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Share Scrawl Of The Day


Dec 22, 2015
So I am sitting here quietly after a bowl full of the very thing which has ultimately led my direction toward this point. Socially, I am writing you while my friend is scuttling about making sure to represent as a person worth respect and with dignity to the owner of the rental we're both occupying in seperate units. I don't really pay as much care to my own space. I know that for me, my own life is hardly dictated by such things. But that is a flaw to my own personality. I commend her for keeping up appearances and keeping clean and as caring for those who are immediately around as possible. I exist in some netherworld. I'm in digital space.

This from here on will be a series of haikus until I am bored of the effort to place onto 19 syllables being my internal system to prescribe to the external world. Into digital space.

I have always seen
What is taken as normal, says
Impossible tasks

I still miss the one
Who was once as Savior
To me as could be

My heart aches soulful
Like all those who lack spirit
Oh God help me run!

Enslaved by substance
Whats worthwhile in me, yet then
Chems' habitual

As natural as we are
We're focused off side

I live by a speed
I'm limited, soundly wrecked

And that's not enough
So I balance my distaste
In real life, I'm down

Down to kill the pain
With analogue fentanyl
And whatever's next

In death I truly hope
That what is in stock for me
Priced, in shop - is free

If I could be free
I promise to you, my God
To be a better man
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