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On the Demonisation of Methamphetamine on Bluelight


Frumious Bandersnatch
Nov 3, 1999
TL;DR: all drugs fuck people's lives. We should treat them all the same. Don't take meth. If you do, be careful.

Firstly, I should say that I have quit methamphetamine, have generally found it a drug counterproductive to what I want to achieve in life, and have a very strong resolve to never touch it again. I should also say that I have been in this same situation before and inevitably picked up again. So I don't have any doubt about meth's addictive potential. But I've struggled just as hard and suffered much more loss in life thanks to old fashioned speed and cocaine at different times in my life. I'd prefer to be addicted to smoking meth than shooting speed or coke again. But really, I'd prefer to steer clear of stimulants all together.

That said, I think that the discussion of meth on Bluelight is often unbalanced and confusing. On the one hand there are posters like @agnosia (who I use just as an example, there are many others) who claim meth does not really exist or is so weak and incapabe of delivering a decent high that it is not worthy of the title 'drug'. Such posters on the 'meth is weak' side often subscribe to the belief that modern P2P production methods or cutting products used by Mexican producers result in some other substance different to what 'real' meth was when produced by bikers using pseudoephedrine.

On the other there are others, including Moderators like @mr peabody, who maintain a steady stream of material designed to convince us that meth is the most toxic, addictive, and dangerous drug ever invented and that addiction to it is basicaly gauranteed and hopeless as it turns users into violent, psychopathic monsters devoid of humanity. I have read posts by young people quite terrified their life has been destreoyed because they had one try of meth. Or worried that they cannot take prescribed stimulants for ADHD because "Adderall is the same as meth, and meth turns people into monsters".

In my view, both these extreme arguments are unhelpful unless you are a fully paid up Abolitionist member of the Drug War. Both play in the climate of toxic fear that surrounds drug use and contribute to the shaming and stigmatisation of drug use and drug users. The meth is not real meth argument says that mysterious toxins in meth will kill you and that they are both ubiquitious and cannot be tested for. It also implicitly argues that because modern meth is cut and weak it is not that dangerous. There is no evidence for any of of those things. Lots of people are getting plenty high of meth and consequently getting into all kinds of behavioural, emotional, physical, and legal problems.

The abundant violence, abandonment of children and family, criminal negligence, lying, self-prostitution, pimping of others, theft, fraud and endless other reprehensible heviour committed by all of us and revealed across thousands of posts and threads involved many other substances besides methamphetamine. In my own life, I've only experienced such things in my family and friends amongst people addicted to weed and opiates. Though, I've told many lies myself and committed tax and insurance fraud while on amphetamines.

The meth is the devil's own drug argument is hyperbole and overlooks the fact that there are many many people who use meth occasionally and recreationally with few problems or else manage long term addictions without becoming monsters or psychpaths. There are numerous members of Bluelight who fall into both categories. At the same time there are many recovered andrecovering addicts and users here whose lives were utterly destroyed by everything from weed (realtively uncommon admittedly) to opiates (very common), to precription drugs including AP's (very common), to MDMA (very common). And let's not forget coke especially crack. In fact I would venture to say, that there are more people on BL who regret the damage caused by other drugs than there are people who ruined or are ruining their lives their lives thanks to meth.

Given the mission of Bluelight is Harm Reduction and not promoting abstinence or deliberately scaring the fuck out of people who get involved with drugs I think we need to be a bit more balanced in how to present and discuss the realties of methamphetamine. It certainly is a powerful drug with specific risks and is more than capable of destroying lives. But probably no more so than many other drugs that are not similarly misrepresented or stigmatised here.

We are trying to provide a fact-based alternative to The War on Drugs, not collaborating with it. The drivers of addiction and the problems that it causes are not found purely in the substances people take. They are just as much in the socio-cultural and psychological conditions of people who run into trouble with those subsntance. If a high proportion of people in a given context have big problems with drugs, it's llikely to be just as much about that place and it's leadership (whether a household, a community, a city, or a country) than it is whatever they are taking.

Also, if you want my advice. Don't Fuck with Meth. Or Opiates. Or Coke. Or Benzos. Or Alchohol. None of them ever did me any good. But you're not me. Which is lucky for you.
I think that different regions have different philosophies on what and how much something is prescribed, there really isn't that much danger if you abide by the requisite laws that advise the system. For example, I know that benzos can be quite addictive, but I believe that withdrawal from a dependence is not that excruciating, as opposed to addiction. One is playing by the rules, the other is a slippery slope.

