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Best OTC opiod potentiator?

"Well your still a rookie in my book due to you still look at medications and the warning labels like if it says "dont drink grapfruit juice" , then think its actually "good" and makes the drug "better".......Did you ever think for once that they say that because its actually "not good" to do?"

Same thing, grapefruit juice strengthens the benzo, and one of the side effects of benzos is respiratory distress, which could lead to death, hence the warning. Damn stinking rookies;DAMN!
benadryl's alright, but you'd only say that if you haven't tried the "prescription only" (in the US) promethazine and/or hydroxyzine

promethazine = phenergan, and its a great... fuck I just realized the thread is OTC potentiators.

Oh well, this post is too good to never reveal publicly so I'll do it anyway
OCjunky said:
bullshit about potentiating Opioids with OTC meds. If that was the case, EVERY junkie would be at the store buyin shitloads of OTC meds to help them save money on hairy.

All the Opiates users I know who have enough money buy shitloads of antihistamines, muscle-relaxants and cimetidine at the pharmacy...

OCjunky said:
Drugs like Cimetidine and Grapefruit juice show NO added effects in duration. I have taken it so many times to try and prove the theory of the duration lasting longer/enhibiting enzymes , but EVERYTIME its a no go. I know there is some chemistry behind this as well, but i really think there is actually no effect.

From my experience, you don't feel any extended duration of your Opiates from Cimetidine, but it makes the withdrawals symptoms appear later than usual... So i believe it extends the duration of some Opioids, even if you don't feel it...

OCjunky said:
If you want potentiation for your Opioids, you have to: take MORE of the opioid itself

OCjunky said:
There is nothing that you can take that makes you feel like you took more of the opioid itself....

Yes that's true, I agree with that...
But still, these "potentiators" (antihistamine, muscle-relaxants, etc...) are not completely useless... If they were, there wouldn't be SO many people always saying "Antihistamines!" or "Muscle-relaxants!" everytime someone asks for an Opiate potentiator...
And I think most of these people (including myself) speak from experience...
I have never found shite to potentiate hydros...maybe its just me...about the only thing that seems to work is the Xanax Sticks, but thats just because of their sedative properties I believe, I will consult with F and B on this...or SoundphaRm on this issue and hopefully we can all get a solid response, I think this is the forty first thread on this topic...No Disrespect to DexterMeth as he is probably one of the coolest BL's on the board, but he probably started the thread before all the newbies did....
Much Love for ya Dex...
Instead of adding sleepy antihistamines, why not try to induce a pharmacokinetic interaction ?
GABAlover said:
Instead of adding sleepy antihistamines, why not try to induce a pharmacokinetic interaction ?

What kind of pharmacokinetic interaction ?
I'm not really sure but I think he means something like reducing the rate of drug metabolisation.
Baking soda aka "sodium bicarbonate" simply makes one's stomach less acidic -n- a much more alkaline environment. This boost in alkalinity [-n- drop in acid] makes the substance quickly absorb like rectal administration kinda but not as strong [rectum/colon is higher in pH.] Basically, it hits u faster, sumwut harder -n- lasts maybe an hour longer [w/ short actin opiates/oids]. It also works even better wit stimulants, in particular amps....

[I myself don't have much experience w/ it 4 opiates but I do for amps which seem about 1/3 stronger while lastin much longer....]
Jean Dough said:
Baking soda aka "sodium bicarbonate" simply makes one's stomach less acidic -n- a much more alkaline environment. This boost in alkalinity [-n- drop in acid] makes the substance quickly absorb like rectal administration kinda but not as strong [rectum/colon is higher in pH.] Basically, it hits u faster, sumwut harder -n- lasts maybe an hour longer [w/ short actin opiates/oids]. It also works even better wit stimulants, in particular amps....

[I myself don't have much experience w/ it 4 opiates but I do for amps which seem about 1/3 stronger while lastin much longer....]

Thank you!
tadfish said:
what are some OTC OTC muscle-relaxants?

Depends on where you live...
In some places, Methocarbamol is OTC, Mephenesin too... They are the best OTC muscle-relaxants I think...
OCJunky: I've read elsewhere that GFJ's efficiency varies from person to person. Some people have more than others of the enzyme needed for potentiation. This may apply to tagamet as well. Something like that, just going by memory...

From personal experience I can say GFJ and DXM did work:

~16oz, ruby red & yellow (from concentrate?) both tried on hydrocodone & methadone separately - unsure of effects on hydro was a long time ago, a noticable effect on duration of methadone, there may be better results with yellow or white, ruby red wasn't as profound.

30-40mg DXM taken ~30min before consumption of methadone - a noticable effect in potency, not sure of duration.
sonic said:
Ok, so what you're saying is that grapefruit juice blocks the enzyme that breaks down codeine into an inactive product, but it doesn't block the enzyme that converts the codeine into morphine? What about tagament?
Sorry for the dumb questions, but I need to learn somehow.
GFJ Inhibits NOT blocks the CYP3A4.
jasoncrest said:
Depends on where you live...
In some places, Methocarbamol is OTC, Mephenesin too... They are the best OTC muscle-relaxants I think...

Is Methocarbamol "better" than mephenisine....; cause mephinisine really didn't do much.... and is it otc in france (methocarbamol)?
I dont know if this post was submitted, but for me, meclizine 25x2, for Ct.
USA, antihistamines add drowsiness, remember cyclozine? that had some interesting effects eh? ive been using opiate forsr 15 years, and unfortunately most potentiators are discovered by accident and quickly regulated , which leaves more interest , at least for me, as to what other class og substances(carbamates, hypnotics,benzoes, non benzoes, etc... recently i had to bridge(cover 3-5 days without my usual meds) meclizine 50mgs. q4-6 tramadol 50mgs q4 and melatonin for sleep 9 mgs. (tramadol is not a controlled substance in the US and is most certainly a serious synthetic opiate.
my name is Jester and im new to bluelight peace
AKA wildbill(maybe a few remeber me from mesomorphosis)