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Kristen Stewart Appreciation Thread

^It is very sad but was one of her best roles.........

And I agree on the Harper's Bazaar shoot, it was great........

Here's another for Keni:
Our lover Girl w/ Nikki Reed-

And b/c I'm a crazy stalker and read all about her- I think the reason why she and Nikki are so close is b/c before Twilight, Nikki Reed did a movie with KStew's ex bf Michael Angarawhocares and became friends with him while filming that movie....Supposedly they are still friends......
lol moar taysten


nikki stew



for tribal girl:


for ocean;

^Thanks <3

So this is weird but yesterday I was looking through random KStew fansites and came across this series of pictures that look like MAYBE they were taken inside the house Breaking Dawn was being filmed in??? Kristen was crouched down and Robert Pattinson was standing over her in one shot and walking up to her in another and then there were a few by herself- But they looked sorta candid- Like they had been caught?!?! I don't know- Now they have disappeared from the interwebs?!?!?! I can't find them ANYWHERE! Wtf?

oh yeah and here we go:


ocean, you mean photos like this?


another (lol)


adorable taysten


I dunno what it is about her, but i like her.. i love girls with a strong jaw line. :)
That's not Robert Pattinson ! :D
Just his head!!!
That one dude is massive and sure, he'd kick Robert Pattinson's ass but seriously, it ain't him.
And yes, I googled whats his face. =D