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Esoteric The Main Synchronicity Thread

Call me crazy but I have some strange connection with my very cat (I have 3 cats, but only the oldest I'm so connected to). When I think about love, important things or I'm sad (especially that time when I'm sad, like 99% of time), she comes to me like if she wanted to help my mood. And she does
Call me crazy but I have come to the conclusion that spirits exist and you can't see them unless you believe in them. You must be on a very spiritual level to see them, and these coincidences that I've been seeing are spirits giving me signs that they exist. Everyday since my trip I have felt more and more happy and more in love with life and the signs of life are showing themselves to me. I believe cats and other animals are on a spiritual level way higher than humans could ever be and this is the reason they come to you. They can sense your emotions more than you can feel them.
Another thing, I am an atheist who loves Physics (it's my major). I

You might find the history of Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli interesting. They even wrote a book together partly discussion synchronicity. Very strange being that Pauli was considered the "whip of physics."
Dissociatives are notorious for synchronicity to happen, especially when tripping together (almost all of my trips happened alone, didn't have the right folk to hang around with, sadly but then if nothing can stop you then it's certainly better to trip alone than with the wrong people) but also a sign to watch out for lingering psychosis ... but I am truly curious about it, and yeah think it might be this
Believe that psychedelics and entheogens change our frequency of awareness in a subtle way.
But not everything's ruled out and maybe one's really playing tricks with the matrix here (or the other way round).. :)
I'm late to the party.
Maybe it has all happened before and it just crosses paths.


This is gonna sound weird, but I think Vortech sent me back here.
it's been a while since I've been back here. Couldnt remember my old log in :(
It's a long story, and difficult to describe.
I randomly discovered his last book(s) *NOT the MXE book* in the wild while skimming research studies, hidden in a hole of an URL.
Accidentally clicked the wrong link, and yea. Synchronasty af
Vortech... RIP. He stayed at my house for a week, it turned out to be a few months before he died. That man was the swirliest I have ever met, I think.
I feel like I've known them and been strangely connected with them since January.
It's ineffable
Hey thanks for kicking up this thread. I have been accused of taking the easy way out when it comes to some concepts. With synchronicity it comes down to what it really is or isn't for me.

1. On one hand with all the randomness in the world and infinite possibilities some of the coincidences that happen make them seem like they have meaning.
2. One the other side there is truly a synchronistic link between consciousness and matter.

There, I have said nothing. Sorry I could not offer more. lol Another one of those areas I refuse to build a belief system around. But I do use some synchronicities to my advantage so I lean more on them being guide posts or path markers. That is as far as I will go. I have had some mind blowing ones as we all have I am sure and I do tend to think we can extract meaning from them.
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Dissociatives are notorious for synchronicity to happen, especially when tripping together (almost all of my trips happened alone, didn't have the right folk to hang around with, sadly but then if nothing can stop you then it's certainly better to trip alone than with the wrong people) but also a sign to watch out for lingering psychosis ... but I am truly curious about it, and yeah think it might be this But not everything's ruled out and maybe one's really playing tricks with the matrix here (or the other way round).. :)

That's funny. I find I need to really really get dissociated for synchronicity evocation, or specifically create resonant circumstances for 'em.

Psychedelics on the other hand used to swat me in the face with 'em. Not even talking about summoning the birds with DOC, even just people uncannily showing up on mere LSD microdoses and stuff.
I've recently been finding myself discovering various manners of harnessing it's tango in my day to day, but in ways that I have difficulty putting into language.

"Some call it 'coincidence'. I call it 'skill'."
I've recently been finding myself discovering various manners of harnessing it's tango in my day to day, but in ways that I have difficulty putting into language.

"Some call it 'coincidence'. I call it 'skill'."

I call it black magic. You are a witch.
I had an extremely bizarre experience once, when I was 27. I was sitting on a bed with my then-girlfriend, and suddenly the concept of living ten thousand days occurred to me. I wonder when that would fall in one's life, I thought. I started calculating and ultimately, lo and fucking behold, including leap years and everything, I was either on the day or within just a few days. We were both wigged out beyond belief. "That's not a thing you think about, ever!" I remember hollering. It was so special I (as an artist) drew 10,000 marks on a sheet of paper to commemorate my days on earth.
"Synchronistic phenomena prove the simultaneous occurrence of meaningful equivalences in heterogeneous, causally unrelated processes; in other words, they prove that a content perceived by an observer can, at the same time, be represented by an outside event, without any causal connection. From this it follows either that the psyche cannot be localised in space, or that space is relative to the psyche. The same applies to the temporal determination of the psyche and the psychic relativity of time. I do not need to emphasize that the verification of these findings must have far-reaching consequences."

C.G. Jung, Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle

The key to understanding synchronicity is getting your head around non-linear thinking. I use these things to try and explain scientifically..

I practice Astrology (learnt formally for two years in the late-90s) which uses acausal principles. Thank god for Terrence McKenna's articulation on this!! ☺️
