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[Methoxetamine Subthread] Addiction


Aug 25, 2009
To methoxetamine main thread

Methoextamine is clearly the most popular molecule on PD. 4 B&D megathreads in 9 months or so, and the last one almost full. It's impressive and unseen , despite in my short life as a BL member

Yet this substance has a Dark Side that is becoming more and more obvious. It is, for many users, very addictive and tolerance builds fast.

I have not yet tried it myself, so I would welcome any posts relating to continuous use and abuse of MXE. Namely to know:

- What is your daily/weekly/monthy consumption?
- For how long have you been doing it? And how, if at all, your pattern of use has changed? (increase dosages, changed ROA, etc.
- What is your usual ROA?
- Do you feel you are addicted? If yes, do you think you can stop?
- Have you tried to quit? or do you want to stop using it?
- Do you have any withdrawal symptoms?
- How does MXE addiction compares to other drugs addiction? E.g. Tobacco, Cannabis, Heroin, Cocaine..

And so on. Any contributions you can add would indeed be of value for anyone who is researching this compound.
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i find that i like a little bump in the morning, and that when tolerance builds and you realise it has a grip, you simply,dont buy it for a month or two and since doing that my tolerance has gone back down.

any fool that repeatedly doses this will get a huge tolerance. its bound to happen. just like ketamine and stimulants the need for the drug is purely psychological. as its untested maybe people should not go too mad with it.

its definitely addictive in the sense that one dose in the morning leaves you in a good mood for about two days, but in the sense that i would say keep doing it over and over in repeated dosing? only with friends in a party or social setting.
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I'm interested to see how this develops as the drug becomes more popular (and it's gonna get a hell of a lot more popular).

Ket is more reinforcing because of the short duration. Low dose MXE on the other hand seems to be widely preferred to low dose ketamine so people may find MXE more alluring to dose on a daily basis. It also has an opiate-like warmth, though I'd argue that this factor is negligible.

Quality depressants are few and far between in an RC market riddled with cheesy stims, superficial panic inducing cannabinoids, and mind-breaking psychs that are hardly desirable to take regularly (though god knows I've tried). I think people who love downers but don't necessarily like alcohol are going to flock to MXE. There are no other quasi-legal alternatives really. Phenazepam is useful in its own way but hardly fun. Etizolam is expensive as hell and purportedly causes man tits. That leaves a few rather vanilla ketamine/pcp analogues and nothing else that comes to mind.
I subscribed to Methoxetamine from the day it hit the mass market. I struggled to keep my usage in moderation, and fell into quite a helpless period of using even when I didn't want to. Toward the end I even cried as I administered, such was my helplessness to resist...

It caused a great deal of harm to the relationship with my parents, as well as to my friends. It essentially caused all the misery of your typical spiralling addiction. I haven't touched it for over a month now though, and never really want to again.

It's also worth mentioning it caused terrifying adverse pharmacological reactions when mixed with 5-APB and MPA. This was probably exasperated by the size of my doses, and the fact I was plugging them. All in all I feel somewhat grateful to still be alive, but not particularly grateful for the memories I have been left with.

Methoxetamine is a wonderful drug, but it very consuming of one's state of well-being. Those who take higher doses can relate to the fear of thinking you've become vegetative when in the peak of the experience. The effects can last well over 12 hours, and for all of that time you'll find yourself unable to think straight, walk straight, talk straight or see straight. To think that I spent most of my days seeing double because I was constantly feeling the after-effects of a previous dose is scary.

As for answers to your questions....

What is your daily/weekly/monthy consumption?
I started in November, first insufflation and then plugging. Started off just doing little bumps, but since discovering the M-Hole, that became all I used MXE for. Became daily use.
- What is your usual ROA?
- Do you feel you are addicted? If yes, do you think you can stop?
I felt very addicted but never wanted to stop. Once my parents and friends got involved I was forced to stop, and one month on I realise that I managed to stop something potentially life-ruining.
- Have you tried to quit? or do you want to stop using it?
Didn't want to quit, but did, and am grateful for it.
- Do you have any withdrawal symptoms?
Just cravings.
- How does MXE addiction compares to other drugs addiction? E.g. Tobacco, Cannabis, Heroin, Cocaine..
MXE addiction is different because unlike those other drugs, there are no confirmed adverse effects from chronic use. MXE probably doesn't cause cancer, no one knows if it causes psychosis, etc. If the long term effects of methoxetamine use were known, there would be an incentive for users to quit. Right now there's no incentive to quit other than the nagging feeling at the back of the mind saying 'This probably isn't healthy at all'
From what I have observed however, methoxetamine is sure to cause megalomania. It can make a person selfish and arrogant, probably due to the reinforcing self-important euphoria it can release. It causes the mind to mimic schizophrenia, and it follows that if the mind is constantly behaving schizophrenically, this behavioural pattern will be reinforced.