Also when considering issues of ethos, don't you think that your opinion might be skewed, in fact brainwashed, by thee very monster that you profess not to exist?
Also when considering issues of ethos, don't you think that your opinion might be skewed, in fact brainwashed, by thee very monster that you profess not to exist?
I’d say my opinion is “informed” rather than “skewed” by several years of addiction to different stimulants including meth.

The rock bottoms and uncontrollable usage I experienced were caused primarily by my psychology at the time. My first bout with IV coke certainly caused me to think it was a monster drug. My first bout with meth was something similar. Both rendered me quite dysfunctional. Coke led me to divorce, bankruptcy and a psychotic break.

But some sober years doing rehab, working through childhood trauma, getting treatment for a psychiatric issue, and having some achievements in the real world substantially reduced the negative effects stimulants have on me.

They don’t improve my life. And they are still risky proposotions I’d rather avoid. But I lost nothing and hurt no-one in the last two years using meth very frequently. Except for my self-respect. I did lose quite a bit of that.

So I’ve formed the view that meth (and prob stimulants in genral) is very dangerous for a weak or damaged psyche but less so for psychologically robust people. Not good for them, just less dangerous.

The people going batshit crazy on meth and making the news are in most cases damaged or weak-minded before they ever picked it up. We don’t hear much about the people of sound mind who succesfully dabble in drugs with little damage in their lives.

Don’t get me wrong I am neither pro- nor anti-drugs of any sort and I don’t judge anyone who cannot handle them safely. Neither am I impressed by people who get away with taking boatloads with no problem.

All I’m saying is

(a) take them carefully and safely

(b) remember any drug is capable of ruining a life if it is a bad match for the psychology of the individual who takes it

(c) try and rely on balanced facts and reasoned arguments when making statements for or against a particular drug or particular type of user.
Nicely put.
It's very important to show both sides of the coin, let's spread actual information instead of fear and propaganda.

Drugs like meth really put bluelight's mission to the test. Nowadays, it's easy to "defend" cannabis and psychedelics... But what about the so called "hard drugs"?
Amazing and very well put
Yeah, indeed.

Meth does exist and it is strong, but imho it's its duration which wrecks people. I'm somebody who can't understand that one submits himself completely to a drug to the point of stealing your girl/boyfriends stuff to sell for dope and if then more to opiates than stims, but they for sure can creep up behind the surface unless one needs them to function, life's shitty with and shitty without. Stims can be equally painkilling as morphine. Meth's legs are just too long, and only passing out because of sleep deprivation isn't exactly healthy; still I'd say unless very high dosages or toxic impurities, it's overblown. I know a girl who did meth for most part of her around 30 years and she looks nothing like it, but had access to pure stuff. She's even doing martial arts stuff and must have done so before quitting meth. Might be an exception. I found meth to be nice, if you could cut it into three or four handy pieces, which we might have with 2-/3-(/-4)-FA if they weren't mostly illegal.

I second not to like that users of certain drugs are being treated differently because of preconceptions instead of how they behave, guess that's human, I had low meanings of opioid people before I got addicted myself and somewhat ashame for that. The meaning, less the addiction. Somehow drug culture as a whole is pretty heterogen and still applies much too much of prohibitive thinking to themselves and others; we don't need to repeat society and history but when I read about people being ashamed by tripping in front of their freaking cat*, then I don't know what to say anymore. We all need more people who understand us and less such who judge us.

* I love animals, absolutely, and this shouldn't be read as negative just that animals won't see why consuming something which you like is bad, and they don't know the conception of silly behaviour.
Meth gets a bad rap, as does crack, largely for the outward manifestation of that addiction. They are stereotypically mobile, awake, hypervigilant etc. Variously problematic. All addicts to any drug have a variety of behaviors that cause societal harm, the stimulant user's is just more visible. For instance a stimulant addict may appear more devious and nuisancesome but a heroin addict may ultimately be more ruthless in their actions that occur in the shadows. These are also stereotypes but they are rooted in something. In the same way that some may be annoyed by an obese person given the visual manifestation of their addiction (ie, "i can visually see your lack of self-control and it disgusts me") so may view a stimulant addict relative to say, an alcoholic.

Now as far as the demonizing of meth here on bluelight, it does occur, ive done it myself, though it does deserve demonization. As does everything when taken excessively. What needs more demonization is benzos: I see them as a bigger evil in some regards.

