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Quitting the herb after 15 years


Jul 15, 2012
I've been a chronic dailey user for 15 years, im 30 years old. The longest I've gone without is about 2 weeks.

Its become apparent(should have happend years ago) that I've been wasting my life away and digging myself deeper and deeper into depression and anger.

I've lost all control of my emotions, im lazy, unmotivated, don't feel any real joy in life and the worst thing of all is I've pushed my ex partner(who i have 3 kids with away) and have treated her poorly for a long time. I also have not given my full time to my kids, which is shocking and saddening.

I don't know why its taken me this long, I've just been dragging through life. Achieving fuck all and showing how much a disgrace I am.

This is currently my first night without. I'm actually looking forward to it, I know I'll be irritable over the next week but its nothing compared to benzo or H withdrawal.

I'm interested to hear of other people's experiences and quitting the smoke after a long term use.. and how they went about it.

I'm going to try to update daily just for my own self, im fucking done with pot!

Thanks guys 👍
I smoked weed for 15+ years and quit around age 30 as well. In the past it was difficult psychologically, but as I got older I started enjoying the high less and less. It wasn't really fun anymore and mostly just gave me anxiety and negative thoughts.

In my experience the hardest part about quitting weed is psychological. If you are motivated and ready to quit, it's easier than you think.

The worst/best part for me were the extremely vivid dreams I would have every night.
Well......I smoked cannabis pretty much everyday over 35+years ...wake up coffee hit the bong roll a few joints off to work.Lunch break food smoke a couple of joints back into it....working away with that smile inside.After so long i decided one day that I would have a break.Constantly smoking for so long i wanted to see what it was like just doing daily things without smoking ....so i just stopped .First couple of weeks yah thought about it a bit irritated. ..but that passed.Cannabis never really did unmotivate me to do things ...just took a bit longer sometimes. Having a break is a good thing get a chance to look at things through different eyes.Its no big deal really not withdrawls like many here who suffer with an actual addiction physically and mentally.Recharge your batteries ...and you can always have a smoke later ...never say never ...
Thanks guys.

I relise cannabis isn't on the same level as benzos or opiates, I've gone through very bad withdrawals from both drugs over the last decade. I'm not trying to make it out like im going through anything like that. But my addiction to cannabis is a huge deal, its ruining my life.

2 days off now. Mentally I feel very positive, like I really don't want to go back to it. Let's see how long this lasts before I start to get cravings 🙌
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Yah I get that ..its stopping you from doing things and being more productive.Cravings will come and go in the beginning but after a while you wont even think about it.If you are feeling mentally positive your on the right track.Cheers.
I smoked weed daily myself but quit after getting on heroin weed not going to touch a heroin buzz so i quit . I quit once after 10 years use i was not on heroin then but roadside drug test meant i could lose my HGV license. I noticed a lack of sleep for 6 weeks wanting to some weed and someone else mentioned vivid dreams but you get over it just nap when you get a chance until proper sleep returns to normal. I have seen these threads on here and you always get some people say its only weed i quit heroin that a proper wd its not a competion a wd is a wd whether mental or physical or both it is hard.

Goodluck to you mate
Yea cannabis is much harder for me to quit than heroin or crack. It’s cuz it’s such a lifestyle drug and it’s definitely not for everyone long term.

With the harder stuff it’s so intense I can’t fit it as well into everyday life, cannabis I can smoke just about whenever. Unless I’m tired these days usually no one can tell. But that’s also where the problem is, it’s too easy.

This is also why I have such a problem with coffee. It doesn’t even make me feel all that great half the time, the 5$ lattes drain my bank account, yet I constantly find myself hitting the cafes nearby.

When it has to be done it has to be done.
I think everyday/all day use of weed has a shelf life for most people. It's pretty common I think for people to reach a point in their lives where the gaps in their lives that need to be filled no longer can be just left there while you smooth over them with weed.

Its a paradox though, for me anyway. Weed is good at smoothing things over. And I think there's a certain level of genuine value to be had in that. Sometimes you just need to chill, get into a different state of mind, feel the buzz of being high and be in that zone. But then being in that zone can slowly turn into a hole. And that hole can become hard to get out of.

