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Poppy seed tea and girlfriend


Dec 27, 2005
I sometimes like to make poppy seed tea, but until now I've always done it secretly from my girlfriend. Really don't like doing it that way, so I was wondering would it be a bad idea to tell my girlfriend about poppy seed tea use? Have you told? What happened?
Ya this is very circumstantial, everyone is different. Tell us more about your gf.

I can’t personally be with someone that doesn’t accept my drug use. Thankfully in the past I’ve been able to present it in a way where my partner was receptive.

Maybe give her a nudge or a hunch ya know? Like, "hey have you ever heard of this?" Then explain how it can be fun or rewarding "to your good health"(anyone catch that?) And maybe share an experience that you had in the past and see how she takes it..if she interested then maybe make the suggestion.
Some secrets are best left untold. If she doesn't recoil at your dirty, druggy shenanigans, she may just want to try it herself. Introducing novices to the world of opiates is never a good idea. Not only is there a risk that she might like it, once the secret's out, your own use may escalate as well.

Good luck mate...
If I find one more person giving their partner opiates I'm going on a killing spree.

Please ruin your life on your own terms, and don't bring others into the mess you have created.

The worst thing is that so many of pretend to love your partner whose life you are about to thoroughly ruin.

Don't give her anything, please
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Maybe give her a nudge or a hunch ya know? Like, "hey have you ever heard of this?" Then explain how it can be fun or rewarding "to your good health"(anyone catch that?) And maybe share an experience that you had in the past and see how she takes it..if she interested then maybe make the suggestion.
how can you advise someone to make another person take a drug? especially ones as dangerous as opiates.
You'd even lie about it being healthy, you are fucking disgusting. So just to have it more convenient you would ruin a persons entire life...
Harsh, but fair...
i'm sorry, i know i know :(

this is just stuff that makes me angry and keeps me up at night
I have had many patients who had a struggle with opiates because some ex 20 30 years ago recommended/trivialized them, it's really terrible..

a big chunk, at least 8 hours per day of my life I deal with addicts, and the story is never pretty
just pls pls don't rope other people into your mess
i'm sorry, i know i know :(

this is just stuff that makes me angry and keeps me up at night
I have had many patients who had a struggle with opiates because some ex 20 30 years ago recommended/trivialized them, it's really terrible..

a big chunk, at least 8 hours per day of my life I deal with addicts, and the story is never pretty
just pls pls don't rope other people into your mess
Exactly this. I know a guy who had a good life, he had a good job, house, 2 cars, etc….then a gf of his got him into crack. He lost all of his money and was just arrested for shoplifting to fund his habit. With a gun on him, no less. He’s looking at 5 years…for the love of god, people, don’t introduce others to addictive substances! ☹️

On the other hand, I’ve definitely been guilty of introducing people to MDMA or shrooms. Granted, I was much younger at the time, and I made sure to fully educate them on the correct way to do it (hydrate, etc) but I would never do it these days because of the risk of psychosis. Which you cannot know about in advance. But I have always had a positive result, so I guess that’s good. One guy praises me to anyone who will listen for introducing him to MDMA in his 50s! It changed his life. Another story I have is from college: my bf at the time sold the e pills we were gonna use that weekend at a rave to this guy he met in the cafeteria. I was mad at the time, but the next day, the guy came up to him and shook his hand so hard I thought it would come off! Turns out that the guy was headed back to India, likely to remain there, and wanted one good experience with the substance. He apparently had a life-changing moment, sat there and cried and emoted in a way that he never could before, and talked on and on to his friend about his trauma and pain…so I guess it worked out well? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Point is. Now that I’m older and know better, I’d never give someone this for the first time. I don’t want to be responsible for any negative consequences. But all the times in the past when I did, it worked out. It’s such a fine line…
I sometimes like to make poppy seed tea, but until now I've always done it secretly from my girlfriend. Really don't like doing it that way, so I was wondering would it be a bad idea to tell my girlfriend about poppy seed tea use? Have you told? What happened?
Why tell her a bonus will be you be able to go ages without shooting your load so its a win win for both of you
Exactly this. I know a guy who had a good life, he had a good job, house, 2 cars, etc….then a gf of his got him into crack. He lost all of his money and was just arrested for shoplifting to fund his habit. With a gun on him, no less. He’s looking at 5 years…for the love of god, people, don’t introduce others to addictive substances! ☹️

