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JOHN McAFEE (1945- June 23, 2021) made all the right enemies

Blockchain, Bitcoin and cyber security
2017 interview from d10e conference Bucharest, Romania
Has anyone used or currently use McAfee Anti Virus?
I tried to uninstall it from a computer about a decade ago and just gave up.
Evidently he gave up helping people to uninstall it because he was flooded with too many requests.

In the interview above he said there is no security apart from identifying breaches in real time and closing down entry points, the last thing hackers do is plant malware (unless it's ransomware) and that over half of all phones iOS
/Android have keystroke logging software.

"We are allowing these devices to basically become our masters rather than the other way around. And these devices are spy devices"
One year before his death. "I'm wanted by 5 world governments including the United States, the most horrific of them." He says he utilizes several "doubles... many of them are just like me: they take too many drugs and drink themselves into a stupor" and dismisses a recent photo purportedly showing him already dead. McAfee also claims he knows the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the fabled creator of Bitcoin's blockchain technology.
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That bonkers McAfee ad from the late 2000s (iirc?) now makes substantially more sense, h u h. Phenmetrazine rant inbound:

He seems like a toxic and garbage human being, but also very much the type of figure whom North Americans have been fascinated by for centuries.

Personally, I believe in holding anyone making over a few hundred thousand dollars a year to moral and ethical standards orders of magnitude higher than those living near or below the poverty line. I realize massive personal wealth goes to people's heads almost invariably, and that absolute power has a nasty habit of corrupting absolutely, but I think it also removes any and all excuses for predatory behaviour, abuse, and the dissemination of dis/misinformation. There's no excuse for not knowing better, no shortage of resources and outlets to excise their inner demons.

Also: sober or intoxicated, I firmly believe we should always hold people responsible for soliciting underage sex (all sex crime, for that matter). From McAfee to Bowie, consensual or not. That, more than any amount of grift, truly disgusts me. I respect a good con, even when I've been on the receiving end, but there's nothing remotely worthy of respect in sexual misconduct.

I know nobody was suggesting otherwise!! But thinking about rich sex offenders has my blood boiling, especially in light of the recent news regarding Cosby's case being dropped. Which, fun fact, is now being used by Ghislaine Maxwell's lawyer as a reason to drop her case too. That, on top of the recent discoveries of more mass-graves of students forced into residential schools (often rife with rape; staff walking down rows of children morning and night, picking out the desirable ones, burying them in shallow graves after they die in childbirth because Father John couldn't even be bothered to pull-out ) in my province has me fucking bitter.

Being a decent human being isn't all that challenging; even if it is, for a rich individual, you can certainly fucking afford the therapy :/
But instead so many choose the easy way out, rarely confronting or being forced to confront their conduct, rarely held to account until after they've died, if ever.

But all that said, I (and lets face it, a large portion of North Americans) seem to have a deeply ingrained morbid fascination/curiosity with people like this; Jordan Belfort of Wolf of Wall Street fame, Jeffrey Epstein, R. Kelly, Harvey Weinstein, Adolf Hitler, Donald Trump, et al. Maybe it's like fixating on fatal car accidents or mass shootings, serial killers of cult leaders.
No matter how abominable they are on a personal level, no matter how unforgivable elements of their conduct, it seems in our cultural nature to give credence to figures and stories like this, to the outlaws and the bomb-throwers, to those who operate completely outside of our societal norms, preaching and practicing a total disregard for the moral standards most of us strive to adhere to.

Even when they're bad people, we can't look away (I don't know about calling him a "monster"... I think the monster is the system that allows people like him to flourish and evade responsibility in the first place, but idk).
Re: sex crime allegations
If allegations of sexual misconduct are true, unequivocally fuck this guy (statistically, accusations of sexual misconduct are overwhelmingly legitimate and founded in truth). It's as easy as breathing to imagine wealthy unscrupulous individuals taking sexual advantage of the poor in nations with insufficient rule of law and widespread poverty. Peter Nygard comes to mind as a recent example).

I might be surprised to learn he was guilty of murder, but would be surprised if he wasn't guilty of sex crimes. It seems an unfortunate reality that the drug-addled rich with proclivities for throwing Gatsby-esque bacchanals and orgies often engage in this type of behaviour, and seemingly always have. Lets be real; for millenia, the powerful have used their wealth or influence to sate their carnal desires, unaware or uncaring of the lives they ruin and the trauma they cause. Priests, cops, titans of industry, soldiers, professors, politicians, entrepreneurs, bosses, coaches, lawyers; it's a (not exclusively but primarily) male tradition.

"Innocent until proven guilty" is a standard of paramount importance, but it becomes murkier when a certain class of people are systemically and historically insulated from consequence and accountability by other powerful individuals and institutions.
But I can't pretend I don't understand why people find him to be a fascinating character. It makes sense... he fits right in with the likes of the other figures I mention above. Unreasonably wealthy men who get to play by their own rules, people who we can't look away from and frequently hold to seemingly lower standards than your average joe.

Our culture seems to be deeply bonded to the simultaneous demonization and lionization of people like this, rejecting but still often indulging them. It feels conveniently reductive but so wholly understandable.
phenmetrazine, eh? Repping old school!
Well, the 3-Fleuro analogue! Lordy, I would debase myself something awful if I could get my mitts on some Preludin...

I will be popping some clomethiazole in the evening, however, so rest assured- the old school shall be repped :3
(getting out my old PDR)
He was a billboard by the name of a stuff merchant. I think often searched. He has been subjected to various hacker attacks. Most of these attacks aim to steal or compromise user credentials, which hackers use to spread to other PCs and servers in the organization while collecting other credentials and increasing their power. As a result of an elaborate attack, attackers gain global administrator privileges and complete control over the IT infrastructure. Penetration testing in Brisbane found that it could bring business processes to a halt, financial losses, and reputational risks to the organization.
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Thank you for sharing this information!
Thank you for resurrecting the thread. You should watch the video of him at the conference above he talks about how that hacking is not really an issue anymore now it's about Shadow spyware which records the keystrokes when you enter your crypto wallet password
Well, the 3-Fleuro analogue! Lordy, I would debase myself something awful if I could get my mitts on some Preludin...

I will be popping some clomethiazole in the evening, however, so rest assured- the old school shall be repped :3
You ever got the bouts of sneezing, with chlormethiazole? I noticed with some that I got years ago (no longer used used for alcohol dependence in UK), that bright light (can't remember the name of the reflex) would set off serial sneezing.
mcafee antivirus software will just set your system up for viruses and other attacks. all of those programs make your system vulnerable and run slowly while also being very insecure.

build ur own system from scratch. i run a fully fleshed out arch linux that runs perfectly. i haven’t had a single attack on my system since i built mine over a decade ago. my computer runs perfectly and as long as i keep it updated, no viruses or malware will ever threaten my system.

os like arch linux or another such open source os are free for everyone, and very much supported with updates and fixes for all for free!

if you don’t know how to build ur own os, than it’s easy to find free pre-made software that is supported and is readily available for all of us to use!

mcafee and other antivirus programs like norton’s have always been the problem for security for ur machine!

Miss your cantankerous often hilarious voice on BL, 28% more boring without you here and in spite of your being banned people are at war with each other the bickering is constant or near constant, the biggest pussies get away with saying worse than you did it's just not just they know it
Miss your cantankerous often hilarious voice on BL, 28% more boring without you here and in spite of your being banned people are at war with each other the bickering is constant or near constant, the biggest pussies get away with saying worse than you did it's just not just they know it
God I sound preachy