The fact remains that meth is a relatively potent neurotoxin and that taking any more than say 50mg or perhaps a maximum of 80mg a day of methamphetamine is a pretty bad idea.

But almost everything discussed on this site is a bad idea.

There is of course a huge difference in demonizing a drug and demonizing a user for using a drug. That is the real question: do meth users feel unable to voice their thoughts or feel discriminated against here?
meth is fine if you can handle it but 99% of users can not handle it. The smartest chemist i ever met in my life used meth every day. I know lawyers judges doctors pharamcists business owners homeless people crimminals family people. What meth does to your life is whatever you let it. I dont recommend people try it though. But many sucessful people use meth as tool for the energy and live productive lifes.
I'm just asking this because I've never encountered meth, as it's practically non-existent here, but isn't meth extremely detrimental to the user?
And by that I mean physically? It's made out to seem almost corrosive to the users inside and outside?
Or maybe that's just another myth that's been spread? Maybe that's just like any other drug, and comes down to sleep, diet and hygiene, and so on?

I'll gladly admit that my image of meth is skewed. Most things you hear about it on here (and other sites) is that's it's Satans cumshot or something.
And most people you see high on meth online doesn't exactly act ... rational.
I'm just asking this because I've never encountered meth, as it's practically non-existent here, but isn't meth extremely detrimental to the user?
And by that I mean physically? It's made out to seem almost corrosive to the users inside and outside?
Even laboratory pure pharma grade methamphetamine is neurotoxic in excessive doses. Street meth is definitely corrosive and damaging to the body.
I'm just asking this because I've never encountered meth, as it's practically non-existent here, but isn't meth extremely detrimental to the user?
And by that I mean physically? It's made out to seem almost corrosive to the users inside and outside?
Or maybe that's just another myth that's been spread? Maybe that's just like any other drug, and comes down to sleep, diet and hygiene, and so on?

I'll gladly admit that my image of meth is skewed. Most things you hear about it on here (and other sites) is that's it's Satans cumshot or something.
And most people you see high on meth online doesn't exactly act ... rational.

Meth is definitely corrosive and when concentrated does damage to veins and tissue when injected. It is also well known for corroding tooth enamel.

The evidence seems to be that it is neurotoxic in extreme doses and with prolonged use.

But there are ways to mitigate all those things if one us determined to use it. As with all drugs there is a price to pay. Fortunately the evidence is also that a lot of damage is reversible when one stops using it (though not the tooth enamel).
Even laboratory pure pharma grade methamphetamine is neurotoxic in excessive doses. Street meth is definitely corrosive and damaging to the body.

Meth is definitely corrosive and when concentrated does damage to veins and tissue when injected. It is also well known for corroding tooth enamel.

The evidence seems to be that it is neurotoxic in extreme doses and with prolonged use.

As with all drugs there is a price to pay. Fortunately the evidence is also that a lot of damage is reversible when one stops using it (though not the tooth enamel).
Aha, okay. Very interesting read, thanks for sharing. Nice to hear another perspective.
I think it's the way people behave on the drug here on BL that gets it demonized so much. Not the drug itself. Meth users are usually sleep deprived and close to psychosis when they come on here and have hard to read posts, delusional thinking, shadow people, are in the psych ward, are complaining their meth is shit, picking their faces, asking if they can inject the contents of a needle that's been under their bed for a week. And that's just a fraction of the posts.

If BL'ers and visitors enjoyed the drug at home, did their thing, enjoyed the high and just had sex or played on their phones it wouldn't be so bad. But they come on here in a very delusional and frightening state and then post what makes no sense to others. Meth posts are all over the place in their content and most sound as if they are on the edge of madness. standing on a precipice where the slightest breeze will just blow them into the abyss.

The drug itself is not the problem. It can be beneficial to many who use it properly and don't stay up for days on end. It is so frowned upon on here because of the erratic behavior it produces in users that go off the rails ( no pun intended ). One only has to read the posts of people that are close to psychosis to understand that. And unfortunately the meth posts of uneducated users are becoming more and more prevalent on here.

