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How common is the ability to deepthroat?


Bluelight Crew
Jul 29, 2004
I'm asking as two of my three long term partners could, but seeing all the hoo-ha over Linda Lovelace, in the film Deep Throat, I thought it must be a skill that only a few women could perform.
I've not really slept with many women (a dozen, if you count one unfortunate episode, where to quote the Dead Kennedys, I was 'Too Drunk to Fuck'), so not really had the opportunity to find out.
It’s not that common. But it can be learned or taught. One has to suppress one’s gag reflex. I learned, back when I was bulimic, that I don’t have much of a gag reflex and therefore I’ve always been ok when my boyfriend shoves his dick all the way down my throat lol
It’s not that common. But it can be learned or taught. One has to suppress one’s gag reflex. I learned, back when I was bulimic, that I don’t have much of a gag reflex and therefore I’ve always been ok when my boyfriend shoves his dick all the way down my throat lol
Yes it can be learned, just brush the back of the tongue with the toothbrush and go until you almost gag, and you will gradually get used to it and will be able to brush close to the throat in a few weeks.
Yes it can be learned, just brush the back of the tongue with the toothbrush and go until you almost gag, and you will gradually get used to it and will be able to brush close to the throat in a few weeks.
Btw, your quote is…something 😂😂
All my long term partners could do it well also, blowjobs arey favorite thing in the world pretty much so it's very important to me. But that being said I have fooled around with quite a few woman that were pretty bad at it. Needless to say things didn't last very long between us. If I were to give it a ratio I'd say like maybe 1/3 third are up to par with the top third being exceptional.
It’s not that common. But it can be learned or taught. One has to suppress one’s gag reflex. I learned, back when I was bulimic, that I don’t have much of a gag reflex and therefore I’ve always been ok when my boyfriend shoves his dick all the way down my throat lol
Yeah, same thing with my wife. Really blew me away (no pun intended - really!), when, for the first time, she just suddenly made mine disappear (No, not like David Copperfield or Paul Daniels 😁) completely. My ex took a bit of preparation and never managed that.
I can't do it. I mean, i can take my mans cock very deep but not deepthroat. I have seen a lot of porn, and only a few women/Men can perform it. The rest only take it deep but start gagging or discontinue.
I'm genuine shocked by this and all the replies. I thought like 95% of people could and some with really bad gag reflexes couldn't?
I find it really easy :/
Not saying I don't sometimes gag a little but it's no big deal.

Possibly related: I was bulimic for 11 years
Apparently it's about opening the back of your throat whilst breathing - and it's a lot like sinking a pint,
Wannabe deepthroaters could practice by necking as many drinks as they can then go home to your lad. Beware I hope it's a comfortable relationship as you may puke! I've had my dick puked on a few times!
Yeah there definitely seems to be a link between bulimic girls and that ability, for obvious reasons. Then again my girlfriend was/is bulimic (is a bulimic always a bulimic?) and still can't. Once I was going through the messages of an old phone of hers from years ago and found some old text messages between and her ex boyfriend (or rather, her then boyfriend), and he said something like, "...and I love when you deepthroat me..." etc.

Naturally, I got pissed because she was never able to do that to me, and so I brought it up to her. I said something like, "so why the fuck could you deepthroat that shit head and me!?" and she said, "cause he's alot smaller than you". Which makes sense since the one time she tried to get close she ended up throwing up, and she didnt even succeed that time. I've had other girls in the past also vomit from it, and in general I have a bit of a vomit phobia so I generally don't encourage anyone to try since I don't like that gagging sound that accompanies it. I've only been with two girls who could actually do it, neither of which i knew very well.
Apparently it's about opening the back of your throat whilst breathing - and it's a lot like sinking a pint,
Wannabe deepthroaters could practice by necking as many drinks as they can then go home to your lad. Beware I hope it's a comfortable relationship as you may puke! I've had my dick puked on a few times!

lol I nearly puked on one once but managed to move my head back and face to the side in time
Yeah there definitely seems to be a link between bulimic girls and that ability, for obvious reasons. Then again my girlfriend was/is bulimic (is a bulimic always a bulimic?) and still can't. Once I was going through the messages of an old phone of hers from years ago and found some old text messages between and her ex boyfriend (or rather, her then boyfriend), and he said something like, "...and I love when you deepthroat me..." etc.

