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News FDA confirms Adderall shortage as largest manufacturer warns of delays through end of the year

Yea this has happened before, I didn’t understand then and I don’t understand now.. Synthesizing Amphetamine should be like baking a cake for these people, it’s gotta come down to the drug being a low money maker these days compared to others on the market.

The fda license a set amount of the drug that can legally be produced. And if the genuine need of prescriptions that need filling are over that number the fda gives zero fucks. But I bet the manufacturers still produce it illegally because the blackarket due to the war on drugs makes the substances more valuable in those black markets.
The fda license a set amount of the drug that can legally be produced. And if the genuine need of prescriptions that need filling are over that number the fda gives zero fucks. But I bet the manufacturers still produce it illegally because the blackarket due to the war on drugs makes the substances more valuable in those black markets.
Considering you have people tryna charge 30 a pop right now for a 30 out here
See yall are right. There is a major Adderall crisis but most are college students who I'm being prejudice but I would say there trying to elevate there studying thus passing college.

It doesn't surprise me at all that meth did those weird pulling effects on me in the year of 03. Now to say meth is a source of getting stuff done but for the first time I could think and focus and wasn't all over the place in my head.
I get 40 MG of Adderall a month. I won't go take advantage of him ever.. I absolutely need it. Adderall and meth are two totally different beasts. The Pharmasist said that it's not only Adderall but other drugs as well. Living in a college it town young adults are not given what they think they need. Now many may have ADD but not the debilitating kind where you can't even read a book without your mind in so many places. My doctor said it seems suspicious since it's all going down but don't expect the powers at be to tell you anything.

My current doc is 79 yrs old. He's been a psychiatrist for 50 years. He doesn't do it for the money but because he enjoys helping those who need it. I will not take advantage of him ever. I didn't even know my ADD was as bad as it was. Meth it's weird. Like coincidence happen but every time I get it, it is like God is saying ill make sure you don't get it. He's not mad at me, I was 17 yrs sober and got T boned and wasn't given anything for pain. I was in the middle of a Lyrica withdrawal. Plenty of klonopin but it doesn't help Lyrica withdrawal. So I made one decision I regret. Got so high off one bowl but now if I mess with it a these what ppl would call psychosis start to happen. Plus I'll be homeless if a start that shit again. God was Sovereignly using all of everything like the dealer to time to roommates. It was as if He was controlling everything cuz He is but He was allowing me to see behind the curtain how dangerous it is. Why on earth is fent so prevalent. It's not even fun unless you get the lowest dose patch and put it on and let it do its job but ppl are suffering because of this abuse from ppl.

There surely is a underlying reason as to why ppl seek drugs, then once they taste it it only takes something supernatural for their eyes to be completely open. I think a lot of ppl on this forum thread maybe reading into the lines. It is however hard to come by but I don't think it'll last forever. Hey tho. If I have to stop Adderall so be it. I don't know what I'll do but I won't go to meth. I know when God is warning me. I will not go to jail because I'm on 3 MG of klonopin and 900 MG of Lyrica. That's just asking to die.

Until the person wants the help you can't force them. If I could take back my heavy drug using days I would. Cuz it has caused trauma that I live with everyday. Sometimes more painful then anything.
I'm sorry drugs caused you trauma. But some people like myself went through so much trauma at such a young age, it literally gave me brain damage as CPTSD on growing brains makes it grow abnormally and depression and trauma are all it knows so taking drugs as an adolescent actually did the opposite. Sure I had a shitty life but I had times when I felt like myself and not just a victim who god said fuck you in particular. Low doses of any illicit drugs can have medicinal effects for mental health problems I truly believe that. But handing them out will nilly will or long term will cause problems. But low doses could be a mental health game changer. As is being discovered.
Adderall, Adderall ER, Methylphenidate ER very hard to get still.
Trauma is trauma. Raped by two guards at a jail. Granted I shouldn't of been doing drug but they say half my brain waves are slower on one side. I could of done all that damage tho. Idk anymore.
interestingly enough I never tried adderall at all. Actually next time I see my addiction doc, gonna ask for little sample. I find personally per mg by mg, dextroamp almost bit stronger, if not the same w/ potency of meth. However methyl component def has more of ‘oomf’ to it, if that makes sense. Almost always get them spectrometer + testing done, mostly sudameth north of 49’.

Is the shortage still happening? Defintely last 6 mo there has been EXPLOSION of ‘adderalls’ on the market.

And now just lately 25mg desoxyn? From my research from company monographs and fda etc there is no such thing as 25mg desoxyn…some body correct me on this please.

People sure get attached to name of the brand, it seems. At the end o’ the day if a chemist can provide me w/ highest quality dextroamp, dextromethamp and diazepam, its all good w/ me. Some ketamine and lsd too actually.
Just how easily dexamphetamine is produced and isolated, buggered if I can't see how it can't be produced without making a profit for pharma companies...
The shortage is a combination of 3 things.

1. They want you to buy the BRAND name drug. Adderall brand name is fine, it's only ever the generics that are back-ordered.

2. Every manufacturer has a limit on how much they can produce in a given time, every middleman has a limit and every pharmacy has a limit on how much they can stock. This is a DEA imposed limit.

3. Telehealth companies FLOODED the market with new Adderall prescriptions, like hundreds of thousands of them, which made this drought so catastrophic..

Luckily my doctor just opened a pharmacy downstairs and only his patients go to it so they have my Adderall every month. Shwing!