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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Talk Thread: If 2020 Was the Dumpster, Can 2021 Be the Fire?

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So far it feels pretty mild, imma pop the other pill early and bring the dose up to the max point and be at 162mgs. Don't have anymore put away so that will be it for the night which is probably for the best as I won't be able to turn this into a multi day affair. Can definitely feel something building but I want moar, here goes nothing 😎
Hope you have a good time, Charlie. :) I always found methylphenidate to be rather anxiety-producing, myself. But if I had some I'd still do it :sneaky:
There was this one point during the come-up that was slightly iffy but I feel pretty damn good. Been talking my ass off in threads and text messages. My thoughts are moving at 100mph, I believe that this extended release formation is a little more smooth around the edges. For instance when you sniff IR pills of Methylphenidate the up and down and fiending is more intensified. Sure it has an an immediate rush but I actually prefer this drawn out oral dosing and just raise up the amount until you have a proper recreational dose.

I'd ended up having it all within a two hour period so I'm like four hours in and feel really amped but chill at the same time, perfectly content listening to music and typing away that's how I enjoy my stimulants most. There is no craving or jitteryness right now I feel a steady euphoria and been smiling and happy as shit honestly. For my first drug experience in sometime this has been a wonderful reintroduction and I wouldn't mind indulging in these every once in awhile. Think this is perfect dose range I think any higher would be a little much and I might get too much peripheral stimulation.
Made a really epic reply one of your posts @Xorkoth in that thread about how psychedelics have helped you it was really fun to write and the Methylphenidate helped it along to a staggering degree. At least I did something valuable with this tonight. I'm sure it has grammatical stuff I have to fix it was pure stream of consciousness. Think I'm gonna go back in a little while and add more and play around with it. Love talking about my ++++ trips and entity contact etc. Those were pretty much the best times of my life honestly, love tripping so much. Have had this passion for it since I was a teen and it has literally never wavered, my romance with psychedelics is lifelong and profound.
If anyone has any ideas for restoring peace, do share. But I'm afraid I just need to lay low for the time being and appreciate my health and freedom. It itches to try diplomacy again, this time dumbing it down as much as possible. But the timing could be insulting, disrespectful towards the damage I did cause them, i.e. scaring the shit out of 'em. The longer I wait the better, right? Then again, the sooner I get rid of their hurtful fantasies the better for everyone too? Seems like a conundrum.. a cuntnundrum, more precisely.
In the short term, maybe a peace-inducing drug like kava kava might be advisable to tide you over?
Hmm.. not eager for experiencing more opioid action, but at least it leaves the kappa receptors alone. Together with the sodium channel blockage it could balance out the coffee binging better than the weed. Interesting.

I wasn't thinking about inner peace when I mentioned peace restoration. What I've learned over the last year is that perfect chemical continence restores peace of mind quite swimmingly, if rather slowly and gradually. So I still want to cold turkey the dopaminergics somehow while I'm in the early phase of relapse. But if I fail I could at least try 'n replace the weed with kava kava.

Excellent backup plan @Pfafffed, wouldn't have thought of it myself.

Edit: oh hey, it's illegal over here. Not really sure how I feel about bypassing regulation for a substance banned over its inferior, more toxic exported form.. really one that needs quality control, not the opposite effect that comes with pushing it underground..

Edit2: but I do have some kratom left. Never consumed because of the noticeable k-opioid receptor affinity. But Ginkgo Biloba should be able to nullify that too, come to think of it, just like it did for the 3-HO-PCP.
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I've just received an e-mail from a vendor their site got hacked. The payment system altered to bitcoin only. Their bankdetails removed.
Do not buy if it only says payment by bitcoin on someone's website.
This was a reputable seller.
No but I might start to.

I'm getting better at my job, but we're severely disorganized and understaffed, it's me, a front-end guy, a smart guy from the same uni and studies and an old guy that could be better. It's chaos =D luckily the company doesn't entirely rise or fall based on our performance but still.

It's gonna be ironic if me of all people will start insisting on more structure and clearer communication.

Now that's a nice view 😌
Nice view, but alas it's the start for the sober period over here, the mental space program is on hold. Friday the 13th, excellent day for going cold turkey on everything again, is it not? :)

Fun fact, MXE made it recently into a New York Times bestseller. One client drew a psychiatrist their use history:


The book doesn't even deserve to be named, that's how crap it is.. another stuffy whitecoat playing expert on addiction for the broader audience, dumbing everything down into grave inaccuracy. And of course, the HORROR of having used more than a dozen drugs!

On one hand it's amusing to see even MXE appear in the mainstream. On the other hand, shitty psychiatry and advanced psychonautics meeting is like pushing an oyster into a vending machine. You won't get it in there, but you can create an embarrassing mess trying, heh.
Yeah about that one, doc didn't even acknowledge the right drug. Only PCP was mentioned.