When I quit smoking I went through what seems like a similar story. Weed started out as an ideal partner and it went everywhere I did. It started out as helping me a lot. It served a lot of purposes and complimented my life. My youth especially was illuminated with weed. But then things started to change as I got older and it started to bring out areas of myself that made things more difficult for me. I didn't respond to it like I used to do. Worst thing hit was my personal responsibility over myself and my life. I just stopped really caring. And the weed just numbed me instead of supporting me. I got lazy, uninterested, unmotivated, irritable, anxious, easily distracted and I would think way too much. I turned into a bit of a dick. I think in the end I was looking to escape, especially during difficult periods in my life.

I give up everyday heavy use 10 years ago after a rollercoaster journey with weed, and it was one of the biggest turning points in my life. Many things changed in my life including my health; physically, mentally. My relationships also. My mindset also changed around priorities in my life, goals, future, dealing with deep seated issues that got me using weed as a crutch. I don't think enough emphasis is put on how powerful weed is as a drug and how easily it can be used to escape just because it doesn't come with the same stigma other drugs come with, and because its "natural". The old adage of "Its a plant, man! It grows in the ground so it's safe! Nothing wrong with it, man!" distorts the facts. Weed is now also unidentifiable if you compare it to it's original genetic makeup. Its in a world of its own constantly being mutated. The mutant strains most people consider original are far from it and are pumping up the concentration of THC to higher and higher levels making weed an even more of a powerful drug each year. I think this is downplayed in denial of the reality because of the relationship we have with it, and because of the industry and culture behind it too. Weed is no longer medicine. It is no longer a sacrament. It is something more akin to alcohol in our relationship with it. Responsible and purposeful ritualistic use has gone by the wayside. Its fashionable to abuse it. We call those people who smoke joints all day "legends" and we idolize them. Sure was the case with me and the crowd I associated with. The more weed you could smoke and handle, the more cool you were. Those who only smoked a bit and refused to use heavily were part timers and not part of the group.

So there's the potency of weed and the culture around it which massively contributes to the experiences you have and connected to that over time, your lifestyle choices as a result. Strong drugs make strong changes over time. Pop culture perceptions also affect your trajectory too. If its hip to just blaze up all the time you are bound to follow. Are people unable to accept the strength of weed actually hinders them? Unable to grasp that just because its a largely safe drug people associate this with there never being side effects? Who knows. Either way all I know is that there is a darker side to weed that often gets ignored and as a result, people leave themselves behind in life.

It was hard for me to stop for perhaps the first week or so. The withdrawals are real. I felt a bit lost and I didn't want to do anything unless I had some weed but then I started to realize that not having the weed is where the possibilities were and gradually started doing more and more things without the thought of weed coming into it. Doing stuff you used to do with/on weed is the hardest part because you believe something is missing. For me it was being at home on my own when I tend to fall back on smoking weed. That's what got me the most at first. Now I didn't have a joint in my hand when I normally did and everything that complimented having that joint didn't connect in the same way. I would keep falling back on seeking the high but to change that I put other things in those places. And that's an important step in changing habits - rewriting the script that formed them in the first place. This is when you can start doing what you want to do, start filling in those gaps and answering those questions you have and are seeking.

All that being said, I'm not against weed. Not in the slightest. I just understand how difficult it is to live a functional life that is balanced when you heavily hit the mary-jane. And when I say balanced what I mean to say is weed actually being a tool to enhance things and your life comes first, and not the only thing you wake up to do and go to sleep doing as well. I think it has therapeutic benefits but not anywhere near the dosing and frequency and set/setting most prescribe too, not even close. Try smoking perhaps 0.1g in a pipe once or twice a day and I think you are near the real therapeutic dosing.

Also something I have noticed is how weed starts off as a drug of choice for kids and how that choice turns into something you continue to prescribe to as an adult unaware of the type of attachment you have to it. I started off as a kid smoking bucket bongs with school friends in specially crafted hiding spots we made to avoid both the law and other people. Even when I got to my twenties I still was echoing the same juvenile pretenses for my use. I still wanted to live the high life as boasted about by my friends and by the pop culture beliefs we all shared. If anything it was a form of rebellion to fuck the system. But when you are in your twenties and you are still living that life unaware of how incompatible it is with dealing with real life now you are an adult, it becomes detrimental.

