Writing-up [USA] Coping with COVID-19 study (mental health and substance use)


Jun 13, 2020
We are researchers from Rowan University seeking to collect data from Bluelight to understand the mental health impact of COVID-19 and how individuals are struggling to cope during the pandemic (including through the use of drugs and alcohol). Pasted below is institutional review board approved recruitment script with study link. Please message or email if there are additional questions. Thank you.

Rowan University Health and Behavioral Integrated Treatments (HABIT) Unit

Study Title: Coping with Mental Health Concerns Related to COVID-19

Study Description: We have recently launched a study investigating the mental health consequences during COVID-19 and how individuals have been coping thus far. You will be asked to answer several questions about your experience related to COVID-19, mental health symptoms, and substance use. In addition, you will be asked about the ways in which you have been coping that may help inform treatments for others who are struggling with the psychological impact of the global pandemic. You will be asked to make several hypothetical decisions on survey tasks and we ask you to be as honest as possible in your responses. Anyone who is at least 18 years old, English speaking, and a resident of the United States is welcome to take part. This comprehensive survey is anticipated to take between 30 and 60 minutes to complete and participants will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win one of five $100 Visa cards. Participants will also have the option to be considered to participate in follow-up research that will result in further compensation.

Study link: https://rowan.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bqgpBPGqUuRz8KF

Disclaimer: This study is approved by the Rowan University Institutional Review Board , Pro2020001076. Participation is voluntary and can be stopped at any moment. Participation is VOLUNTARY and responses are ANONYMOUS. At the conclusion of the study, you will be redirected to an external website to enter your email address if you are interested in follow-up opportunities. No personal information can be connected to survey responses and all data is stored according to the data storage protocols of Rowan University. Any questions regarding participation in the study can be directed to the principal investigator Dr. Bethany Raiff at [email protected]. If you would like to speak to someone outside of the research team, you may call the Rowan University’s Office of Research Compliance, (856) 256-4078.

End Date: Open
my existing mental health struggles-depression and gad (generalised anxiety disorder) have increased and in particular, whilst before covid, I would get times when I had both but then I would enter a period of respite/diminished symptoms and back on this rollercoaster. But, Since March 2020, pretty much every single day ,I've been experiencing a significant high exacerbation of both dep and gad.
It's made my life especially my self esteem and confidence dip intolerable and has had a severe effect on my ability to even leave my room, I am married and have a 7 yo daughter, so the guilt and regret at not spending enough time with has been devastating for me and us as a family. I appreciate the opportunity to voice this, I know I am not alone.
t really scares and worries me! particularly now in the UK that our xmas opportunities to mix with family have now been cancelled. The impact on the elderly, the young and people with mental health diagnoses, is going to be/unprecedented. Added to this, the provision for mental health support is in chaos/nil. Hoping for a silver lining.
the only thing I've been holding onto, looking forward to= was for 1 day, on xmas eve, I would see my sister who I've now not hugged for one year! and hold my new born niece who is now 6 mths old. I lost my mum 5 yrs ago, and my auntie 2 yrs ago and so this has impacted and made everything so much more painful. My heart is hurting so badly.