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☮ Social ☮ PD Social Tripping Thread: aLL aBoArD tHe MoThErShiP 👽🛸

Sorry for my continued neglect of certain conversations. I am very well but busy as hell.

My health continues to noticeably improve. My wife and I are renovating our bathroom with the only tub and shower in the house. I doing all the heaviest stuff. We spent a lot of time preparing for this week when we planned to start tearing things down, and on Monday, I chiseled off the first bathtub tile. It turned out that most of these tiles were very difficult to remove and required many hours of intense hammering at all kinds of difficult angles. The activity maxed my heart rate and bathed my body in sweat within just a few minutes, and I did this for a few hours for three days in a row. The tile is gone now, and so is much of the wallboard, much of which had to be destroyed with the tile attached to it. It's rather amazing that after this tremendous stress (relative to what I'm used to), I am feeling great. I have minor aches all over my body, bruises on my hands, and a swollen elbow from where I smacked it against a 2x4 while trying to rip part of the wall out, but my chronic inflammation symptoms are very mild!

Last week on Monday, I took 20 g worth of my new peruvianus cactus preparation to compare it against the same dose of my reliable terschekii. The trip was very weak and disappointing. It sucks that this new material is weak, but it also felt very different. I noticed that certain things I like about the terschekii experience were deemphasized, and most curiously, the peruvianus effects developed over a very different time course. There is a fascinating discussion that deserves to be had here, but to be brief, my hypothesis is that the cactus mucilage can have a time-release type effect on the mescaline in teas. This obviously changes the time course of effects but might also explain the subjective differences observed between different cacti. (The "other alkaloids" may not be so important here.)

I was bummed to learn my new material was weak and also that it lacked emphasis of certain things I really like about terschekii. The other thing that bummed me was that I'd been over 4 weeks without a trip and was concerned about keeping my inflammatory symptoms at bay in advance of our big bathroom project. Anyway, I debated taking another trip on Friday, perhaps with something of known dosage like 2C-E. Then, the morning after my weak trip, I felt surprisingly good and could tell that "weak" dose had after-effects more consistent with a bigger dose. I hesitated tripping again on Friday, but my wife strongly encouraged me to do so. So on Friday, I drank the other 55 g of this peruvianus preparation. This seemed about as strong as 25 g of terschekii (est. 200 mg mescaine sulfate equivalent), maybe, but again, different aspects were emphasized differently. I enjoyed my day immensely, going for a walk, spending time working in our garden, taking a nice shower, and other things I like to do when tripping. I had some delightful erotic fantasy in there as well. One possible benefit of the peruvianus over the terschekii is that I don't seem to get as much anorexia.
On the 20 g, I actually ate dinner at around T+5 because I assumed I'd already reached the peak and found myself wanting to eat. It was very weird to eat a big meal while still coming up on mescaline, but I did and was fine. On the 55 g, I didn't eat much until T+9 or so, but my appetite was pretty well established even before I reached the peak.

Anyway, I'm very glad I took my wife's advice and tripped again. This week has been amazing even as it has been exhausting.
I wish you luck.
When the weather stabilizes to consistent, predictable beautiful purge of spring in southern Finland, I am also intending to trip.
Until then, I am going to yell to the stupid fucking snow clouds.