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Heroin What kind of heroin is available in Australia?


Nov 29, 2021
Reading from the news about drug busts, heroin sold in Australia comes form the golden triangle, thailand, myanmar, laos...so it must be of superior quality, the best in the world far above the heroin found in europe, but how is it actually?
Yeah, I guess it is pretty good. Compared to what I had in the U.K. anyway. But bloody expensive. The packets seem to be shrinking. Someone is making an absolute fortune. Viets have got the market nailed down around here. But nothing compares to the mid 90s when the North Koreans were bringing it in by the boat load ( See the "Pong Su" ) and that was hardly the first one. I still find myself dreaming about the dope back then. Buying in bulk is best but then I end up being a pig with it.
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Reading from the news about drug busts, heroin sold in Australia comes form the golden triangle, thailand, myanmar, laos...so it must be of superior quality, the best in the world far above the heroin found in europe, but how is it actually?
As good as good can be. Extremely pure #4 and cheaper Afghan #3
The heroin I used to buy in Sydney was always extremely good quality and also very expensive but much purer than average heroin I would get in Europe.
#4, or #3, the later which I'm not familiar with. It's very pricy atm. 1g H $650 =2 g meth, but I know what I'd rather 9 times of 10. Still ridiculous. I'm a filthy casual sniffer, Yesterday was first time I scored in a while. I'm not going hard as to ease in to avoid nausea and vomiting. Half a grain in small lines has provide a mellow buzz to losing visual focus and starting no fade off after a couple small lines to close to three days straight. Great legs. Also using small night dose of 'xanax' fwiw, H keeps me from sleeping at these low doses. Tho it' way too pricey, if you have 0 tolerance it's great bang for buck, even just sniffing. Tho it a seldom treat for me. I wouldn't/couldn't be a full time user. But hey, merry fuckin christmas.
Holy heck $650/g!

UK H is good if you know the right people. £50/gram for what appears to be uncut number 3 so 78% diamorphine plus some monoacetyl morphine and a few impurities not removed. BUT not stepped on. Not a powder but a LUMP of material that crumbles.

I was still not so impressed. I got used to U-47700 which is considerably more potent.

There is a so-far overlooked U4 analogue that is about x25M. Legal everywhere, but it's still not as profitable as fentanyl.
yeah the price i fucking criminal. I feel so sorry for addicts and pain patients who are dependent. I feel like a scab buying it at thi price. 30mg has kept me buzzing for ~48 hours just doin small ines.

All drugs are overpriced her. Coke is ~$400 a gram and it's notorious for absolut shit. fucking benzos are getting out hand price and RC crap wise.
Australia is truly HUGE - if one were seeking to set up a lab, I cannot think of anywhere better.

You see the more precursors you watch, the less resources you have to spend on each one... so a fentanyl factory could start up importing NO watched items.

As it is, the law is poor on controlling precursors - their are DOZENs just 1 step from a (potent & long-acting) fentanyl analogue. I would buy whatever machine is used to make those tiny saccharin tablets with 1mg in each (that equating to 120mg of morphine). Very easy to wholesale. Crush and snort, crush and shoot or even swallow (the analogues are orally active).

What $50 each?
It's a fucking rackit down here man. If you can get shit passed the border you're going to make bank. there used to be loads of variety in psychedelics, bu now 80% of listings are opioids and meth. half of the vendors scammers. that's how the reliable ones can set prices like 650/g with bugger all off for larger riskier listings.

mdma is $200/g for lack luster shit.

I'm happy to be lightweight casual.

Benzos are all rc's and overpriced or dangerous AF.

OffTopic: Do yo know what happened to Dread, and where everyone is now?
But my point is you can quite openly import the precursors. Also, don't forget that the economic zones (usually next to major ports or airline hubs) exhibit extraterritoriality, especially if goods are produced with the aim of being exported. If the IRA can smuggle in guns & explosives, clearly these places offer good tween-points.

At those prices - it's not an IF, just a WHEN. The smart money offers someone else materials and kit via a cut-out.... waits for them to finish production... and grass them up. Nasty, but it's common practice. Never be (or at least appear) to be 'the biggest', 'the most successful' and worst of all 'the most profitable'.

You will be in an unrivalled position to learn their handwriting... and to ensure you use TOTALLY different handwriting.

