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top drug combos


Mar 22, 2006
does anyone have any special drug combination to share?

i just tried the following by accident and it is really nice:

00:00 5g kratom
00:35 30mg 2-me-ap237
00:55 34mg 2-me-ap237
01:10 17mg DCK
02:25 1g kratom
03:15 1g kratom
05:00 14mg 3-me-pcp

no tolerance at all and its perfect.
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I was a purist for decades and would never ever combine drugs after combining weed and port wine when I was 15 went very bad. But I’ve relaxed my stance a lot in the last few years. Mainly cause I was on meth so often I had no choice if I ever wanted anything else.

Recently I discovered that ketamine will greatly improve any of the many other drugs I like. And it never goes sideways. It even makes drugs I can’t stand, like cocaine, absolutely delicious.
My favorite drug combo I think had to have been heroin & xanax. Fucking bliss yo. But I’m a good girl now. I stay away from substances I’m unable to control myself from using. I only use coke/crys/alcohol these days. Shit I can genuinely do recreationally and not risk harming myself.
"Hi, your watching watchmojo and here's the top ten drug combos..."

This is all I can think of now. Lol.
Fucking IV morphine and Crack cocaine+cigarettes
Pregabalin and diazepam/clonaz to comedown
. I couldn't get enough of that shit, it was making me insane.
does anyone have any special drug combination to share?

i just tried the following by accident and it is really nice:

00:00 3g kratom
00:35 30mg 2-me-ap237
00:55 34mg 2-me-ap237
01:10 17mg DCK
02:25 1g kratom
03:15 1g kratom
05:00 14mg 3-me-pcp

no tolerance at all and its perfect.
How do you like 3mepcp? And how does it compare to 3meopcp? I should have some soon and am interested to hear people's experience with it.
does anyone have any special drug combination to share?

i just tried the following by accident and it is really nice:

00:00 3g kratom
00:35 30mg 2-me-ap237
00:55 34mg 2-me-ap237
01:10 17mg DCK
02:25 1g kratom
03:15 1g kratom
05:00 14mg 3-me-pcp

no tolerance at all and its perfect.

Seem like a strange thing to mix kratom with 2-methyl-ap237, seems counter productive.

Then again i once combined kratom with a lowish dose of morphine and it actually seemed to work ok.
its acts long and is really profitable, especially when the 3me-pcp kicks in.
00:00 20mg methylphenidat (rectal)
00:45 12mg methylphenidat (rectal)
01:05 1,2ml bdo
02:15 40mg meai (rectal)
02:35 40mg meai (rectal)
02:45 40mg meai (rectal)
03:00 1ml bdo
03:55 1ml bdo
05:45 15mg 3-mec (nasally)

nice roll like feeling. the 3-mec burns as hell but its worth it.
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00:00 30mg dck (rectal)
00:20 3g Kratom
00:50 20mg 2methyl-ap237 (rectal)
02:00 10mg 2methyl-ap237 (rectal)
03:50 10mg 2methyl-ap237 (rectal)
04:30 10mg 2methyl-ap237 (rectal)
05:06 14mg 2methyl-ap237 (rectal)
05:45 10mg 2methyl-ap237 (rectal)
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Well I’ve shared plenty before…

Here’s another goodie. Cocaine and Etaqualone. Methaqualone is better but I’ve no personal experience. Etaqualone is highly euphoric, sexual and also similarly short acting. Kills any uneasiness. Great sex combo. I plan on using this one when I get home to my wife :)

30mg dck (rectal)
10minutes after dck kicks in:
40mg 2-methyl-ap237 (rectal)
3 hours after that add:
20mg 2-methyl-ap237 (rectal)

all without any tolerance, normally i need around 130-150mg of2m-ap237 for an essentially more boring evening. synnergizes well.
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.25mg alprazolam
~200ug AL-LAD
20mg 4-AcO-DMT
Lots of weed
Crazy visuals and super chill at the same time.
Did all kinds of crazy combos in my youth--- some good, some great, some deadly.
(great and deadly were often concurrent)
But these days I keep it simple and relatively tame:
Workday mornings:
10g kratom (Maeng Da red)
4 cups coffee (strong, black, French Roast)
6 cigarettes*

Workday evenings:
64oz 8.1% lager (ice cold Steel Reserve)
2-3g cannabis (my homegrown, smoked)
8-10 cigarettes*

Off Days:
96oz 8.1% lager (ice cold SR)
6-8g cannabis (mine, smoked)
12-20 cigarettes *
5-10g psilocybin (steeped in herbal tea)
and ....who knows what else? could be anything but it's usually just weed

Works for me.

*when I refer to cigarettes I always mean Marlboro black 100s, half the filter cut off