We need your help - 5-10 minute survey to help fund Bluelight

Have you ever used hydrocodone IR combination products?

Thanks to those 200+ community members who have already completed the survey. We appreciate your help!

This post is an appeal to the rest of the Bluelight Community to spend a few minutes of your time completing a survey to help fund our website.

The Inflexxion research organisation makes an annual donation to help keep the Bluelight community running. Bluelight and Inflexxion have worked collaboratively on research surveys for 6 years now.

We review Inflexxion's surveys internally before their launch. This survey is short, taking around 5-10 minutes for most people.

We realise not everyone has experiences with hydrocodone IR to share, but if you even tried it just the one time, we urge you to complete the survey and help us get to the target of 500 participants.

Consider it as a way of donating to Bluelight through your time rather than your wallet!

View the community discussion
Go straight to the survey