Examples of 'handwriting' is communication, distribution, compartmentalisation and financial arrangement. It isn't a nice trade. It's awful, but seeing how Auzzie police convinced 800 criminals to use a mobile encryption system they could break real time is an example of the worst sin - copying someone else's handwriting.

Book ciphers are now OLD, but it's not hard to get TRNGs (true random number generators) to produce huge 'books' which are just random letters in 8 letter blocks (with 64 lines per page) arranged by frequency of letter use. So messages are sent letter by letter with word, line, page. It's VERY slow but even if the book is found, it's still impossible to reconstruct a message since you have no order. You begin by deleting 25% of the letters and even now, it's considered to be unbreakable.

Long, hard, boring work. But as a friend said 'the cost of doing business'. Just make NO statement.
Been in the Aussie scene for a fair while now. Typically only #4 on the street. There are 2 grades of purity available, market or pure. Pure is 4x the price of market per point of gear, but it also 4x the strength (maybe more). For someone without a tolerance, it is cheap to get a nice nod but if you have tolerance its an expensive habit.
Half a gram later and I feel my tolerance is growing beyond my ability to feed it. It's a rare treat to help me through hard times. I indulged in the most expensive and highest rating available. It's been a year or more since last time. I feel like my tolerance has reset after a year. I don't get violent nausea where it feels like I'm retching from my colon onse my intestines are empty. No Nausea this batch at all. I'm eve eating food quiet too easily.

There is a chance I may have paid a high price for the weaker gear. But I doubt ten or so mg's would have me nodding hard, and say 30 mg's would give me the best visual candy as I drift off for some of the best sleep I've had in years, despite the fact that I'm out of it for hours in a chair and not moving at all despite waking up cold and sore from my abysmal upright sleeping posture.

It may sound like leaping from the pan into the fire, however, I'm not feeling any benzo withdrawal like I normally do, after taking them to sleep. I'm using less than 1 mg a night, and hopefully will have no desire, or NEED to be more accurate once I've finished with the G, which is probably half gone.

Also, the price of benzos has shot up like houses here since my last purchase. It's almost cheaper to sniff H moderately than to use benzos regularly. I don't want to fuck around with H and experience withdrawals, but honestly, I don't think my body or brain can tolerate another benzo crash without some sort of nice pillow to soften the fall.

And for all that H is cracked up to be, as a sniffer, I must say I feel somewhat underwhelmed. If I had physical withdrawal from this batch, I doubt I'd experience psychological WD's and PAWS like I do with Benzos.

Even though most 'normal' people don't get much besides a good night sleep from benzos, for whatever reason, they are my DoC, and I will fight off sleeping on them and enjoy them for other activities, only to fall asleep if I can by eating my one and only meal for the day, which is what usually turns the lights out.
Been takin benzos from years.got a year break.low doses only...but addiction is very strong,if u used it long time...and tapperin also is very low....at least i ain't got any possibility of H,,,soo that's good..it's not better,than benzos,illegal also..even sniffin' tollerance grows..bad way that H....but yes that is one of the most pleasurable highs👍👍👍
Where i live in central west nsw, mostly whats avaliable is white powder h or the more rockier form of the powder like a hard white or beige powder. Also have used brown powder heroin but only in sydney and city areas. Mostly in country where i live its the white stuff.
I just served 2 and a half years in prison i was released on 04 may 2022. Was suprised that the same heroin was still around white/beige powder is it really. White is my fav anyway good stuff from kings cross in sydney :) #kooripride #639016#
I note both in the UK and The Netherlands, the MEDIAN purity of H was over 50% but the people I know get lumps (not a powder, a lump) of brown smoking heroin which has a median purity of 78% but don't forget that the other 22% is mostly 3 & 6 monoacetyl morphine, codeine, thebaine and other poppy alkaloids. This uncut-to-street is rapidly becoming the norm. People do not trust powder - they want something they feel cannot have been cut (except at source).

Interestingly, by weight, dry amps of pharmaceutical diamorphine are worth LESS. A 100mg dry amp is worth £10 (which would make a gram about $160). I asked why and people said that brown heroin was 'warmer' or 'more satisfying'.
I also wondered where I would look to find a comprehensive list of opioids controlled in Australia. I mean, did U-47700 turn up with you guys? It's x3.3 (100%) heroin and the IV rush is better (according to people I know who IV)