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Insomnia is a variant of Tourette's--the waking brain races, sampling the world after the world has turned away, touching it everywhere, refusing to settle, to join the collective nod. The insomniac brain is a sort of conspiracy theorist as well, believing too much in its own paranoiac importance--as though if it were to blink, then doze, the world might be overrun by some encroaching calamity, which its obsessive musings are somehow fending off.

novelist Jonathan Lethem
What I should read: The Dead Father by Donald Barthelme (post-modernism hurts like hell)
What I try to read: Naked Lunch by William Burroughs
I've never met anybody who's read Naked Lunch all the way through. Maybe that's because the crowd I hang out with isn't that intellectually stimulating

You can't go wrong with Junky and Queer. Also
Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake. This dude fucking loves fungus. Interesting book, albeit kind of single minded.
I've never met anybody who's read Naked Lunch all the way through. Maybe that's because the crowd I hang out with isn't that intellectually stimulating

You can't go wrong with Junky and Queer. Also
Junky was a great read, but I honestly found Naked Lunch to be pretentious, unreadable garbage.
Just finished re-reading the Dresden Files, all 17 books. Started a new series, one I’ve never read before, called the Riftworld Cycle.The first book is Magician: Apprentice. So far it’s decently entertaining:)
I've never met anybody who's read Naked Lunch all the way through. Maybe that's because the crowd I hang out with isn't that intellectually stimulating

You can't go wrong with Junky and Queer. Also

We will see when will I reach my breaking point :D So far I really like Naked Lunch, but yeah it is definitely something that I will re-read a bit later, just to help myself understand a bit more.

Already read them!

I was so surprised, because I originally searched for On the Road in my uni's online catalog - and did not know we have a copy of the Junky, but when I saw it I run in the library after my class and asked for it right away. The librarian first told me that this must be a misunderstanding since she never really saw the book as she was cleaning or organizing. I showed her the screenshot of the book, also the number it runs under. No surprise that she never saw it, since it was hiding on the top of some random shelf across the corridor :D The last time someone took it out was in '84! I was not even a thought back then, and the librarian lady was just an undergrad student, as she told me. I really liked it, so I order a copy for myself and I'm wating for it to arrive.

I plan to write my thesis on Queer! Ordered it together with Junky, but Queer arrived a bit earlier and I jumped right in it. I also plan to write a shorted essay on it for one of my classes, so I really like it too.

I will definitely check out the Ted Morgan book! Thank you for the recommendation!
We will see when will I reach my breaking point :D So far I really like Naked Lunch, but yeah it is definitely something that I will re-read a bit later, just to help myself understand a bit more.

Already read them!

I was so surprised, because I originally searched for On the Road in my uni's online catalog - and did not know we have a copy of the Junky, but when I saw it I run in the library after my class and asked for it right away. The librarian first told me that this must be a misunderstanding since she never really saw the book as she was cleaning or organizing. I showed her the screenshot of the book, also the number it runs under. No surprise that she never saw it, since it was hiding on the top of some random shelf across the corridor :D The last time someone took it out was in '84! I was not even a thought back then, and the librarian lady was just an undergrad student, as she told me. I really liked it, so I order a copy for myself and I'm wating for it to arrive.

I plan to write my thesis on Queer! Ordered it together with Junky, but Queer arrived a bit earlier and I jumped right in it. I also plan to write a shorted essay on it for one of my classes, so I really like it too.

I will definitely check out the Ted Morgan book! Thank you for the recommendation!
University sounds like it could be a front for something else
The Peripheral, by William Gibson, i kinda got a bad time getting into it, i'm more used to his 20-30pages chapters with the Neuromancer and the Voodoo Trilogy, but it's kinda way easier to read when the chapter last so shortly, it's make you move towards the two patterns the author wrote for the two characters, on different timezone sharing space, this is mindblowing :)