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Opioids Methadone Covid 19 Changes


Jul 18, 2013
I just read that on march 15 the US gov allowed states to ask for an exception to give out up to a month of carries depending on patient stability. Where I live so far they have changed the requirements for home delivery making it easier for people who have to isolate. I was just curious if anyone has had any changes to their carry privileges or anything else yet. Only thing for me so far is my pharmacy closes earlier and the counters all have this sheet plastic hanging in between the customers and clerks. Not liking having to go there and wait in a line of people everyday.
are you on methadone or suboxone? I only ask because you mentioned picking up from a pharmacist which is usually a UK thing unless you're prescribed suboxone from a doctor.Also, i believe it only applied to US government approved methadone clinics(SAMSA).

My methadone clinic did give out larger supplies of methadone takehomes for a period of time. I hear you about not wanting to be among a bunch of people with the corona virus/covid spreading,
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My clinic gave me 2 weeks of carries instead of 1 week for about a month when I had COVID symptoms. That isn’t unprecedented though, my clinic also does monthly carries and has done that as long as I’ve been going there, which is about 4 years. I’m located in the Pacific Northwest
My clinic here in Cental Cali started giving 2 weeks worth of take-homes to about 80% of patients at the beginning of June and we’re still getting them. The other patients with certain medical or safety concerns are still dosing daily. All counseling sessions and doctor appointments are being done by phone. I wish it would stay like this!