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PMMA is still very much at large. I was wrong, important info, plz read! <3


Nov 18, 2011
I just wanted to warn everyone, that PMMA is still, very much at large here in Canada. At least in Alberta/BC (but likely all of Canada).

This past weekend, I was at Shambhala Music Festival in BC. It was my second time and it was incredible, without a doubt life changing on many different levels.

I helped out with their amazing harm reduction space (I have never seen such an amazing HR space at any other festival before, ever! They really make harm reduction a priority.) and with Party Safe, and tested drugs. Unfortunately, there was a *SHOCKING* amount of drugs (pressed tabs, gel caps AND powder) testing positive for PMMA (and cathinones, likely bath salts). We knew there would likely be some PMMA around, but we were blown away by how much. Shambhala is a festival of around 14,000 people (when you include volunteers and staff), people come from all over Canada (and the world) to Shambhala, so I think it's safe to say that a lot of the PMMA we found was probably from all over Canada and not just Alberta/BC. Statistically, had we not been able to test drugs and catch the PMMA going around, it's likely someone would have died.

I wrote a post a while back on PMMA and how I felt that chemists had probably found a way around that prohibited ingredient and that there was probably a lot less PMMA going around... but I was clearly naive and wrong in thinking that. Some pressed tabs being sold as ecstasy and 2CB, including yellow bumble bees, a few kinds of gel caps and a lot of powder "MDMA" was testing for PMMA.

Please, please be informed and stay safe my friends. <3 This is scary shit. Spread the word, take care of yourselves and others. We don't want to lose anymore people to this shit. We've already lost so many, and so many people are still in the hospital waiting for organ transplants because of PMMA.

I personally am avoiding MDMA, ecstasy/2cb, and pressed tabs til I order a tester kit. It's too sketchy not to have one now. There was also a lot of drugs testing for nothing that we test for (so who knows what they were). 38% of the drugs we test every year at Shambhala have inconclusive test results. So it just goes to show you. There was a lot of MDMA testing positive for the presence of MDMA as well, but more than half, I would say, tested inconclusive or for PMMA, bath salts or something other than what it was being sold as. Here is some important info about PMMA...


If you do choose to do it anyways, make sure you are well informed about PMMA, the effects, symptoms, reactions and what to do if you suspect you or a friend might have accidentally taken PMMA. Make sure you're near enough to a hospital (a bad reaction to PMMA *cannot* be treated outside of a hospital, you will die if you aren't within 30ish minutes from a hospital, preferably closer) and keep your dose low. Start off with half a pill, or a small line. If you don't feel much of an effect, don't take more. PMMA feels like a weak MDMA high. Your ecstasy/MDMA could just be weak but it's not really worth the risk of finding out. Remember, not everybody reacts badly or dies from PMMA. Some people can take it and feel totally fine and be uneffected by it, but others have a genetic predisposition to it and will overheat and die within 40 minutes. There is no way to know whether or not you have this genetic predisposition beforehand. If your friend has taken an MDMA like substance and is showing any of the following signs, ACT FAST. You have a very short time frame to possibly save their life.

* The police will *not* arrest you or search you, if you call 911. Call 911 immediately and make it very clear that your friend has taken ecstasy and is overheating, and needs emergency help IMMEDIATELY. Be assertive!


- Sweating profusely, or not sweating at all, but very hot, flushed, red.
- Temperature jumps up to 103F and keeps on climbing
- Decreased motor or verbal ability
- ALTERED BEHAVIOUR: Agitated or violent *If your friend took what they thought was E and starts to act really bizaare, messed up, babbling, falling over, aggressive, etc. DO NOT desert them. It could be a sign of a PMMA reaction. Look for first aid or call 911 IMMEDIATELY.
- Seizuring, unconcious

*** DO NOT TRY TO TREAT HYPERTHERMIA (MASSIVE OVER-HEATING) ON YOUR OWN!*** If a temperature is high, but not too high, and not drug induced, sometimes we try to lower fevers by cold compresses, or sitting in a cold lake, river. PLEASE DO NOT EVER ATTEMPT THIS!! Because this fever is the result PMMA and serotonin gone crazy, you will make it much worse by cold compresses, or cold water immersion and the person will OVERHEAT FASTER. The cold water will close the capillaries and trap the body heat inside. PMMA induced hyperthermia MUST be treated by professionals, in a hospital!

Keep in mind too, that even with a reagent tester kit, it is not full proof. Tester kits are not purity tests, only the police and certain labs can do a purity test (a toxicology). All a reagent test will tell you is what the main presence in your drug it, it wont tell you what other adulterants and contaminants are in it. The detection of MDMA generally overpowers the detection of other substances because if MDMA is detected, it will quickly turn very dark purple/blue or black, hiding the detection of anything else. So even if you get a positive result for MDMA, you can't be sure what else is in your drugs. It's very, very unlikely, but possible, for PMMA and MDMA to be found mixed together.

PLUR, SO much love and be safe everyone! <3 <3 <3 Watch out for your friends and always take good care of eachother, you never know when you could save someones life. Spread the word to everyone you can!

If any Canadians are interested in purchasing a drug testing kit, contact TRIP in Toronto, as I believe Dance Safe and EZ test only ship to the US. I heard a rumor that a hemp store in Cranbrook, BC is selling tester kits as well, so I'm going to look into that. Americans can, of course, buy kits from DanceSafe.org and EX Test.

If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread or send me a PM.
Great post. Very Informative. I've known PMMA was bad news but had I not read this thread I wouldnt have known it was making a comeback/what the symptoms are to look for. Well done.
I was under the impression that test kits can't detect pma at the moment. Ithought dancesafebwas working on a pma regent? Am I wrong? Am if I am which one does test for it?
Yanker, the Mandelin test detects PMMA, it turns brown. :) It's not full proof but it detected a lot of it at Shambhala. I think the only problem that could really occur would be if you were to test something that had both PMMA and MDMA in it. The reagent would only detect the MDMA and turn black, masking the detection of PMMA... however, it's really uncommon for PMMA and MDMA to be mixed together, thankfully.