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The Reason Why People Get Paranoid When Stoned


Mar 14, 2000
It makes you look inwards into your mind rather than outward into the social sphere. Thus you are prone to sitting there like a zombie staring into space.
Being stoned forces you to think thoughts that are so complex, our normally sadly limited conversational range is not attuned well enough to digest it and spit it out the way its meant to be. Thus you sound ridiculous when speaking. So when you DO break out of your reverie, you talk like an idiot.
And then, as if that weren’t enough, being stoned makes you so fascinated with simple things like good music, and the way the news announcers voice rises and falls with a certain stiff rhythm, and how people walk the way they do, and how good words form images in your mind and how orange juice tastes in a pumpernickel cheese and ice cream sandwich, and what the coffee table looks like with a few ashes dusted on its surface like a sacrificial altar in an ancient ruined temple.
You appreciate the most complex things in the most simple thoughts and objects and because they are so simple, people can’t understand the pleasure you derive from them, and what they can bring into your everyday life even when not stoned.
Since all of these outward behaviours clash with our social acculturation processes, such as small talk, “mannered” behaviour in private and public, decorum, etc. we get very very anxious about our conscious vision of how far beyond the social norms we are acting. This breeds momentary fear, which builds upon itself and leads to constant paranoia.
Those who can truly appreciate a good THC high are free of this crippling social phobia and you can see them floating around effortlessly, laughing a lot, and genuinely enjoying themselves to a perhaps unusual extent when measured against everyday sobriety – but they simply have learned not care and appreciate the place the weed puts them.
To extend this even a bit further, it can be said that many more “upfront” (more powerful) drugs like the opiates, MDMA, cocaine, amphetamines, and GHB all give a very physical buzz in contrast to the “mental” buzz of weed. They put you in a place of pleasure beyond, sometimes FAR beyond your normal range of pleasurable feelings, but they can’t endlessly reinvent themselves like your human mind can under the influence of weed. Maybe that’s a reason why many people who do lots drugs eventually slow down, but keep tokin’.
The pleasure you derive out of your favourite drugs likely reflects the aspect of your humanity you are most at home expressing – what types of thoughts and what types of feelings
Can you tell I wrote this high as a feckin’ kite?
Oh, and to you anti-pothead, pro-opiate peeps – have I helped convince you to give the 'erb a chance to get to know it - and it, you?