I've also become hella twitchy since using methoxetamine. Even now I'm pretty much borderline tourettes.

So that's my analysis of methoxetamine addiction. I believe that it is real and it is nasty.
I'm interested to see how this develops as the drug becomes more popular (and it's gonna get a hell of a lot more popular).

Ket is more reinforcing because of the short duration. Low dose MXE on the other hand seems to be widely preferred to low dose ketamine so people may find MXE more alluring to dose on a daily basis. It also has an opiate-like warmth, though I'd argue that this factor is negligible.

Quality depressants are few and far between in an RC market riddled with cheesy stims, superficial panic inducing cannabinoids, and mind-breaking psychs that are hardly desirable to take regularly (though god knows I've tried). I think people who love downers but don't necessarily like alcohol are going to flock to MXE. There are no other quasi-legal alternatives really. Phenazepam is useful in its own way but hardly fun. Etizolam is expensive as hell and purportedly causes man tits. That leaves a few rather vanilla ketamine/pcp analogues and nothing else that comes to mind.

I really like this post your right on the money. And also the part about liking downers but not alcohol, thats me right there!!!!!!

This stuff is just too good tho. I dont understand it, heres what makes it addictive for me...
It has the most desirable effects of any drug for me ive ever tried... and ON TOP OF THAT FACT
it has NO BODYLOAD, NO COMEDOWN, AND NO HANGOVER. No other drug even comes CLOSE to that profile for me.

Furthermore I have pushed this shit HARD, to the point of attending EDC Vegas and entering the deepest holes of my life for 2 days straight, and dosing moderate doses for another 2 days (not acheiving hole but still getting around the area) then I just stopped once i got back home, went sober for a full week, and NEVER HAD A COME DOWN NEVER HAD BAD THOUGHTS NEVER HAD ANYTHING, and trust me i will even admit, I DESERVE A COMEDOWN FOR HOW MUCH FUN I HAD AND HOW HARD I PUSHED IT, BUT IT WAS NO WHERE TO BE FOUND! It doesnt make sense!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only thing ive experienced is my tolerance is slowly but surely creeping up here... not too fast, but its not stopping....

Right now I dose about 1-4 times a week. The rest of the time im 100% sober. I promise you on everything this substance has help me quit weed and all cannabanoids cold turkey, as well as quit mdma and psychadelics entirely, because now MXE is the only thing I crave.

The rest of the work week i am 100% sober as a flute with no alc no Mxe no weed no nothing, and things have just been improving.

Im very interesting to see where this heads... because ive never heard of a life IMPROVING drug, only how slowly but surely it will bring you down.

I would ASSUME there must be something bad about this chem, but to be honest I AM LOOKING VERY HARD AND HAVENT FOUND IT WITH NO COMEDOWN HANGOVER OR BODYLOAD, no matter how hard you push it.

Let me know..
Not sure how massive this thread will be but I don't see why I couldn't subthreadify this. But to be honest I would rather hope for this to be surprisingly silent.

I say surprisingly because looking at ketamine and the differences with methoxetamine my expectation is that addiction problems will be equal to those with Ket in the best case scenario and pretty horrible in worst.
Not sure how massive this thread will be but I don't see why I couldn't subthreadify this. But to be honest I would rather hope for this to be surprisingly silent.

I say surprisingly because looking at ketamine and the differences with methoxetamine my expectation is that addiction problems will be equal to those with Ket in the best case scenario and pretty horrible in worst.

yeah but like my post stated, its only because theres no noticeable negative effects...

ive even heard of people using this daily for 30+ days and just having a bit of insomnia and anxiety for a day or two afterwards and thats it.

