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Opioids Phenibut and mu-agonist potentiation


Moderator: H&R; Discord Administrator
Staff member
Jul 26, 2009
I thought i should bring this up, as i don't seem to see it specifically addressed, and i feel like we should because someone could easily dose phenibut with heavy opiates and die. IME, phenibut potentiates kratom and regular mu receptor agonists by what feels(subjectively) to me like somewhere around 50%. Which is awesome, but also an important thing to know. This effect seems stronger than benzos, more like ghb and 3g of phenibut + 40mg oxy produces dangerous respiratory depression for me, doing it one night with dope and booze ended up in a narcan shot. Just sayin, be safe!
Yes I have experienced the potentiation first hand with kratom and it was absolutely amazing, too bad it only happened the first time I combined the two and have yet been able to re-create this effect. I can definately see an overdose in the case of a heroin addict shooting up their usual dose having taken phenibut prior.
Hey bro, good call on Phenibut. If I take it before I use opiates, the opiates feel a little weaker in my experience. However, I have taken it twice about 3 - 5 hours after I dose opiates, and both times I ended up nodding out uncontrollably. It was UNCONTROLLABLE. One minute I was reading something, next minute I would be nodded out, then back and I was confused on why it kept on happening. The second time I tried it, the same thing happened again, so it was cos of the Phenibut.

Phenibut on its own feels weak, but it is doing something....combined with other downers, it becomes very powerful.
exactly, i feel like this needs more attention called to it because at higher doses of phenibut alone i've experienced worrisome respiratory issues - combined with 60mg of oxycodone i nearly had to be narcanned, and this as someone who REGULARLY ingests 60mg of oxycodone. I just think with this stuff SO cheap and available it needs to be strongly noted somewhere so someone doesn't make the same mistake with no tolerance!
It's definately a nice combo, I actually doubt the CNS depression is as bad as you'd assume from how fucked it makes you. That is too say i'm pretty convinced it's hella safer to combined with opiates than benzos, barbs, booze and probably GHB/GBL etc.

That's not to say it doesn't increase CNS impression, or that your wrong to highlight the risk; because it does and your not.

Never mixed it with kratom, and three years of morphine later it's too late which is a shame ):
my point is - it's not THAT bad, for someone with a three year morphine habit, then it's pretty rad, but think about someone with no tolerance who takes phenibut recreationally and decides to say... blow an eighty? pretty sure that could = death in a quick manner and make phenibut harder to obtain. if anything, vendors should offer some kind of warning about the interaction. think maybe a phenibut and ah-whatever that new opiate rc is order gone horribly wrong
I.once took 750 mg phenibut abs 7.5 mg hydrocodone abs thought I was going to have to go to er, couldn't breathe very well. Scary
Ya the first time I did Kratom + Phenibut it was the most extreme euphoria I had ever experienced and I ain't no drug noob. It stopped working like that after the first or second time combining them though. Too bad, I never knew the human nervous system was capable of producing such strong euphoria.
I.once took 750 mg phenibut abs 7.5 mg hydrocodone abs thought I was going to have to go to er, couldn't breathe very well. Scary

LOL. get out of here. that is a serving size, if that.. not that i'm encouraging high dosing but what you said above should be a walk in the park for anyone not any ER visit. LOL
This combo will also make you SLEEP longer and deeper than you've ever slept before. Not a bad thing as long as you do wake up.
I.once took 750 mg phenibut abs 7.5 mg hydrocodone abs thought I was going to have to go to er, couldn't breathe very well. Scary

LOL. get out of here. that is a serving size, if that.. not that i'm encouraging high dosing but what you said above should be a walk in the park for anyone not any ER visit. LOL

Bump because i'm interested in this subject right now.

Ha, yeah I'm gonna say no one is OD'ing off 7.5 of hydrocodone and 750 mg of phenibut. I can't even feel either alone. Even when opiate naive I barely could feel 7.5 of hydro, and when I first took Phen it was around 750 mg and it did practically nothing, though it has been known to be a drug where everyone's "sweetspot" dose is hard to find and can be smaller or much larger from person to person. Sounds more like a case of anxiety making you think about your breathing and panicking over it. If you were dosing 7.5 mg of hydro(unless you meant hydromorphone and then maybe this is legitimate), then I must conclude you are not a very experienced user of opiates and probably scared yourself into thiknig you were having respiratory depression from combining it with another CNS depressant,
So I've still never taken Phenibut, but I have some and I might try it out eventually and I use Kratom 3 times a week, so if I do ever take Phenibut is it safe to either combine it with Kratom or take it when I might still have some Kratom in my system?
it is WONDERFUL to combine with kratom, but much like a speedball or candyflip - DONT OVERDUE IT, !MAGICK SHREDS QUICKLY!! I wish someone had told me those three things when i was young, and shaken me a lot while they did it. Is there an "advice to noobs from oldsters" thread? because man, i would have appreciated knowing one, and maybe 1 - 10 kids will actually listen. worth it.
I could not disagree more, man. been using Phenibut for many, many years.. probably around 7 years.

been shooting dope for many, many years, overall use of opiate/dope for 10+.

when I used both drugs together I still use them at their regular dosage; I do not cut back considering they are being used together. I still take 3G+ of Phenibut and will still shoot 1/2 G shots of dope. I get the same high as I would if taken separate or together.

been using these 2 together for a long ass time now and never any problems; so the problems may JUST BE w/ YOU!
I could not disagree more, man. been using Phenibut for many, many years.. probably around 7 years.

been shooting dope for many, many years, overall use of opiate/dope for 10+.

when I used both drugs together I still use them at their regular dosage; I do not cut back considering they are being used together. I still take 3G+ of Phenibut and will still shoot 1/2 G shots of dope. I get the same high as I would if taken separate or together.

been using these 2 together for a long ass time now and never any problems; so the problems may JUST BE w/ YOU!

