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Cocaine Tips for quit cocaine


Apr 11, 2022
Hello, how are you?
This year I started to use a lot of coke with my partner and friends. At first, it was only on weekends, but since my job started to get harder and made me face painful truths at the same time I was struggling with my master, I started to use coke almost everyday after work as a "gift for surviving the day on a draining work".
I was able to made a brief pause in September after becoming psychotic while thinking that my cat was dying. However, this month things started to become harder. I was able to make a five day pause after four days snorting 1g, but it was really hard. I needed to use ritalin (that I stopped taking since I came back with cocaine) to cope, but arrived one point where I didn't had interest.
But I relapsed on Friday because of holidays and dragged my partner with me and now I'm snorting 1-2g of coke.
My therapist suggested this week to not have the drug at home and not use.
I just finished snorting about 1,5 g and I'm feeling guilty for having using it. I have to work tomorrow and I feel like a failure.
I have lots of triggers that make me use coke and I need to work on this before things get worse. I use coke to stop with the pain and to calm me when I am leaving my comfort zone (which I did a lot last month's)
I am also worried about my partner's addiction, but I can't help me if I can't help myself.
If anyone have tips and knows how a person with depression and anxiety can deal with this, I'll be thankful. Specially while dealing with the cravings and the chemical sadness (consider that I don't like benzos and sleeping meds).
Sorry if this is too long and maybe confused, but I want to quit cocaine and be sober (even if a part of me is begging for another line).
Start learning to enjoy coffee I guess. I find ritalin helps a lot with cravings for cocaine. Maybe you're self medicating adhd? You arent a failure in any case and you deserve love and support. Good luck! Being able to talk about this on any level is a big step.
Start learning to enjoy coffee I guess. I find ritalin helps a lot with cravings for cocaine. Maybe you're self medicating adhd? You arent a failure in any case and you deserve love and support. Good luck! Being able to talk about this on any level is a big
I love coffee already, so maybe it will help to deal with this.
Actually my doctor gave me ritalin to help me focus when is necessary. According to some medical exams I am considered neurodivergent, but they never put a label to this (they consider that I am in the spectrum, but I am not so sure about this).
Also, thank you for your kind words.
i had to quit drinking when i stopped doing yayo - for like a year i didn't drink at all

a beat up nose usually discouraged me from doing it 2 days in a row too and i don't know how that doesn't discourage anybody else

good luck
Be glad is only psychological and not physical dependence like better drugs(cocaine is fun once in a blue moon). I dont know, start drinking coffee and tea. No w/d its all in your head.
Yeah, methylphenidate has been studied for use in cocaine addicts, it's pharmacologically the closest thing to cocaine we have around, both are inverse agonists at monoamine transporters, just that cocaine binds to the SERT addictionally which MPH doesn't do. So maybe could a SSRI antidepressant + methylphenidate provide a softer landing. I would avoid excessive caffeine consumption though.

But I would argument against that cocaine (or all stimulants, if you want so) would only provide psychological and no physical addiction. This is wrong, most drugs cause powerful chemical imbalances in the brain as well as induce addiction markers like DeltaFosB (something I don't understand yet, have to admit). Opioids just cause a bunch of physical symptoms why they have been labelled phyiscally addictive.
Agonist replacement therapy….just like Methadone for opioids/Heroin addiction

There are medical journals outlining on how Methylphenidate (Ritalin) XR substitute for Cocaine and keeps cravings more manageable.

Methamphetamine addiction they also use Methylphenidate, Bupropion, and XR amphetamines (Adderall XR / Dexedrine Spansule, and Vyvanse)
Ya like @Hex13 said, lucky it’s not opiate/benzo/gaba type of withdrawals. Because those aren’t just mental like cocaine (you crave them mentally just as bad) and add debilitating withdrawals to it? It’s almost impossible if cocaine is impossible for you. You have the best situation you have a supportive therapist who wrote you Ritalin which anyone in your position trying to quit coke would be a luxury big time. So be very happy. I’m thankful I got seroquel and gabapentin prescribed but benzos my psych will not allow. You have to think about do you want euphoria that’s very expensive illegal and short lived? Or do you deserve to live a good life? That’s what I’m battling with. I’ve had my fair share of shooting up speedballs and getting addicted to the cocaine rush. I couldn’t just shoot up heroin I needed cocaine mixed with it even if I was dope sick. Use the Ritalin as a replacement therapy medication like methadone or subuxone and be grateful you even got that and your therapist isn’t a snitch.
Sounds like the same story as most people just that coke is your DOC. My only advice is that if you feel you can handle it(sounds like it) maybe just try to taper down so going cold turkey wont be a big deal….
I did find some debilitating fatigue after an extended binge for a day or so (no amount of coffee would shift) but otherwise any w/d is psychological as others stated. Smoking some weed can help as it provides a dopamine kick. That said, psychological or not, it shouldn't be taken lightly as it can be quite intense. Coke is the only drug that's invaded my dreams with cravings. I'll dream of taking coke or have dreams that center around its usage or acquisition. Very powerful in that sense.
If it’s getting out of control for you I would check out any local narcotics anonymous. If you find a good group they can be amazing. Unfortunately there is a bit of “ drinking the cool aid “ but a well worked program can help you work on yourself.
If your partner doesn’t stop and it’s going to be around that’s going to be a problem. I won’t say it’s impossible to stop with it laying around but it’s very improbable.
As someone said cocaine addiction is mental. That statement shouldn’t down play how damn hard it is and how much agony you may go through but take that as a working point. It is as they say all in your head.
Good luck.