Any drug used to excess is horrible to watch. Regardless of the pharmacology of it. heroin decline and benzo decline is also just as bad as meth. The users of other classes of drugs just don't seem to post as much when they are in a deep downward spiral. Meth users are so amped up that the idea of coming on BL is what they concentrate on and the posts don't usually end well. So it gets demonized more than it should because the users put it out there for all to see.
First, I'm all for actual drug information/education, which in my opinion has no agenda or moral judgement attached to it, period. Here are compounds, and that's what we know about what they do in/to the human body and mind when administered this or that way in this or that quantity/quality etc. Science should at least aim at being as objective as possible ...but, to expect that real people taking real drugs in real life situations goes down judgement-free is wishful thinking..

Sorry to pick just this one line of your post (I did read the rest), but..
TL;DR: all drugs fuck people's lives. We should treat them all the same. Don't take meth. If you do, be careful.
I don't think we should. Why? Because not all drugs are/work the same! And I think this comes not from being deluded people just feeding stereotypes as we please, this results from scientific and empirical data. I think you underestimate your personal involvement in this subject matter (same with Christianity), @Perforated. Just a hint, no hard feelings.

I think there is a difference between trying e.g. cannabis and getting started with meth, which is not solely based on individual vulnerability, or matters of legal status, bad luck, 'not doing it properly', etc., but on the active compounds and how they work itself as well as statistics on how living creatures like ourselfs are able to cope with them.

Regarding harm reduction:
I think heroin is too, at least on this forum, where a lot of the advice given is simply "don't ever do it, you'll regret it" type of stuff
Is this demonization, especially when coming from veteran (ab)users from respective substances? Someone coming along, stating: "I could try meth/heroin, what should I do..?" To say "well, just do it responsibly" is pretty bad and naive advice, if you ask me. "Don't do it because it's the devil" is not the way to go either. I think it's possible to give informed/informative advice on this. If that means that highly potent opioids, or stimulants as powerful as meth, or full agonistic noids, or long acting benzodiazepines, or antidepressants, or ..., don't come away as shiny as some folks want them to, so be it.

Sometimes there are threads, where lots of advice is given on how to do something (which of course is relevant and harm reduction too!), but really nobody is addressing the elephant in the room, asking: Is there a chance that you actually not going to do it? If so, don't fucking do it! Regarding meth (as well as other things), that would be the best advice, I think, but:
... almost everything discussed on this site is a bad idea.
Sad in a way, but I have to agree; so I understand that people are not doing it resp. are growing tired of it fast. Plus, one probably wouldn't be "the coolest bluelighter". So the harm reduction thing is a noble but tricky business in practice, it seems, and I'm conflicted as always.

These is of course a huge difference in demonizing a drug and demonizing a user for using a drug. That is the real question here: do meth users feel unable to voice their thoughts or feel discriminated against here?
That's on point, once again! (y) (Highlighting by me.)
To expect that real people taking real drugs in real life situations goes down judgement-free is wishful thinking..
True. But one does expect that on a drugs forum ostensibly committed to harm reduction moralistic kinds of judgment are suspended unless specifically asked for. In the context of Bluelight we are supposed to be a judgement-free zone, other than excising our judgement to determine whether things said about drugs are truthful and practices proposed by individuals are the least harmful. We don’t seek to prohibit. Rather we seek to offer guidance as to how to minimise harm in pursuits that we all know are harmful.

Sorry to pick just this one line of your post (I did read the rest), but..

I don't think we should. Why? Because not all drugs are/work the same!

This is self-evidently true. As I have shared, I have had different experiences of drugs with differing degrees of harms suffered. But depending how one measures the negative impact of drugs I can point to many teenagers whose pot addictions have de-railed their life prospects to a far greater extent than some stimulant abusers I have known. This is not to say one drug is more or less dangerous than another, but at the individual level their are bad combinations of specific drugs and specific psychologies. Which is why, after all, we have drugs of choice and don’t all get addicted to the same stuff.

And I think this comes not from being deluded people just feeding stereotypes as we please, this results from scientific and empirical data. I think you underestimate your personal involvement in this subject matter (same with Christianity), @Perforated. Just a hint, no hard feelings.

No hard feelings at all. But I don’t think I’ve hidden my own most intimate experiences of stimulant use and stimulant addiction either from BL or from myself. It’s precisely because of my personal experience as a (former hopefully) methamphetamine user that I felt I could write the original post in this thread. And across the last two years or so when I have been most active on BL, the majority of my posts on meth in the harm reduction forums have been to discourage its use. Although there have been a couple of tweaked out exceptions to this most notably featuring transexcapades or inter dimensional AI’s. I don’t claim to be paragon of virtue or consistency.