You keep saying that it "must only be other people" as far as any of the problems with Phenibut go, in terms of horrible withdrawal, tolerance, potentiation, etc, but as I look through these threads it's YOU who are consistently the different one.

Obviously people all respond differently to different drugs, but coming from the perspective of someone who hasn't done Phenibut before it's about 4 out of 5 people all in agreement saying one thing and you are the one other guy who says it's different for him, so maybe you should accept the fact that it actually seems like it its YOUR reaction to Phenibut that seems to be the most Atypical.
You keep saying that it "must only be other people" as far as any of the problems with Phenibut go, in terms of horrible withdrawal, tolerance, potentiation, etc, but as I look through these threads it's YOU who are consistently the different one.

Obviously people all respond differently to different drugs, but coming from the perspective of someone who hasn't done Phenibut before it's about 4 out of 5 people all in agreement saying one thing and you are the one other guy who says it's different for him, so maybe you should accept the fact that it actually seems like it its YOUR reaction to Phenibut that seems to be the most Atypical.

no, you are reading it wrong. its THESE CERTAIN PEOPLE who are the ones complaining about the so called drug. take into consideration Phenibut is a drug which is highly abused; there are probably hundreds and hundreds of people who use Phenibut on this site; however, you only see certain people come forth and make the compliant.

Phenibut is a LEGAL so-called drug. think about it, man. this is something we should be worried about? lol
Phenibut is a LEGAL so-called drug. think about it, man. this is something we should be worried about? lol

This "it's legal, so it must be safe lol" bullshit is how people end up harming themselves. The risks with Phenibut cannot be overstated, ESPECIALLY because it's a cheap, legal drug masquerading as a supplement that practically anyone can get their hands on. That absolutely doesn't mean everyone will have problems with it, alone or mixed with opiates, but the fact that you haven't doesn't invalidate anyone else's experience nor should it keep them from warning others about the potential danger involved.

Whether you want to believe it or not, some of us have had complications using Phenibut, and we're merely speaking in the name of harm reduction. That's great that you haven't had any trouble, but please don't try to disqualify what anyone else has gone through based on your own experience.
This "it's legal, so it must be safe lol" bullshit is how people end up harming themselves. The risks with Phenibut cannot be overstated, ESPECIALLY because it's a cheap, legal drug masquerading as a supplement that practically anyone can get their hands on. That absolutely doesn't mean everyone will have problems with it, alone or mixed with opiates, but the fact that you haven't doesn't invalidate anyone else's experience nor should it keep them from warning others about the potential danger involved.

Whether you want to believe it or not, some of us have had complications using Phenibut, and we're merely speaking in the name of harm reduction. That's great that you haven't had any trouble, but please don't try to disqualify what anyone else has gone through based on your own experience.

eh, I still do not fully agree. based on what I read a majority of the people who abuse/complain are using the drug in the wrong fashion; the other thread about Phenibut is a complaint about the drug based on someones used of 40G's; thats right, 40G's of Phenibut. at most, you should be using 3G's maximum, but this person decided to try and abused 40G's. pretty whacky, no!? so yes, a complaint will be there.

its, in a way, like saying I will shooting 10G's of dope and expect no wrong to happen. then ill come back and complain that I OD'd and that I am shocked an appalled the OD'd occurred. no, its just that I did NOT USE THE DRUG THE RIGHT WAY, right? you see what I am saying here!? people just mistreat the use of Phenibut because its a legal substance and think nothing can go wrong because they bought it over the counter and not through a drug dealer.
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eh, I still do not fully agree. based on what I read a majority of the people who abuse/complain are using the drug in the wrong fashion; the other thread about Phenibut is a complain about the drug based on someones used of 40G's; thats right, 40G's of Phenibut. at most, you should be using 3G's maximum, but this person decided to try and abused 40G's. pretty whacky, no!? so yes, a complaint will be there.

its, in a way, like saying I will shooting 10G's of dope and expect no wrong to happen. then ill come back and complain that I OD'd and that I am shocked an appalled the OD'd occurred. no, its just that I did NOT USE THE DRUG THE RIGHT WAY, right? you see what I am saying here!? people just mistreat the use of Phenibut because its a legal substance and think nothing can go wrong because they bought it over the counter and not through a drug dealer.

40g is indeed an insane dose, and I would be surprised if there weren't terrible side effects from ingesting that much, but I don't see how that relates to this thread. The OP said he used 3g Phenibut (your own "max dose") with 40mg Oxy and experienced respiratory depression. Would you consider that using it in the wrong fashion, or do you simply not believe that it happened? I've only combined Phenibut with opioids on a few occasions and I never noticed a negative interaction, but that doesn't give me the right to say it's safe when others have experienced otherwise.

I agree that those who've suffered and continue to suffer are likely not using Phenibut appropriately, but that's the thing, it seems like the line between use and abuse is incredibly thin. I don't know how accurate it is to compare Phenibut to alcohol, but for sake of contrast, one could drink a six pack every day for a month and most likely not experience significant withdrawal symptoms, if any at all, whereas those taking moderate amounts of Phenibut for the same amount of time would almost certainly go through withdrawal for several days, if not weeks. These are both legal drugs that almost anyone could get ahold of. The dangers of alcohol are well known, yet the one being sold as a health supplement is arguably much more dangerous, and that's a problem.

For as mild as the effects of Phenibut are, it seems to cause some disproportionately nasty side effects and withdrawal symptoms, even after only a week or so of daily dosing. I'll be the first to admit that it can be a great drug if used responsibly, but moderation can be difficult for some, especially those who don't know what they're getting into.