In other words, you have to grow up and because weed tends to be the drug of choice for most newcomers at an early age, what started off the journey in the first place never gets acknowledged as a critical part in what keeps it all going today.
You have to learn better ways to cope and to deal with your place in society, life, the universe etc. Learn to broaden your awareness and integrate other areas you have neglected taking ownership along the way etc. Just sparking a reefer up and expecting that to solve things is futile and also silly and its also immature too.

Just know you can do it :) and you worth all the effort you put in and inevitably will struggle putting in when life throws you curveballs. Believing in yourself is key and having a vision of who and what and where you want to be in life. Trust in yourself and in the process and you will succeed!

All the best!
Really, really appreciate the replies everyone. Such great support here.

Day 4 without.. not feeling too bad, i don't think.. I'm feeling flat but thats probabaly cuz i need to eat.

No cravings to get high or have a bong. Smoking cigs to help wein those cravings. They are really helping.

Thankfully I'm doing pretty big days in construction so I'm fucking ruined by the time I go to bed, the last 3 nights i havnt had an issue getting to bed.

As each day goes on I feel better and better. I think come tomorrow, the 5th day off, will be my longest stint in 2 years.

Thanks again everyone. Bluelight is therapy 🙌🙌🙌
Well today was shit.. 5 days off this evening. I feel like my bodys taken a few days to realize its not been getting any weed and emotions are starting.

I was really wanting to smoke this evening. But I've managed to say no. The feeling off breaking my 5 day run overrides the negativity in my head at the moment.

I need to eat.
Well today was shit.. 5 days off this evening. I feel like my bodys taken a few days to realize its not been getting any weed and emotions are starting.

I was really wanting to smoke this evening. But I've managed to say no. The feeling off breaking my 5 day run overrides the negativity in my head at the moment.

I need to eat.
Now is when it gets harder. The first few days are not that bad but after it starts sinking in that you're no longer seeking out the high things can get difficult. Sleepless nights, mood swings, anxiety, anger and irritability, withdrawing socially etc. The first 2-3 weeks will test you as your body seeks to fill the void from the missing high. After the first month things got way easier for me until I felt restored to a state before I used weed as a crutch. Every month after that is progressively easier than the last.

Replace the missing gaps with better choices will make a huge difference. The hours you would spend getting high could be spent riding a bike, going for a walk, hitting the gym, doing a new hobby, get done something you have been putting off etc. Also look at the story behind your quitting. There will be something you are trying to pull away from and something you are trying to come closer to. Keep doing what brings you closer to that something and this will reinforce the positive changes until it becomes second nature to repeat them
Thanks imo.

Day 6 this evening. I was close to slipping up last night. Weed and heroin was definatly on my mind, going through relationship issues.. its resolved now though.

One thing thats notably clearer is my social anxiety and being in public. After 6 days I don't worry about people looking at me or watching me (feeling like your the centre of attention to the rest of the world is hard to deal with when your actually not is hard to deal with !)

My general motivation to even go to the shops has increased aswell. I feel more energetic aswell. And also controlling my emotions, having patience with my ex/partner and not dwelling on minor issues that eventually make me angry and cause even more problems.. felt none of that today 🙌
I've been abit absent the last week.

I'm still on track. Currently 13 days off smoking. In 2 more days it will be the longest period I've gone without flower in 15 years.

I've got my appetite back and sleeping hasn't been an issue(surprisingly).

I don't have as much social anxiety as I used to. Motivation is there to do things. My head is abit clearer i suppose, but my short term memory is still fuckin fried.

Example.. in convosation I find it very hard to remember what people are talking about after 10 seconds of them talking. I also struggle alot to think of any decent response to what they've said (as I generally forget what the original point of the convosation was lol)

I've only craved bongs twice, due to stressful situations.. mostly due to my relationship with my partner.