To be fair, many parts in the book seem tidy and respectably structured, neatly padded with historical quotes, etc.. But if you're gonna shy away from novelty and basically regurgitate contemporary narrative, at least don't make big mistakes like that. And it gets way worse. Elsewhere the impression is given that anything dopamine-related will end up tanking your health. One hundred thousand people might have paid to be told just that. That's just getting the very basics wrong.. not acceptable.

(Hopefully less than 100.000... free sales statistics are a bit crap.)
Shit y'all I been drinkin'. For a while now. I need to slow, to stop. But alcohol, it's everywhere. I can consume it with my relatives and in-laws.

I dunno. I needa lay off. I'm polluted. And I'm sad about the South. And the U.S. And I went to a baby shower today, for my cousin. I'm happy that he's happy to have a kid, the first great grandchild. But... I am sad. And drunk.
Yeah man, I haven't been attaining my sobriety goals either. There's been some valid reasons to get some cups of stim in, so I'm not beating myself up about it. The recession has been hitting, calling for a state of caring to move the numbers around, even if it breaks some promises.

But I miss the simplicity of not even getting high on sugar. I very well know that just as with animals in the wild mere hunger serves as a BDNF-releasing stimulant just fine.. think about that one the next time you purchase an upper while on budget.. It's just that it takes a transitory period to appreciate it as such, like how a DXM high only manifests when you just give up and accept that this alien thing is happening whether you like it or not.. and there you go.

Similarly, if this time was it social drinking, don't beat yourself up over it, man. Now, there's a lot to be sad about in the world, I'm not really sure what cause you thought of when you were writing.. you know you could both be somewhat jealous of offspring generation taking place or, perhaps more rational, sadness about what the future of anyone being born nowadays will entail. Or perhaps neither, and it's just the depressant effect expressing itself without external condition. Well I don't know, and I'm not sure whether I myself would like anyone dissecting my hoochy ramblings to such extent. I just want to throw the thought out there that I've been checking whether acid microdosing is again possible, and it appears to be, except that the stimulation has been making me very very thirsty for a vasodilator.. yeah.. that one, the one you've been having. Now, on acid, even just 25 mics, alcohol sadness is merrily blocked. But it doesn't change the state of feeling polluted. Over a year I've held all inflammatory markers as low as humanly possible.. at least for a human on a budget, incompetent doctor cunts didn't grant me state-sponsored access to the full relevant pharmacy. And despite having lived through that, I'm back chasing copious amounts of liquid carbs with special cancer juice through the system again.. I wake up with bloated organs, man.. I didn't use to notice it did this because the cheapo beers had become diet.. but against a squeaky clean background it's super salient how immediately unsightly it looks in the mirror, and how utterly polluting it feels.. and even sounds, still, at the end of the day.

My point is that, for today's microdosing session, I had anticipated the alcohol lust. I've made sure I took it with some phenibut. Not that let's-imbibe-and-wait-four-hours stuff.. no, just a quarter of such dose, with about half the weight of NaHCO3 added (molar equivalency), with the CO2 stirred out, and up the back passage. That way the peak syncs up with the acid just fine. I made sure to switch from coffee to black tea early enough, dropped some extra theanine just to be sure, some Mg glycinate.. and indeed, here was a microdosing state without the uncomfortable body load. And therefore no need, or particular lust, for alcohol.

Now, I'm drinking anyway, because I didn't know this idea was gonna work so I had a backup plan ready as usual and I'm not gonna let bottles catch dust over here.. but the point is, next microdose session I can skip the wine shopping without problem. The future need for solitary boozing on acid has been effectively eliminated through applying methodical reasoning.

If this post totally misses the mark, please at least know I relate to alcohol problems, whatever they might be. It's probably the drug that has caused me the most life expectancy loss, and if it's currently harming you I empathize.
I'm late on the tripping dream discussion, but wanted to share my only tripping dream.

I was on LSD and driving my old Ford explorer. I was driving on a busy street downtown and then I crashed into a telephone pole. That is all, lol.

I usually, as a rule, never trip and drive. I have done it twice though successfully.

The last time I did there were like 4 or 6 lanes on my side of the highway (actually only two but I saw at least double that). I was also getting weird audio hallucinations caused by cars passing by and when they passed there was a stutter effect in my vision like a strobe that matched with the wah wah wah wah audio hallucinations. It was scary and I was holding on for dear life just trying to carefully stay in the one lane that I was sure was real until I reached my destination.

I had snorted an unknown portion of 13 or 14 mg of 25i-NBOH that did not go into a solution I had tried to prepare.
I didn't know covid was still a thing since the war started. I haven't heard anyone talking about it 😂
It's a thing alright.

The question is what exactly, where, and when.

It's the Trojan Horse now.

No mention hardly. Phew right?

All we have done is permit the beast entry.

I talk of it most actually as my own personal experience with whatever it is and how it works is infinitely bigger than any drug memorable experience or sufferance in life.

I say we are being so played.
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