Positive Share Something Positive About Your Day vs This Does Not Suck (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)?

i learned there are a lot of skin whiteners for darker women/men whatever.
not the only thing i learned just surprised me.
4 runner is all fixed up.

Cleaned my tent.. a few tree frogs got trapped in the basement and tried to hibernate in my tent and where kinda mummified

Tomatoes are about to come in droves from the garden.. going to blanch and freeze the first wave for the falll spaghetti sauce super batch.

Have the money for two three day passes for the WSP three day Riverside run.. ticket rodeo goes off Friday.

Super relaxed today
Iv'e got some helpers coming in a couple of hours to help me wrestle my new washing machine in and take the old one out.

Will be doing laundry tomorrow and if the sun shines those bad boys will be on the line in the fresh air. Can hardly wait.

It's the little things you guys that make life worth living. Clean clothes. Food on the table. A warm bed to sleep in. A dog to lick your face.
I drank my predetermined 100ml of brandy and gargled after each cigarette. Going out for another fag soon. Looking forward to tomorrow like I want it it right now.

Anybody else enjoy a good groin scratch that'll get your leg twitching like a dog's tickle spot? I sure do. It's like instant benzos, heroin, gabapentin, and takes a few seconds. Wheeeeewwwww. Usually once a day is more than enough.
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I processed up a bunch of tomatoes from the garden.. I have so many of these beautiful fruits I may as well start a stand. Going to use some asap for a huge sauce. I think I have less then half in so far. Ohh the herbs turned out great and I was mixing them into the pure is was making today.

research is going great,
regardless of past experiences i have some who love me unconditionally and this alone keeps me going.
what else is there to sustain life but others who spend time/energy cultivating a garden?
Massage day.. been a minute ❤️🌈❤️
Soooooo jealous. I am in DESPERATE NEED of a massage. I will hopefully be able to squeeze one in today or tomorrow.

My little bit of positivity to share is that my new workplace is amazing ❤️ They're such a great team, they've all welcomed me and made me feel included right from the get go, which is really cool. I love working there 🙂