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Bron: Asian Dihydrocodeine


Mar 21, 2006
Anyone familiar with this asian OTC cough suppressant? I think each delicious candy-pill has 15mg of DHC, or Dihydrocodeine HCl - however I've heard that it's actually 5mg, and that the 15mg refers to the total recommended dosage of 3 pills.

There's a smorgasborg of other stuff in it but none are more serious than a minimal amount of caffeine.

People with experience on tramadol and the like could probably put in input.


***Removed prices - Mr Blonde***
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Had it a few times, you need to take an obscene amount of the pills though to have any actual sort of high. The caffeine makes it a little jittery, but for the same reason, it's a pretty bubbly opiate high. Wish the stuff wasn't so damn expensive.
Removed prices.

Bronn is actually a legal OTC drug you can buy in Japan, and probably most of Eastern Asia. It's the same as Tylenol in legality over there - as such, there is nothing against the rules with naming pricing of that, is there? If so, maybe I could relate my story in more vague terms (ie expensive/cheap). Apologies due.

I've always been around wiggi, sometimes I just don't post. If you ever want to chat with me or see what's up, just send me a PM. I always am browsing even if I'm not posting.

Had it a few times, you need to take an obscene amount of the pills though to have any actual sort of high. The caffeine makes it a little jittery, but for the same reason, it's a pretty bubbly opiate high. Wish the stuff wasn't so damn expensive.

How many is obscene? I've gone upwards of 12 with residual effects. Afraid to really try any more because even double that effect would probably not even get you high... maybe?

Anyways, it says the dose is 30mg DHC-HCl, but I've heard that only relates to like how many your supposed to take, which is 4 pills, or whatever.

I've heard that 100-300mg of DHC is what is good for tramadol/DHC when people talk about it here, but if each pill is 30mg I've felt nothing from taking over 300mg of it.

Of course, while I don't have a tolerance to opiates I am by far not opiate naive, and with such experiences with IV heroin I may just be expecting too much.

I love the taste of Bron though! I've actually eaten a couple on long train rides on the Japanese countryside on the bullet train because they taste so good...
Well, DHC is 1.5x as strong as Codeine, so, knowing my recreational dose of codeine, I just figured out how many pills I had to eat to get that amount of DHC. It turned out to be about twice the daily recommended dose, but there isn't any APAP or anything in these, and I can hold the caffeine, so I wasn't too worried.

They are over the counter and perfectly legal in Japan, I don't know why prices aren't okay to post. Hmmm..

edit: just reread that- one pill isn't 30 mg, I think 8 (?) are? I don't have a bottle with me, sorry :/
read the forum guidelines , the only place where you can post prices is in the price thread
yes that is harm reduction policy , prices and sources of syringes , micron filters , etc are allowed
Oh alright, that always confused me for some reason. So basically no price discussion of any kind of drug, legal or not? Anything else is alright.
peacebone said:
Well, DHC is 1.5x as strong as Codeine, so, knowing my recreational dose of codeine, I just figured out how many pills I had to eat to get that amount of DHC. It turned out to be about twice the daily recommended dose, but there isn't any APAP or anything in these, and I can hold the caffeine, so I wasn't too worried.

They are over the counter and perfectly legal in Japan, I don't know why prices aren't okay to post. Hmmm..

edit: just reread that- one pill isn't 30 mg, I think 8 (?) are? I don't have a bottle with me, sorry :/

DHC is a million times more enjoyable as a recreational drug than codeine. Yes it has 1.5 the analgesic effect of codeine but that means fuck all.
Codeine is converted to morphine. DHC is converted to dihydromorphine take some grapefruit juice 30 mins before dosing followed by an ant acid on an empty stomach. For the first time try about 150mg-200mg.
I love the stuff. I prefer it to heroin. Its a much more of an upper. Rather like E.
The other day I learned about Soma (carisoprodol) and how that interacts with opiates... so I'm really excited to be getting that in the mail in a few days from an online Japanese pharmacy.

As for BRON.

Here in Japan, bottles typically come with 60 pills or 84 pills (I don't bother with the cough syrup).

12 pills = 30mg dihydrocodeine, 90mg caffeine, 50mg methylephedrine, and 8mg chlorpheniramine.

You probably need at least 60mg of codeine to get a buzz, so do the math.

