• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

Research Shows Inhibiting EZH1/EZH2 Histaminic Mechanisms Inhibits Viral STD Replication (Possibly Related to ADHD)


May 31, 2016
I have ADHD and have found natural inhibiting mechanisms inherited from my mother's singular alcohol and tobacco use during pregnancy. I have found myself to inhibit NMDA, PCP2, and several cholinergic mechanisms in my body throughout my 20 years of being alive and using amphetamine to medicate. I've found several papers which indicate these mechanisms could be used to inhibit STD viruses and cancer cell growth. Here is research evidence ithat inhibitory responses in my biology could be used for STD and cancer research:
Glutamate inhibition prevents cancer spread
EZH1 and EZH2 mechanisms are related to the histamine system (HX) which I likely naturally inhibit

I've been infected with an unknown STD, quit my job, and all attempts to remedy this situation through finding a sustainable job have been shut down as my surroundings are filled with liars. Here's my entire life story autobiography with about 140,000 words going into even more detail of the situation wherein I only have enough money for about 2-3 weeks of food. It also details the results of my recent "hunger strike" where I started tripping NMDA balls with red slashes appearing everywhere as my cells were sacrificed and later rebuilt. If you'd like to contribute to me, that would be greatly appreciated as I intend to reciprocate to the community at large. I'm a software engineer seeking a sustainable life outside the shortsightedness in my current life.
