislodged.

The energy body, etheric body, light body, and so on, seem to stack in a certain formation. Each superimposed within a certain structure that composes the housing of the bodies within the aura. But in my experience, my astral body became "dislodged" and remained so for approximately 6 and a half years.

After my astral body became dislodged, I found my perspective to be designated within a bizarre "realm" which I referred to as The Tundra. What happened over the course of about a year or so was I spent just about every single day trapped between reality and this daydream, experiencing a portion of my life within the Tundra.

It was sometime after an OBE that my daydreams reached an extreme, and somewhere later down the line that I became quite good at astral projecting. But it has taken 6 years or so to re-merge my astral body with my physical one. hahaha. WOW. Glad it's finally over.
Weird I just saw this post. Just had lucid dreaming & also sleep paralysis last night for the first time in forever and ever.
Seems to me, seizing control of a lucid experience, be it a dream or astral projection is probably about expanding awareness - filling up a sort of reserve tank to establish your own dream rules and such.

I used to be on a Facebook astral group where people would sometimes talk about things like going through solid objects. I remember some of my first attempts at doing such a thing. It seemed remarkably easier in astral.

Last night I was afforded with two astral projection opportunities and I managed to phase through both a glass door and the roof of a house. Despite having done things like this, I kept asking myself, "is this really a dream?" "What if I shouldn't do this, because 'what if I'm not dreaming'?"
Seems to me, seizing control of a lucid experience, be it a dream or astral projection is probably about expanding awareness - filling up a sort of reserve tank to establish your own dream rules and such.

I used to be on a Facebook astral group where people would sometimes talk about things like going through solid objects. I remember some of my first attempts at doing such a thing. It seemed remarkably easier in astral.

Last night I was afforded with two astral projection opportunities and I managed to phase through both a glass door and the roof of a house. Despite having done things like this, I kept asking myself, "is this really a dream?" "What if I shouldn't do this, because 'what if I'm not dreaming'?"
Watch out for them security guards, you might be astrally trespassing ;)
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Watch out for them security guards, you might astrally trespassing ;)
I used to have a cat to help me with that.

In fact, one of my earliest OBE's involved my cat, Pepper, jumping up on my lap while I was meditating on a recliner in my parent's shed. As soon as he jumped onto my lap I was already out of body, hovering just slightly dislodged from my physical body, or unhinged- rather. Foreigner said in one of his posts that while astral projecting, some may notice they have a 360 panoramic view and for some reason I was able to see my cat, without opening my eyes and looking down. What happened next was bizarre: I suddenly became aware that my cat looked sort of like a spider. It's hard to explain, but what I actually saw was my cat's potential movements being done with shadow-like appendages. This continued until he laid down.

It got me thinking about Carl Sagan's book The Dragons of Eden. There is a set of pages in that book that is very interesting: https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=UVxC4fqu&id=46583271EB189C084EF63C8EB832058DCF04F057&thid=OIP.UVxC4fquJB6Ep4MXt5jKPgHaFj&mediaurl=https://i.etsystatic.com/12830911/r/il/0b1370/1650658070/il_fullxfull.1650658070_l3lq.jpg&cdnurl=https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.515c42e1faae241e84a78317b798ca3e?rik=V%2fAEz40FMriOPA&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&exph=675&expw=900&q=carl+sagan+brain+dragon's+of+eden&simid=608023487911702116&FORM=IRPRST&ck=462202AA8D7C01E74A1A02141A5A09D1&selectedIndex=110&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0

I'm quite sure what I saw from those shadow-like appendages has something to do with that image of a brain slice (with depictions). Notice, for example, how the thumbs are unusually large. The size and proportions of each individual character was meant to depict the relative importance the brain puts on them. I honestly believe I saw my cat's "shadow" (refer to Carl Jung's interpretation of the shadow for more information) that day and since have seen other living thing's shadows as well.

Unfortunately, Pepper passed away some years ago. On his last leg, he attempted to get us to let him in, while we were all asleep, because I found him on the back deck. I'm so grateful for all the things that little gray guy taught me. His lessons were powerful.
get sleep paralysis pretty regularly. I've seen the demon, or "shadow hag" or whatever a few times. It usually presents itself as kind of a faceless shadow person, either standing by my door or standing right over me. I can usually feel it's breath, and sense it's presence. This I'll never get used to. It hasn't happened in a while thank God, but it's as terrifying as it sounds for those who haven't experienced it.

Sometimes when I leave my body I just kinda get stuck buzzing around in my room, and other nights I go up into the sky. My astral projection experiences are kinda fuzzy and hard to remember, but I've been trying to work on controlling it a little more and exploring further.
I never got into astral projection cause I feel there's some evil/dangerous thing about it,
I know I can do it cause I've had sleep paralysis a good amount of times, I've felt the typical symptoms of the beginning process of astral projection and... I lucid dream quite often.

I noticed that I have sleep paralysis since my first DMT breakthrough, I did before, during adolescence but stood quite a long time without having any. Mine sometimes are incredibly creepy, and sometimes I got spirits/astral attacks during the phases prior to paralysis, it's very difficult to explain (and difficult to believe), but if you want I can share that.