Interested to see how my brain is after another 2 weeks. Got this feeling its going to be up to 6 months to fully recover though. My brains been scattered for a verrrrry long time.

Hope everyone's doing well 👍🌿
I've been abit absent the last week.

I'm still on track. Currently 13 days off smoking. In 2 more days it will be the longest period I've gone without flower in 15 years.

I've got my appetite back and sleeping hasn't been an issue(surprisingly).

I don't have as much social anxiety as I used to. Motivation is there to do things. My head is abit clearer i suppose, but my short term memory is still fuckin fried.

Example.. in convosation I find it very hard to remember what people are talking about after 10 seconds of them talking. I also struggle alot to think of any decent response to what they've said (as I generally forget what the original point of the convosation was lol)

I've only craved bongs twice, due to stressful situations.. mostly due to my relationship with my partner.

Interested to see how my brain is after another 2 weeks. Got this feeling its going to be up to 6 months to fully recover though. My brains been scattered for a verrrrry long time.

Hope everyone's doing well 👍🌿
Its nice to see your progress relayed back in real time, or as close to it as possible. Outside looking in on someone else's journey towards learning more about themselves and what they have to do to become better :) insightful!

My own experience the first month or so was weird. Trying to make sense of how I approach situations without the drugs was difficult. The same avenues are no longer open to you so how you face stuff changes which can be troubling at first because its raw and whatever you should be facing you are now facing.

Short term memory loss happens from smoking weed for a long time and decent amounts consumed over that time. I think the research is pretty convincing around the potential side effects from long term heavy weed use though, like a lot of science, isn't cut and dry. I think lots of factors play into the potential for memory loss though such as genetics and then environmental factors as well. Some will retain more short term memory capabilities over others while others will lose more. I think you can get some of it back just by quitting but I also think you may never be able to reclaim all your capacity for short term memory loss completely.

Look at stress though, trauma, life's ups and downs in general and not solely weed use. When certain variables fall out of whack things like memory will inevitably take a hit.
I've been abit absent the last week.

I'm still on track. Currently 13 days off smoking. In 2 more days it will be the longest period I've gone without flower in 15 years.

I've got my appetite back and sleeping hasn't been an issue(surprisingly).

I don't have as much social anxiety as I used to. Motivation is there to do things. My head is abit clearer i suppose, but my short term memory is still fuckin fried.

Example.. in convosation I find it very hard to remember what people are talking about after 10 seconds of them talking. I also struggle alot to think of any decent response to what they've said (as I generally forget what the original point of the convosation was lol)

I've only craved bongs twice, due to stressful situations.. mostly due to my relationship with my partner.

Interested to see how my brain is after another 2 weeks. Got this feeling its going to be up to 6 months to fully recover though. My brains been scattered for a verrrrry long time.

Hope everyone's doing well 👍🌿
This is great to hear, keep it up!! Your short term memory will continue to improve, slowly but surely. I'm sure in a few weeks you will notice a significant improvement.
Looking forward to hearing more updates as you progress! <3
Thanks guys 🙂

So I've hit the longest streak I've had since I started smoking. Pretty proud to get this far. 16 days off currently.

I won't lie, since yesterday I've been finding myself craving it more and more. I think because I set the goal to get passed 2 weeks and break original record, in my head im thinking "well what now?" Lol.. going to try to get through to a month. Setting small goals. Take it week by week.

Appreciate everyone's support ❤💙
Thanks guys 🙂

So I've hit the longest streak I've had since I started smoking. Pretty proud to get this far. 16 days off currently.

I won't lie, since yesterday I've been finding myself craving it more and more. I think because I set the goal to get passed 2 weeks and break original record, in my head im thinking "well what now?" Lol.. going to try to get through to a month. Setting small goals. Take it week by week.

Appreciate everyone's support ❤💙
Yay that's awesome!! Well done! Yeah I used to get like that too, whenever I'd get to about 3 weeks sober, my addict brain would kick back in hardcore and use all the tricks in the book to get me to relapse. If you want to stay clean though, stay strong, don't listen to your addict brain when it tries to convince you to smoke again. And it will be very convincing! But don't listen.