Its easy to consume something daily when there are no negatives... thats why people smoke weed every day.

But try that with psychs and u will get fucked up because the bodyload and harsh comedowns and brain frying, same with mdma and so on. not here with methoxetamine
I'm not so sure I agree. It may differ between people but I myself have felt befuddled from it with only moderate use. In fact I discontinued my use but that may not be fair because that I found the effects undesirable is not the same as a side-effect.

Just as well I am extremely skeptical towards suggestions of compounds being ideal in their ratio of effects vs risks. I know that this is not your stance and that in fact it may be entirely the opposite so in effect we are probably saying the same thing. So don't worry about that.

You said 'it is too good to be true' which makes my point I guess. Consider GHB which 'initially' had a clean track record for a while at a national message board I used to attend, it was heralded as perfect because it gets you incredibly high and euphoric but has no comedown. Well perhaps not at first, and not even after a single binge but if you get hooked eventually withdrawal absolutely sucks ass and I don't expect methoxetamine to be any different. So when it comes down to it, apparent lack of noticeable negatives may be even worse.
For the record / again: the bit put in italics here above is the thing I disagree with - for the rest I think we really do.
You said 'it is too good to be true' which makes my point I guess. Consider GHB which 'initially' had a clean track record for a while at a national message board I used to attend, it was heralded as perfect because it gets you incredibly high and euphoric but has no comedown. Well perhaps not at first, and not even after a single binge but if you get hooked eventually withdrawal absolutely sucks ass and I don't expect methoxetamine to be any different. So when it comes down to it, apparent lack of noticeable negatives may be even worse.
For the record / again: the bit put in italics here above is the thing I disagree with - for the rest I think we really do.

Wise words here my friend. I am just waiting for the ugly to pop out like a monster from under the bed. For now... I keep nailing my coffin
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Alldaykk said:
I promise you on everything this substance has help me quit weed and all cannabanoids cold turkey,

I've heard this from other people as well, and it's part of what excites me about this compound. I'm rather hoping it will have a similarly permanent effect on me. As stupid as this sounds coming from someone using experimental drugs, MXE really makes me want to be better to myself, almost like a boost in self-respect. The thought of reflexively hitting the pipe to ward off boredom or eating shitty food for cheap satisfaction becomes repugnant on MXE. Although cannabis + MXE is a good combination, I don't feel tempted in the slightest to smoke on MXE and for days afterward.

Hopefully this isn't trading one addiction for another.
I suppose the novel suggestion of only doing drugs on an occasional basis will be treated with the contempt it deserves ?
I hope it doesn't turn out to have a physical component to any cessation of use after a long time period.
I certainly don't plan on being the person who finds that out.
If you choose to do it day in day out or feel compelled to then ask yourself why - yeah it's nice but it's not that fucking good.
That's generally how I feel about stims, but I don't think it's a particularly helpful suggestion. You can say that about any drug. Some people just gravitate to different things. Telling them just not to do it as often usually isn't effective.
Oh that's true, still you know I don't think I did anything more than offered it up as a suggestion as you noted which is someway short of "Telling them what to do" which is where you ended up, forgive my ultra naive hint at HR I'm just a romantic idealist.
Used it for about a month straight. At first trying some higher doses but realizing quickly the magic was in small doses. Always insufflated. Went overboard a few times, backed off and took a break.

Used it again for about 2 months straight. Small insufflated doses. As long as I didn't do any close to bed time I got plenty of sleep every night. Woke up refreshed. Found out a couple times accidentally that too much is too much. Less is more. Took a break.

Used it again for another month or so. This time remembering less is more, and split my stash into three portions, after each one I'd take a few days break. Ate more vitamins and got more exercise. No negatives at all during this period. Then took a break.

