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The crying game.


Sneakers , earlier and better then 'hackers'.
I just watched a film on Channel 4 to-night called ORPHAN. It was brilliant!!!!! It was a physiological thriller, & it scared the hell out of me!! 8o

It was proper scarey, not all blood & guts with a load of special effects, it was just a good story line with good actors & an amazing twist in the story!! The twist left me gobsmacked!!! Brilliant film!!! :)

just watched orphan too. was enjoyable. probably didn't dig it as much as ructions but would certainly recommend it. was certainly a good idea for a story and well done.
just watched orphan too. was enjoyable. probably didn't dig it as much as ructions but would certainly recommend it. was certainly a good idea for a story and well done.

Aw but the twist Chipup, what about the twist!! I didn't see that one coming!!! I love a good thriller like that, its a pity that they don't make more of them!

I love yet hate being scared!! I was enjoying Orphan until half way through when my boyfriend had to leave for work (he works nights) I usually wouldn't watch a scary film when i'm on my own, but it was too good to turn off! I was sorry after when i had to go to bed on my own, sometimes my imagination runs away with its self!! 8o

I haven't seen a film with a good ghost story in it in ages, there must be some recent ones though........ Oh 'Paranormal Activities' was a good ghosty film, (i think thats what it was called?) Good film with a really bad ending......

Whats the scariest film that anyone has ever seen? One of my favorite films is 'The Shining'
Watched the first pirates of the caribbean for the first time on friday night there & ended up watching 2nd & 3rd on saturday & sunday lol. Just need a decent copy for the latest 1, pretty good show.
Screamers is a good film, its not very well known but i told a mate about it and gave him a shot to watch it and he really enjoyed it and went on to watch the sequel

I cant remember if the sequel is any good or not but the first one is worth a watch of you like your sci-fi kind of stuff

tbh, martys shook me up the most out of any film ive seen, not for jumpyness, just for pure disturbing.

I looked up 'Martyrs,' it looks a bit gory? It looks a bit like 'Hostel' only a lot worse. I don't know if i could handle it?!

I don't know how to down load films, but 'Martyrs' is on you tube, but i don't have the nerve to watch it on my own!

Did anyone ever see the 1970's film 'Martin?' Looking back its fairly tacky, but at the time it was a great film. I first saw it in the 80's when i was a teenager & it stuck with me for years. Its about a bloke who believes he is a vampire, he goes around drugging women & then cutting them with a razor & drinking their blood. At the time it was very realistic which made it scary........ 8o


*shiver* All this talk of scary films is spooking me, i'm going to try find something funny to watch on the telly before i go to bed......
I looked up 'Martyrs,' it looks a bit gory? It looks a bit like 'Hostel' only a lot worse. I don't know if i could handle it?!

I don't know how to down load films, but 'Martyrs' is on you tube, but i don't have the nerve to watch it on my own!

Did anyone ever see the 1970's film 'Martin?' Looking back its fairly tacky, but at the time it was a great film. I first saw it in the 80's when i was a teenager & it stuck with me for years. Its about a bloke who believes he is a vampire, he goes around drugging women & then cutting them with a razor & drinking their blood. At the time it was very realistic which made it scary........ 8o


*shiver* All this talk of scary films is spooking me, i'm going to try find something funny to watch on the telly before i go to bed......

Its like hostel in a way, but its actually a well made film, and is truely psychologically disturbing, as well as the intense gore, really messed with my head for a few days, hostel is nothing in comparison.

Its worth watching, as its a good film, and i like foreign cinema, but its a tough watch.

Not seen Martin, didnt know Romero made a vampire flick, might give it a watch.
Aw but the twist Chinup, what about the twist!! I didn't see that one coming!!! I love a good thriller like that, its a pity that they don't make more of them!

yes it was a v v good twist. and it made the whole thing way less disturbing, especially the scene with the husband at the end!!! i didn't see it coming either, will have to watch it with my boyf and see if he does. he can usually tell you how something will end 5 minutes after its started!!
Just seen the original cast of the american pie films are making a renunion film, looking forward to that as the first 3 were great fun.
Mentioned it in the last thread I think, but 13 Assassins!!!

Watch it if you have even the slightest interest in samurai or even just like to see a good sword battle.It really blew me away, its not really stupid and over the top like the rest of Miike's films.

Its like hostel in a way, but its actually a well made film, and is truely psychologically disturbing, as well as the intense gore, really messed with my head for a few days, hostel is nothing in comparison.

Its worth watching, as its a good film, and i like foreign cinema, but its a tough watch.

Not seen Martin, didnt know Romero made a vampire flick, might give it a watch.

Yeah, hostel is good, it leaves you thinking if such a place does exists?! You start to wonder were all the missing people around the world end up, it messes with your head alright!!

Yeah, you should watch 'Martin' its a bit dated, but its still a good one. It has a bit of a cult following. Its not one of Romero's usual films, but i've read that he is very proud of it. Its a new twist on the whole vampire thing, its much more believable & totally possible!!
yes it was a v v good twist. and it made the whole thing way less disturbing, especially the scene with the husband at the end!!! i didn't see it coming either, will have to watch it with my boyf and see if he does. he can usually tell you how something will end 5 minutes after its started!!

The young actress looked so evil in the film! I looked her up on the net afterwords & she looks totally different in real life, she is just a lovely young girl, not a scary psycho like in the film! Its amazing they way they can totally change someones looks in a film!

Yeah, you should see what your boyfriend thinks, mine watched the first half with me & then he had to go to work, so i recorded the rest fir him. When i got up the next morning he was home & watching it. I had texted him when he was at work to tell him there had been a big twist in the story, he hadn't seen it coming either! I love a good film!!!! :)
Got tucked up in bed with the Mrs & watched kalifornia, forgot what a good film that is.
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