On the other hand, I’ve definitely been guilty of introducing people to MDMA or shrooms. Granted, I was much younger at the time, and I made sure to fully educate them on the correct way to do it (hydrate, etc) but I would never do it these days because of the risk of psychosis. Which you cannot know about in advance. But I have always had a positive result, so I guess that’s good. One guy praises me to anyone who will listen for introducing him to MDMA in his 50s! It changed his life. Another story I have is from college: my bf at the time sold the e pills we were gonna use that weekend at a rave to this guy he met in the cafeteria. I was mad at the time, but the next day, the guy came up to him and shook his hand so hard I thought it would come off! Turns out that the guy was headed back to India, likely to remain there, and wanted one good experience with the substance. He apparently had a life-changing moment, sat there and cried and emoted in a way that he never could before, and talked on and on to his friend about his trauma and pain…so I guess it worked out well? 🤷🏻‍♀️

Point is. Now that I’m older and know better, I’d never give someone this for the first time. I don’t want to be responsible for any negative consequences. But all the times in the past when I did, it worked out. It’s such a fine line…
Yeah it's a fine line for something like MDMA or shrooms. While with psychedelics there is the risk of inducing psychosis in ppl suffering from schizophrenia(often they are unaware of it) as long as this is clearly communicated, I don't see that much of an issue. Both drugs have the failsafe of not really working for a few days after you take them(unless you up the dose significantly) But opiates are incredibly dangerous in that respect, no fine line there.

In the early phase of opiate addiction people are so wow'ed by the drug that they a)think about nothing else, b)think it's the greatest thing since the invention of bread and c)are deaf to the drug slowly creeping into their mind and throwing up a tent. And because they are so smitten by the drug they want to let others have that feeling to, not knowing what is to come in later phases of addiction.. Opiates are insanely subtle in the way they take over your mind and body. By the time you realize what's happening, most are already trapped.
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I have absolutely no qualms about introducing people to weed, MDMA or psychedelics. Although they are not without risks, there is often a relatively positive outcome from their use (although Norman Normal may not see it that way).

But opiates (and crack) are a different kettle of fish entirely.

I've introduced two people in my life to opiates. One was my girlfriend. She became an addict like me, but luckily, we both got through it relatively unscathed and she's still with me 30 years later. Phew, that was a close one.

The other was a guy I worked with who liked a smoke and a cheeky pill now and again.

One night in the pub after work, he asked me if I'd ever tried heroin. I said "fuck yeh, it's great. I've got some on me now, would you like to try it?"

He tried it, and loved it. I then proceeded to score for him on a regular basis until we lost touch when he got made redundant.

Ten years after (any Alvin Lee fans in tonight?), I found out he was homeless and mugging pensioners to feed his habit.

What cuts deep is that all I had to do was say "no" that night in the pub.
I mean. MDMA may eventually be a prescription that therapists give their patients, that’s being experimented with right now. But that’s a pure version of the drug, and in a controlled setting. I do hope we get to see that occur within our lifetimes, though! And there are SO MANY positives to shrooms that are just now being uncovered; the news is full of stories about these. But I still wouldn’t give it to someone for the first time, anymore. I just don’t want the responsibility.
I don't need some shrinks to confirm that sharing mdma is a good idea lol.

Next they'll be studying if stretching is good for you, or if having friends is good for your mental health.
I mean. MDMA may eventually be a prescription that therapists give their patients, that’s being experimented with right now. But that’s a pure version of the drug, and in a controlled setting. I do hope we get to see that occur within our lifetimes, though! And there are SO MANY positives to shrooms that are just now being uncovered; the news is full of stories about these. But I still wouldn’t give it to someone for the first time, anymore. I just don’t want the responsibility.
around 13-14 years ago I did an experimental therapy due to my Aspergers with a once renowned health scientist (who lost his approbation as a doctor because he gave methadone to heroin addicts, which now is the standard) involving microdosed MDMA. It really helped me, in fact it helped me so much that I couldn't get enough of the stuff and would get some at parties, up to the point where I almost took it daily during my travels in Spain. I'm sure I did some damage there, but the initial therapy was absolutely amazing for me, and I still feed off that. We did microdosed MDMA in combination with CT and I swear on that being incredibly helpful for autists

MDMA opened my eyes in ways nothing else could ever have. It opened me up to other people's emotions and feelings, and made me strive for the job I do today, musical pedagogy and therapy - since last year also prophylaxis, cardiac rehab, CT and several forms of occupational therapy as well.
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how can you advise someone to make another person take a drug? especially ones as dangerous as opiates.
You'd even lie about it being healthy, you are fucking disgusting. So just to have it more convenient you would ruin a persons entire life...
Well, as a pharmacologist, I feel justified (I actually convinced my wife to remove opiates from her life and use vapourized cannabis for pain relief).
Infinitely better...