Naturally, I got pissed because she was never able to do that to me, and so I brought it up to her. I said something like, "so why the fuck could you deepthroat that shit head and me!?" and she said, "cause he's alot smaller than you". Which makes sense since the one time she tried to get close she ended up throwing up, and she didnt even succeed that time. I've had other girls in the past also vomit from it, and in general I have a bit of a vomit phobia so I generally don't encourage anyone to try since I don't like that gagging sound that accompanies it. I've only been with two girls who could actually do it, neither of which i knew very well.

I used to 100% believe I would always be bulimic. Getting sober from alcohol and getting off a heroin-and-methadone-combo addiction were both A LOT easier.
But today I can proudly say that I have not purged for over 4 years :)
I used to 100% believe I would always be bulimic. Getting sober from alcohol and getting off a heroin-and-methadone-combo addiction were both A LOT easier.
But today I can proudly say that I have not purged for over 4 years :)

Well i meant, is one still a bulimic even if they no longer purge (kind of like how a drug addict is always a drug addict in a figurative sense, regardless of active use).
I can proudly say that I have not purged for over 4 years

Congrats! Purging seems like hard work anyway. I remember eating a dozen or more pastries on a cheat day once and spent hours trying to throw them back up, drinking water and jumping up and down to try to dislodge and release a bit more food, and so on. I gave up.
I would argue that it largely comes down to someone's gag reflex.

I used to get multiple migraines a week, no clue why. It was never figured out. I was pretty lucky, my friend who got them, her were debilitating for a whole day or longer. Mine? Well, here's where this becomes relevant.

If I did nothing and tried to just ride the migraine out, I would suffer for ages. Just unending shittiness. But one of the only good things I learnt from my cumstain of a father was that if you make yourself upchuck with a migraine, well, it becomes exponentially easier to deal with only the headache as opposed to both that and the nausea.

So before I started sodium valproate, and before I got the 'wafers' you can get which aborts a migraine in their tracks (I can't recall the name) I would head into the backyard, or go to the bathroom, and make myself yak.

And... It worked? Pretty soon after that I would retire to wherever the darkest place I could find was, put an ice pack on my head, and pretty quickly fall asleep. In fact this worked so well I could actually have migraines in the morning and go out somewhere that night albeit a touch more sensitive than usual.

Now, considering my migraines started when I was maybe 7 or 8, and were in full force by my twenties, I can state with a fair degree of certainty that my gag reflex is basically dead now. And considering the times I have tried to make myself yak due to feeling sick and just wanting to get it over and done with and having a hard time of that, yeah... It's a learnt thing.

No gag reflex = easier to suck dick.

Not sure I would go out of my way to do this purely as a deep throat party trick through, cause I'm really pissed I can't throw up when I need to deliberately now if I eat something that doesn't sit right and rather than dealing with hours of feeling like I'm about to throw up, I could just hurl instead.
Well i meant, is one still a bulimic even if they no longer purge (kind of like how a drug addict is always a drug addict in a figurative sense, regardless of active use).

Not necessarily, I don't identify as a drug addict, and I don't like applying that term to myself. I have a substance use disorder, many of them in long term remission, only two are still what could be termed problematic.

I won't ever be able to take substances in a way that isn't detrimental to my health, but I know plenty of people who have had serious and now moderate their use of alcohol or weed, and barely partake. One of my support workers fits that category. His 'Xanax' (pressed pills) use was so bad that he ended up in hospital when trying to withdraw, and was doing CWE with codeine, eating packets of ibuprofen plus like me, all that shit. Now he barely drinks and casually smokes weed.

I used to have a life threatening addiction. Now I use on irregular incidents when triggered by something, and I may not use drugs again for weeks if not months.

My issue isn't the drugs, the drugs are a vehicle to self harm, for me.

I understand that the term has value for others, but personally I think once I've reached a point where these are no longer issues for me, I probably won't apply the labels to myself and I'll just move on, while maintaining a realistic and vigilant outlook on my life after replacing them with more adaptive coping mechanisms, because that's what mine are.

So while I'm sure in 2016-2017 people who knew me would have called me a drug addict, they certainly wouldn't now. Especially not now that the reasons behind my use have become very clear. Everyone is different. Personally, I wouldn't want to keep the label, I feel like it would continue to remind me of my past. The reason I sucked at daily dosing for suboxone was having a daily reminder and the addict label for me has similar impact.