But in drugs, as with religion, I dislike one-sided evangelism (either for or against) and the absence of nuance or respect for one’s opposite number in a debate or discussion.

Is this demonization, especially when coming from veteran (ab)users from respective substances? Someone coming along, stating: "I could try meth/heroin, what should I do..?" To say "well, just do it responsibly" is pretty bad and naive advice, if you ask me. "Don't do it because it's the devil" is not the way to go either. I think it's possible to give informed/informative advice on this. If that means that highly potent opioids, or stimulants as powerful as meth, or full agonistic noids, or long acting benzodiazepines, or antidepressants, or ..., don't come away as shiny as some folks want them to, so be it.
You’ve reiterated my argument nicely here. It seems we are in agreement.
Sometimes there are threads, where lots of advice is given on how to do something (which of course is relevant and harm reduction too!), but really nobody is addressing the elephant in the room, asking: Is there a chance that you actually not going to do it? If so, don't fucking do it! Regarding meth (as well as other things), that would be the best advice,
If you look through the Basic Drugs and Other Drugs forums for newbies making posts about wanting to try meth, I think you’ll see some loud voices (not least my own) saying don’t do it and giving practical reasons why. But in many cases these new posters persist in their plans or outright reject ‘don’t do it’ advice from the outset. The only option for us then is to give tips on taking it as safely or least dangerously as possible.
Sad in a way, but I have to agree; so I understand that people are not doing it resp. are growing tired of it fast. Plus, one probably wouldn't be "the coolest bluelighter". So the harm reduction thing is a noble but tricky business in practice, it seems, and I'm conflicted as always.

In Australia the best available data suggests 10 % of the adult population has tried meth. However only 1 % of the population had done so in the last year. And only 0.4 % of Australians use meth on a weekly or daily basis. Furthermore between 2009-2015 there were only 1649 deaths in Australia where methamphetamine was found by the coroner to be a contributing factor. However. Of these deaths there were various primary causes: the most were due to accidental drug toxicity (43.2 %), natural disease (22.3 %0, suicide (18.2 %0 other accident (14.9 %0 and homicide (1.5% ) BUT In the majority (82.8 %) of cases, substances other than methamphetamine were also detected, most frequently opioids (43.1 %) and hypnosedatives (38.0 %).

Though these numbers represent a lot of individual tragedy, they are hardly the horror story made out in the kinds of selective re-posting of ‘worst of meth’ media coverage that inspired the original post.
All I’m saying is
(a) take them carefully and safely
(b) remember any drug is capable of ruining a life if it is a bad match for the psychology of the individual who takes it
(c) try and rely on balanced facts and reasoned arguments when making statements for or against a particular drug or particular type of user.
Hell yes, right on. I agree with point (b) so much. It's important to remember that we're all different and as such it's important to know thyself.
Meth has always been stigmatized from within the drug community.
I think heroin is too, at least on this forum, where a lot of the advice given is simply "don't ever do it, you'll regret it" type of stuff
So true. And it's really annoying. It's propaganda like the “Just Say No” campaign of the ’80s and ’90s which actively urged people, especially children, not to use their critical thinking skills, not to think for themselves but to “just say no” blindly and stupidly.
There is nothing safe about meth.
I picture the Mr. Peabody character from Rocky & Bullwinkle as voicing all your posts, and have a hard time taking you seriously, lol (I loved watching reruns of that growing up 🙂) But I think I mostly agree with your assessment that meth generally isn't a very safe drug. By and large people really suck at using it responsibly, plus it's neurotoxic in proportion to body temperature, and—if coupled w/another cause of tachycardia, it's cardiotoxic. Then again, methamphetamine hydrochloride is a very stable substance. So in that sense, there is something safe about meth. But yeah I can't recommend it to those who've never used it, due to some people's propensity to handle the drug's effects very poorly indeed.

Having said that, meth is one of the best aphrodisiacs in the world, hands down. That's a tough point to deny. Furthermore, there are plenty of people who use the drug responsibly and reasonably, but unfortunately there is a minority of people in a significant enough portion that seem especially prone to the amphetamine-induced psychosis state, and I think that will forever haunt methamphetamine and lead countless droves to unnecessarily fear it. I'd like to develop a system of tests a person can take that puts together a neurochemical “profile”, if you will, to predict when someone is more susceptible to certain drugs' pitfalls than others and for what reasons.