Now again having some amount, using the less is more philosophy, good lifestyle choices and exercise. Working better than ever. Of course I plan to take a break after a reasonable amount of time, and depending how things go after that, possibly return to the stuff.
methoxetamine triggered my interest in dissociatives: i started experimenting with ketamine a few months ago, and proceeded to use more and more, in higher and higher quantities. since february i went thru grams of ketamine (at least 30) and a lot of mxe as well (3 or 4 grams in the last month), to the point where i've built up such a tolerance that i get a lot of negative effects for just a few positive ones. the 'come-up' still feels great, in that floaty stimulated-yet-calm way, but afterwards it feels like i've been hit over the head with a NMDA-bludgeon (confused, disjointed thoughts, detached, no short term memory).
initially, mxe/ket brought me quite a lot of interesting insight and creative leads, but once frequency of use & tolerance increased it became more shallow. i've taken a break (but only because i ran out, i think) and so far, after a week of no dissociatives, i don't have any withdrawals and my thought processes seem to have returned to normal..
Etizolam is expensive as hell and purportedly causes man tits. .

yeah i dont grow tits every time i finish having a wank so i wouldn't worry too much about prolactin and occasional etizolam use.

etizolam is cheap if you buy it as etilaam. buying pellets from rc vendors is stupid when generics are available from india...
yeah i dont grow tits every time i finish having a wank so i wouldn't worry too much about prolactin and occasional etizolam use.

etizolam is cheap if you buy it as etilaam. buying pellets from rc vendors is stupid when generics are available from india...

Buying from online indian "pharmacies" (i.e. vendors) is inherently risky because they are notorious for selling very weak or entirely bunk pills. I'm sure some of them are more trustworthy but I think most people don't want to waste their time fucking around with it.

Yeah, this risk exists with rc vendors in general but any rc vendor selling bunk product is going to be quickly outed on that certain website we all know about. And frankly you deserve to be screwed if you don't check there first.

I know you're going to say "but the same types of communities exist for online pharmacies!". Indeed they do exist and I'm aware of them, but they are much more shoddy and unregulated and prone to scammers.
although they are made in india i have not been buying them directly from india
- What is your daily/weekly/monthy consumption?
I attempt to keep all dissociative use to once a month, usually using dxm, ketamine or 4-meo-pcp, but for some reason methoxetamine caused me to slip and I have had a couple of short and sporadic binges on it. During the most recent one I did it for about five days starting around 2pm until late at night and was unable to sleep. This may be because it is very cheap and easily available, and its also quite euphoric and small doses can be very social unlike the other substances I have mentioned.

- For how long have you been doing it? And how, if at all, your pattern of use has changed? (increase dosages, changed ROA, etc.
I first tried it in February and it is now august. The first time I tried it I snorted 500mg over a 10 hour period, which was amazing and terrifying, certainly not safe. I noticed my lips were blue as I was coming down, a clear sign of oxygen deprivation. This is very concerning, and makes me think this drug could easily kill in conjunction with alcohol, benzos or other sedatives. More recently I like to stick to 25mg intervals snorted and usually do about 100 to 150mg in a day.

- What is your usual ROA?
snorted, I have tried sublingual but it didn't seem as euphoric, although I think I will stick to sub lingual in future experiments as it doesn't seem nearly as prone to redosing

- Do you feel you are addicted? If yes, do you think you can stop?
I have felt addicted for several days at a time, but after a while the tolerance builds up and I become tired of having double vision and no motor control. It becomes quite unappetizing, I will give it a break for a month.

- Have you tried to quit? or do you want to stop using it?
I do not want to quite using it, but I would like to use it only once a month, which I think I can achieve with a little self respect and control

- Do you have any withdrawal symptoms?
I sometimes think I have withdrawal symptoms but it must be psychosomatic. Although, I have had very significant hangover/ after effects from short binges. These usually consist of intense headache, sensitivity to light and sound, and a general lack of concentration for a day or two afterward. These after effects are much worse than ketamine hangover

- How does MXE addiction compares to other drugs addiction? E.g. Tobacco, Cannabis, Heroin, Cocaine..
Methoxetamine was easier to quite using than ketamine in my experience. To me methoxetamine doesn't go as deep as ketamine, it seems to have a ceiling effect where larger doses just make it last longer and make you unable to remember the experience instead of it going deeper. Ketamine allowed me to become much more detached from my reality. I am withdrawing from cannabis right now and I must say that the symptoms are worse and longer lived than 'withdrawal' from methoxetamine. Although methoxetamine I think is far more dangerous in the short term.