I've taken 60 pills before at once. It feels real good for the first 3 or 4 hours, but then you are strung out because of the caffeine. Don't plan on sleeping that night.

This is why I plan to get some benzos from the doctor tomorrow (also easy to get in Asia).

But yeah, BRON is great.
The other day I learned about Soma (carisoprodol) and how that interacts with opiates... so I'm really excited to be getting that in the mail in a few days from an online Japanese pharmacy.

As for BRON.

Here in Japan, bottles typically come with 60 pills or 84 pills (I don't bother with the cough syrup).

12 pills = 30mg dihydrocodeine, 90mg caffeine, 50mg methylephedrine, and 8mg chlorpheniramine.

You probably need at least 60mg of codeine to get a buzz, so do the math.

I've taken 60 pills before at once. It feels real good for the first 3 or 4 hours, but then you are strung out because of the caffeine. Don't plan on sleeping that night.

This is why I plan to get some benzos from the doctor tomorrow (also easy to get in Asia).

But yeah, BRON is great.

Chlorpheniramine is nasty stuff, I believe the max you can (within any bounds of safety) take is 24mg over a 24hr period, correct?
Yes, Bron has dihydrocodeine, caffeine, and clorpheniramine. Make sure you're getting plain old Bron (with the purple label), and none of the newer forumlations which have even more crap in them (the Japanese strongly believe in polypharmacy). For a little while when I lived in Japan, I took it like candy. DHC is not a particularly powerful opiate (probably influenced by the caffeine), but it is much more enjoyable than plain old codeine.

No, it doesn't seem to be available in the rest of East Asia. I've only ever seen it in Japanese pharmacies.
Chlorpheniramine is nasty stuff, I believe the max you can (within any bounds of safety) take is 24mg over a 24hr period, correct?

Really? I am trying to look up info on the LD of Chlorpheniramine as we speak...

Just when I was getting excited about the coldwater caffeine extraction, here comes another annoying chemical...
Isn't Chlorpheniramine dangerous (in addition to the bad side effects) ? It's the poison they put in some cough mixtures to prevent people from robotripping on DXM.

But yeah, DHC is very enjoyable and works well as a suppressant. It also kicks ass for withdrawal and lasts long, 200mg of DHC will last 12 hours and will prevent quite severe w/d symptoms IME although I don't know how well it would work for higher dose users.
Chlorpheniramine is an antihistamine. I used to take it with Hydrocodone pills frequently when I was having sinus problems.

My favorite cough syrup (Tussionex) contains 10 mg. Hydro and 8mg. Chlorpheniramine per teaspoon. Wondeful stuff when you have a cold.

I have taken DHC in 80 mg. tablets. I have taken 4 to 6 of them (480 mg. DHC)for a nice relaxing pain free evening. The DHC I took did NOT have the Chlor. in it.

Yeah, it is a Japanese OTC but I never bothered with it. If anything, I stock up on the 60 mg. LPs (Dicodin) whenever I am in Cambodia and Laos which is almost each year. ALOT of talc but great taken as is, orally of course, with a healthy dose of Promethazine to boost the internal conversion to morphine.

Worldwide it is hit or miss, nothing in the US, but in Canda they are considering it as a form of OST, and in the UK they have also had alot of success with it although for the life of me, when given the option between RX heroin and DHC who would even need to make a choice?
Subjectively I take 1600 mgs of the LP (French formula extended release), once a day and it works wonders. Great little toy because of the lack of ceiling but as always, be careful.
Chlorpheniramine is nasty stuff, I believe the max you can (within any bounds of safety) take is 24mg over a 24hr period, correct?

Been researching the past week, and Chlorpheniramine is only dangerous when taken in conjunction with DXM. Otherwise, the LD of Chlorpheniramine is pretty much impossible to reach =)

Anyway, I've been downing the 84-pill bottle of BRON for the past week each day. It's great.

But I have some great news, there's a new BRON out that has NO CAFFEINE! There are two other ingredients besides the di-hydrocodeine, but the two ingredients have no effect and are perfectly safe (lysozyme chloride and chlorpheniramine).

Just ordered 13 boxes (13 boxes per month was the store limit) offline the other day! Here it is:

エスエスブロン「カリュー」  (SS Bron [Granule])

180mgs of pure dihydro-codeine for 850 yen!