Also, I'm noticing now something very curious, that I don't like at all.
let's call them succubus but it's not really that, it's more like a demonic presence morphed like a sex bait. Now I generally catch them before they can set a trap for me and generally I despise them or I just break through to the consensual reality as soon as possible.
The thing is that those sex baits are there to prevent me to stay there, in the dream world, lucidly. I'm pretty sure about that because it has happened to me several times, the last time today, it was so incredibly obvious it was that.
I even commited the mistake to ask "her" who she was, I heard a feminine demonic voice with absolutely no meaning, then I was sure what "she" was...
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Don't talk to them-talk about demonic creatures.You must be quite as possible-well,that's come from our folklor,not my personal experience.....
Don't talk to them-talk about demonic creatures.You must be quite as possible-well,that's come from our folklor,not my personal experience.....
I don't know if you ever felt that
I discovered something important some years ago, since then I have a clear opinion about what's going on in some lucid dreams. I guess those creatures know I know, so they started getting into my experiences. I feel that they just don't want to me to explore those worlds.

They morph because they want to make me feel guilty or ashamed, I guess it's the way they work. I really don't think it's my mind at all, it's so incredibly complex you wouldn't believe.

The problem with the succubus-like creatures is that they inspire powerful libido, just for being there, so it's pretty difficult to avoid them altogether. Once you try to do something with them they morph into something/one you don't like or they create situations on which you feel bad, or most times, they create into you some kind of emotional disturbance that is enough to get you out of the lucid dream (and that's the specific point of their appearance).
I don't summon them, they just appear as "sent".
Don't talk to them-talk about demonic creatures.You must be quite as possible-well,that's come from our folklor,not my personal experience.....
Oh excuse, me now I re-read your message and got that you meant QUIET
yeah, I know that those beings are not something to play with unless you're very prepared,

I remember a very "funny" time when I was going up an amazing white/cerullean stairway (very big and wide steps) and around there was some enormous cypresses and marble mansions, amazing place. Then I reached upside and it was more like an old village with cottage-like houses, then I got into one that had a red door, it really blew my mind how red the door was and then inside was an old woman with a stove.
I started talking with her, I don't remember what I told her but I felt that I shouldn't even start interacting...
well, she started to talk in normal old woman voice and then her voice went fully demonic. I wasn't used to that (was the first time it happent in lucid dreams) and then I just told her: "please, stop talking like that, otherwise I'm going to start thinking you're some kind of evil being, it makes no sense.":ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::sneaky:
Then it felt like time stopped and her face started shapeshifting in a bad way, I tried to get out of the house and then bit after the dream stopped...
Don't know nothing about lucid dreaming.In old times people here believe,that you can encounter "demons"-they may look like humans....almost the same....but you know,that they aren't humans.They can be a dozen and singin,dancing and climb upon you.That is folklor.In my dreams and reality i got sometimes attacks from somwthing,that has no form....may be energies,bad toughs,which torment your spirit-that's the way Orthodox xhristianity explains this.....there is a colorful beautiful paintings on the outer walls of almost all monastery churches depict this creatures,Hell & The Judgement day.......just another level of human's understanding of unknown.My believes avout this come from personal experience with my wake&sleep mode.They could be some kind of "projections" of my enemy or helpers.Anyway anything that bothers and hurt your spirit could be demonic.That's why we got so much different prayers.Look our version of Bible-The Orthodox.I don't know how is translate Psalom 108 or even is he exist at all in king James variant,but that is one of the most horrible cursing I've ever know.It was never read in the church 'cause it's too......horrible and unproper for service,despite other psaloms are reading every morning in temple.....Nasty stuff.....man is ugly from the inside often,a true monster
I've been looking into shifting and waking into your desired reality. Supposedly you can use subliminal messages to help. Seems pretty possibly according to the comments on YouTube lol
I never got into astral projection cause I feel there's some evil/dangerous thing about it,
I know I can do it cause I've had sleep paralysis a good amount of times, I've felt the typical symptoms of the beginning process of astral projection and... I lucid dream quite often.

I noticed that I have sleep paralysis since my first DMT breakthrough, I did before, during adolescence but stood quite a long time without having any. Mine sometimes are incredibly creepy, and sometimes I got spirits/astral attacks during the phases prior to paralysis, it's very difficult to explain (and difficult to believe), but if you want I can share that.

Also, I'm noticing now something very curious, that I don't like at all.
let's call them succubus but it's not really that, it's more like a demonic presence morphed like a sex bait. Now I generally catch them before they can set a trap for me and generally I despise them or I just break through to the consensual reality as soon as possible.
The thing is that those sex baits are there to prevent me to stay there, in the dream world, lucidly. I'm pretty sure about that because it has happened to me several times, the last time today, it was so incredibly obvious it was that.
I even commited the mistake to ask "her" who she was, I heard a feminine demonic voice with absolutely no meaning, then I was sure what "she" was...
I'd love to hear more of your experiences, as it sounds like something you experience often and have been dealing with for a while.

I haven't had any dreams that I can remember in quite some time. Possibly due to benzo/opioid/antipsychotic use would be my guess. But the last one I can remember falling into sleep paralysis, I recognized what was happening, and promptly envisioned my soul leaving my body, and I was catapulted into the stars. This felt so liberating and amazing, but I quickly got somewhat frightened and dizzy, and made my way back home. This was a couple months ago though. Can't remember if I've already relayed this story in this thread, but that was one of my more intense experiences of astral travel.
Sorry lady,if this comment was for me...nothing understand.Way too much about learning .english language
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