Education Academic toolkit thread v. Just google it.


Bluelight Crew
Apr 4, 2021
This is the thread for discussion and posting of programs and websites useful in academia.

Neil's toolbox:

Citation needed? Neil's toolbox may be just the thing you need, I can generate Harvard style references from a variety of sources.

All this for the low low price of free.

Google scholar:

Ever wanted a search engine just for academic papers? Well google scholar may be the search engine for you. Although you cant view the papers without paying for the journals that problem may be solved by my next tool.


Dont you hate it when your looking for a source for whatever your doing and you find a paper but the science journal it's in costs multiple hundreds of dollars? Sci-Hub might be able to help.

Dispite the name Sci-hub isn't a science themed porn-hub clone. It's an archive of scientific papers. All you have to do is find the doi of the paper and pop it in the Sci-hubs search bar and if they have the paper it will pop up with a pdf of what your looking for.


Incase you dident youtube, the single largest video hosting website, has an ocean of informational and educational videos. These videos cover almost all topics.


You all should know wikipedia but incase you dont. It's a free online encyclopedia with user moderated contents. Dispite the user moderation it is reliable for a base level explanation of many things. If this is inadequate then use the wiki sources or my next tool.

German wikipedia:

Yes while it may seem counterintuitive the German version of wikipedia has often more in depth articles. Only problem is that it's in german, for people who do not speak German (such as myself) it can be hard to use.