- Citrus
In the midst of all this pot head vs. opiate head debating on this board, I think that someone needs to make a clear distinction here.
First off, I smoke weed, and I don't give a fuck whether or not anybody likes it. However, I do want to make it perfectly clear that not all people who smoke pot are "pot heads" (assuming that folks are using the stereotypical take on the term) any more than all people who use opiates are "junkies".
I smoke weed 2-3 times a week. I only smoke kind bud strains and I find marijuana to be fascinating in terms of genetics, various qualities, traits, etc. I'm very intelligent, have a great day job, and never will be a "pot head"
So...people can take or leave any drug, but let's ditch the common blanket assumptions that anyone who does a certain kind of drug acts a certain way. Being a "head" of any kind is pretty fuckin' sad in itself, so let's get a grip on who uses and who worships...big difference.
I smoke weed, and I don't give a fuck whether or not anybody likes it.
Apparently this is not true cause you people are very defensive about this shit. If you tell me that THC is better than opiates I tthink you are mistaken and probably inexperienced when it comes to opiates. If I say opiates are better I know that I'll be swarmed with rambling replies from every weed monkey at this board.
Hey, to each his own.. Some people like to smoke a nice fat blunt.. others like to stick a nice fat needle in there arm.
Either way, what matters is that your the one in control.. not the drug.
"Roads, where we're going we don't need any roads."
"All your K are belong to Jay"
id like to reply on a positive note to citrus' post which i consider to be so so so true, its genius. its one of those thoughts you have when your are blazed, but forget in 4 seconds. citrus keep smoking and writing man!!!!
"Fuck World War Two, I am an Elephant!"
-Albert Hofmann, 1943.
FREEBASE...you *completely and totally* missed the boat.
First off, I STILL don't give a fuck whether people like weed or not. Whether people like weed or not has ZERO to do with my post...read it again...and then again. My post is about not lumping in all marijuana smokers with "pot heads". You did just that by referring to me as, “you people”. How am I “you people”? I eat cereal several times a week and perhaps you don’t…so does that make me “you people”?
Second, you talk about THC vs. opiates...again...I don't give a fuck. I never said that one was better than the other and I really don't care who does and why they think it. My post had nothing to do with the qualitative aspects of THC or opiates. Both are completely subjective, and the opinions on either are as subjective as the people who use them. Don't enter my name in the weed vs. opiate war because I never have nor will I ever participate in such a worthless exercise. In essence, you embody the point of my post.
Congratulations. Didn’t your teacher tell you to read the whole question before answering?
Doesn't anyone out there like to smoke a joint right before they shoot up.
Am I all alone?
*tear, sniff, oh well....
Well shit, I first typed "you potheads" but I realized that that was gonna piss alotta people off so I changed it to "you people". I even said "weed monkey" instead of "pothead". There's no pleasing...dare I say....you people!
What would you liked to called when someone is identifying you as a pot smoker? MJ advocate? THat doesn't sound too bad. It really doesn't mean a damn thing. To me, a head of any sort is just someone who enjoys a particular drug and has incorperated that into their life. I like coke and opiates. I am a coke-head. This is for sure. This isn't an insult to me. Bankers bank. Jocks play sports. Coke-heads do coke. If this offended me I'd quit.
Very few people subscribe to the typical hollywood interpretation of what a pot head is perceived to be. I know that all of you dont have long hair and lack motivation. Your still a pothead though. Wheteher you are a professional career person or a highschool dropout, if you smoke pot regularly, to me you're a pothead. That's not an insult.
Fair enough FREEBASE...you're definition of pot head is different than mine. No need to get into the particulars...that's just matter of opinion type of shit, so it’s cool.
I have never advocated pot use. That's not a comment on my stance in regards to marijuana's legality...that's just a "for the record" kind of thing.
Now, you do bring about an excellent point...and I'm not necessarily including you as part of it. Why is it that so many people think that if someone smokes weed, they instantly advocate it in a political sense? I do smoke regularly...albeit not that often...and I would never jump on any political soapbox concerning marijuana. It's not like just because I use it I'm instantly a member of some fucking army.
Really...not to be negative...but I enjoy marijuana in the privacy of my own home and everyone else can fuck off whether they love it or hate it. I am an island...and a pretty neutral one at that.
Why is it that so many people think that if someone smokes weed, they instantly advocate it in a political sense
I hate to keep generalizing but when a huge number of people behave in the same way, generalizing seems justified. And many pot smokers get political with their habit. I've never heard of a million man crack march...or even a million man cocaine march. There are so many organiztions and individuals fighting for the rights of pot smokers. It seems to be the norm among users. Even if the individual arguements never leave the livingroom of the user, it's still exists.
Well...I think that marijuana as a political agenda has a larger constituency because it is closely tied to our government's (USA) ridiculous "war on drugs". I agree that there are plenty of people who are fighting for the right to be high, but many people who do harbor strong opinions on marijuana do so from a strictly practical sense. You can love it or hate it, but pissing away tax dollars on prosecuting marijuana users is a waste of *everyone's* money...and that has nothing to do with the effects of THC.
There are plenty of law makers and politicians...even former "all drugs are bad" kind of folks...who are now coming around to the idea that the problem of illegal drugs is FAR bigger than the available resources to combat it. Therefor, the more forward thinking politicians realize that decriminalization of marijuana would free up a large chunk of money to be used towards combating those pesky “evil” drugs like crack, smack, and E.
I also agree with you that more than any other drug, marijuana is most likely to have some jackass waving a retarded sign at the state capital. I live in ATL and it's crystal clear why there hasn't been a Million Man Crack March...because those monkeys are too high to organize a fucking trip to the refrigerator, much less a protest.
Hey I resent how this thread took my one little tongue-in-cheek comment at the end and turned it into a big debate! It's supposed to be about WHY PEOPLE GET PARANOID WHEN SMOKING UP!!!
Thanks for realizing that, bliss99e, and thanks for the compliments! Not genius, just smoking experience, hehe

I'm saving genius for my PhD thesis, lol

- Citrus
I liked the origanal post, but it is in fact turning into a opiate-weed war.. What I think we should all do is pop some vicodin and then smoke some weed. The combo is great.
And the simple answer to your original question Citrus is because of the LAW. Make dope legal and I don't think we'll have much more talk of paranoia.
Ecstasy Liberation Front
"You appreciate the most complex things in the most simple thoughts and objects and because they are so simple, people can’t understand the pleasure you derive from them, and what they can bring into your everyday life even when not stoned."
God's truth...
paranoia comes from more sativa dominate plants.. just some info to throw into the thread..
citrus.. yer de shit BTW
I agree with Fruitman...opiates and cannabis...two tastes that taste great together.
I think THC would ruin a nice opiate high. The mind fuck that I get from weed would kill the body high that I get from opiates.
Whenever I DO smoke pot, which is almost never, I like to be on a bunch of benzos (Valium, klonopin, xanax....). This is my only hope to get anything positive out of being stoned. Without the mix I pray for death. The benzos calm my anxiety which is always a problem when I get high.
THC and alcohol is probably the biggest mistake that many people make especially newbees. That's just asking to hurl.