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[MEGA] Cannabis and Exercise

sativa before excercise

indica afterward

have fun :D

personally when i was in colorado recently i would smoke a decent sized bowl WHILE hiking, you just have to go off the trail a little bit and use a disposable bowl (apple, foil, etc). In fact, weed greatly enhances the natural beauty of the landscape IMO and makes the hike much more enjoyable. Plus, in colorado they have at least one medical weed dispensary in every town... So enjoy yourself :)
smoking weed AFTER a workout is great, before and i have to force myself to finish.
I'm happy to see this thread, people don't talk about this much. I have a ritual a few times a week where I , on a somewhat empty stomach but not starving, smoke and then exercise. I put on high energy music and then I either jog, dance, or ride the exercise machine I have, then do push ups and situps and stuff. I find the exercise ecstatic , and my mind doesn't get bored as I do when exercising sober, as many on this thread have noted.

In the course of turning off my mind and doing these repetitive, cardio movements I go into a sort of trance and may have ideas , like, how to solve a problem I've been working on, ideas for a book I'm writing, etc. On a good day I might be inspired to play music, dance, go out in nature, or do a creative project.

Inevitably, though, as I come down, I feel a craving for something, either to munch on some snacky food, or to smoke a cigarette. It's like the "cost" of the benefits I received from the cannabis - exercise trance. Sometimes I can transcend it, or do with an orange or a nice bath. But sometimes I pig out and I slip into a low energy state where I just want to watch a movie, and I feel burnt out and anti-social. I fear that a friend will drop by . If I get a spontaneous invitation to go do something, I usually have to decline. In this way, the ritual affects my life negatively. If I didn't write down or otherwise make an effort to remember the revelations I had while inspired, those may be lost, and I miss out on dream states as well. Still, I've had lots of great revelations which have stuck, and in those states i've also worked through emotional stuff and physical blockages, which is very helpful.

So when I do the exercise machine without smoking first, I notice something interesting. It's less fun and ecstatic, sure, and often I can't go as long. BUT, I am able to reach a sweat, and get endorphins going. I can't get myself to sweat while high, and although I get an ecstatic trance going, I don't feel that release of endorphins. In fact, I don't feel like I've exercised at all! So if I do the exercise first, and then smoke, I feel really good, but I don't get the trance-inspired ideas going.

I try to alternate.
Getting high and training Muay Thai was my life for almost 18 months in thailand. Some of the most amazing expeirences of my life, riding that wave of euphoria and extreme fatigue is otherworldly.
The only way i can bring myself to lift weights and actually give it my all with proper form is if im high on the cronic.
As someone with back pain and right shoulder pain but likes to lift, I must admit since ive run out of weed it fucking sucks.
It's much harder to sleep at night with these joint pains without the weed to help ease it.
A couple of years ago some people and I had a bonfire at the beach during the summer and shared a few bowls around the fire. One of these said people and I decided to go for a run down the beach out of the blue, it just felt right for some reason. So we ran, and ran, and ran until we finally turned around and almost couldn't see our fire anymore. At that point we hung out by ourselves for a moment and talked before heading back to everyone else. Not once did I feel out of breath or any muscle burning/strain--it was as if I could keep on running forever. Not only did I not get tired, but running on the cold, heavy sand along a roaring ocean in the dark was one of the most liberating experiences of my life.

I feel as if working out while under the influence of cannabis results in a much more productive workout session. You just have to find the right strain to do so.
I LOVE running and then toking. (I couldn't imagine toking and then running...maybe I'll try it soon) Exercising is the fastest way for me to lower my tolerance, when I get back inside, I usually take a pretty long shower and ask myself wtf just happened (I really should run more, shit is intense!) Then when I sort of come off the runner trip I sit down, light a bowl, and LAUGH hysterically at even the slightest things.
I love smoking weed and having sex. thats like exercise.

Actually you are more correct than you know Man, sex burns way more calories than
exercise.I had to take meth to keep it up long enough to get the real effects, I suppose
that mighta negated the healthy part tho heh heh
Blazing and free skiing is one of the best life/drug combos around.. thirty feet of air into bottomless fluff after a two hour hike up blazn maybe something like an antique NL5/Haze Strain.. ha adrenalin+exercise endorphin's+THC=BLISS.. Damn it now i'm jonzn.. ha.
Actually you are more correct than you know Man, sex burns way more calories than
exercise.I had to take meth to keep it up long enough to get the real effects, I suppose
that mighta negated the healthy part tho heh heh

Actually sex is pretty bad cardio, even if you think you go intense. It just isn't vigorous or long-lasting or consistent enough to get your heart rate high enough to be very productive. I guess it's better than nothing though.

Anyway yeah I often lift while high, I can usually crank out a few extra reps on the good ol' squat rack because it takes longer to feel dat burn, and my focus is intense as fuck. One time, though, I intended to just get a productive little buzz going before a workout. I only had some hash, so I loaded up a huge bowl of it and finished. On the way to the gym I already suspected I'd be too fucked to lift. When I got there I did work out, but it was a disaster. I dropped weights a bunch of times and I accidentally sang along to my ipod music at one point. When I left at first I thought I had done well at concealing my headfuckery, but as soon as I sobered up I realised everyone was probably just staring at me the whole time like "what the actual fuck is this kid doing?"
yes, i like to smoke pot before i go to the gym and do weights. But i like to smoke pot before i do anything. I've been off the pot for 17 days now, and i haven' had this long a break in probably a couple of years. I've always struggled to bulk up because i never really had that much of an appetite, and i thought that was just me, but 3 days ago i noticed my appetite had returned with a vengeance, and food that normally takes me 5 days to get through was gone in 3. So in the long term, even though pot makes going to the gym a lot more fun, i find it's counter-productive because it limits my calorie intake which affects my muscle gains.
The endorphins you produce exercising (adenine) and THC hit very similar receptors (cannabinoid)
Probably why they go so well together.
Endorphins are pretty god damn amazing when you stop and think about it.
If any of u is a beginner, or have a very low tolerance, Better try after exercise. I usually Do it after, but then again Indica is very common here. Regardless, Too much high will always be worse than sober during workout. So if your thinking of tuning weed with ur workout, find how much works the best, in other words: How much is too much for you?

As for now, FUCK EXERCISE!!! I'm currently Detoxing from meth with severe back pains. Don get me wrong though, i'll be fine in a couple of days.