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Why is so much MDMA manufactured in Holland ?

I've snorted enough Dexedrine tablets & British speed to know that the sulfate is no more unpleasant than snorting meth. In fact on balance, the meth might have been worse (but I only tried it once so I don't know for sure).

Solubility is another issue that is occasionally important. MDMA hydrobromide snorts much better than the hydrochloride because it's more soluble. I'm GUESSING that amphetamine succinate is used to prevent snorting. When we were selling 5/6APB, my boss sent me a sample because people were complaining it was painful to snort... and the Chinese makers had switched to making the succinate. I think it was because their product was so impure, it wouldn't produce microcrystals. We got a discount... especially after the NMR showed just how much of the positional isomers were present.
The chemicals and pre-cursors are easy to get in Belgium/Netherlands/Benelux. There are lots of nearby countries and in NL the drug laws are more lax. They should just decriminalise all drugs for personal use by legal adults in NL and get it over with.
I've snorted enough Dexedrine tablets & British speed to know that the sulfate is no more unpleasant than snorting meth. In fact on balance, the meth might have been worse (but I only tried it once so I don't know for sure).

If you’ve got Dexedrine or Amphetamine sulfate you snort it, if you’ve got meth HCl you vape it. Period! Or else you’re an idiot. Final rap!

The chemicals and pre-cursors are easy to get in Belgium/Netherlands/Benelux. There are lots of nearby countries and in NL the drug laws are more lax. They should just decriminalise all drugs for personal use by legal adults in NL and get it over with.

They are easy to get everywhere. The Pott, aka nrw is also a
Fountain of Amphetamine.sulfate. The rest comes from China, India or nl. That’s Europe. You don’t need to think if you have to consume all your day. It’s your right eye, fuck it. Nothing will ever ever change. Go on with your diversity of degeneration.
If you’ve got Dexedrine or Amphetamine sulfate you snort it, if you’ve got meth HCl you vape it. Period! Or else you’re an idiot. Final rap!

They are easy to get everywhere. The Pott, aka nrw is also a
Fountain of Amphetamine.sulfate. The rest comes from China, India or nl. That’s Europe. You don’t need to think if you have to consume all your day. It’s your right eye, fuck it. Nothing will ever ever change. Go on with your diversity of degeneration.
Does a lot of METH still get made in Czech republic? I do not use drugs by my own choice for a decade now, if others choose to this is their right.

I stopped by choice to be sober as I had spent most of my teenage years and before I was 30 high on psychedelic drugs, cannabis/hash, alcohol, Dexedrine, and I want to see what life is like without drugs.
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Hmm is it a coincidence that most of the larger MDMA manufacturing regions are situated near massive ports? Some examples;

BC - port of vancouver
Brazil - port of Santos
Europe - Antwerp, Rotterdam
SE Australia - port of melbourne

My guess is no. The large volume of cargo helps facilitate unnoticed traffic of precursors and other required reagents and equipment.
Ever notice that these ports are also 'free trade zones' (FTZ)? If you look you will see a lot of businesses in those zones. Customs isn't at the offload point but as you exit the FTZ. So one could import the chemicals, make the product and put it back into a container.

I know people like arms dealers make great use of these FTZs. Arms are a special category because they require an EUC (end user certificate) to order, but 'tractor parts' in a container coming out of Gdańsk look non-suspicious.

At the end of the day, nations don't put in much effort if whatever enters and leaves their FTZs does not enter their nation. If you find out how containers work, you know that each has a BIC code (ISO6346:1995(E) defines it). So swapping BIC plates between two containers of the same mass going to the same destination is the favoured method.

At this level it's all about knowing the system and understanding the technology. Packaging with a very thin layer (250Å or so) of amorphous carbon are opaque to X-rays. If the security guy turns up the beam to get through the carbon, the stuff inside will give no contrast. I learnt that today. That's how Mexicans smuggle fake Oxys.

But criminals at that level are specialist businessmen. They know how the system works and where the weak points are. They also understand human frailty. The crime brings death slavery and degradation. The MDMA you buy today is funding the deforestation of Vietnam where Safrole is still extracted from the appropriate trees. It's getting rich by burning down the world.
The MDMA you buy today is funding the deforestation of Vietnam where Safrole is still extracted from the appropriate trees.

i heard that one before. there are more kratom trees that are harvested than those containing safrole. i think safrole from trees plays a minor role in mdma production, the big ones use semsynthetic precursors like from lignine derived or something...
Netherland/Holland, choose your name, was a hub for European market in the 90s. My opinion is cause they were only country that had layed down policies about weed/hash and some other natural drugs. That reflected on their judiciary system and for a while it was a mecca to the ganja smokers, but psychedelic enthusiasts alike. Goverment was getting money from taxation and tourism and was not very strict, relatively speaking, with sentencing even dealers of "harder" drugs (I dont like this kind of vocabulary cause paracetamol or alcohol are harder drugs for your body then pure morphine will ever be, but I'll roll with popular vocabulary). Labs were made in Benelux (not only in Netherlands) and Rotterdam port was/is great if you needed to smuggle anything in/out the country. I guess that were the most basic reasons.

Today, even though it is still a country that is more tolerant to drug users they are fed up with this "drug tourism" mostly from UK. So they are cleaning it up more. But Benelux is still a hub for amphetamines, newly included crystal meth (which will be European problem also within 5 years).

But that's just my Eastern European mind guessing. You Dutch people correct me if I am off in my assessment. 🙂
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Drug trade is worth over 600 billion dollars per year. The crimminal groups just pay off port workers and customs in most countries.

And dutch drug makers do not get 15 years in jail. They get like 7 max 3 years on average.
Well I lived in The Netherlands for a few years and someone I know got 8 years for production. The judges (as you know no jury but 3 judges) qualified this by saying if he was ever caught producing again, he would could expect to get 'De maximale straf die de wet bepaalt' i.e. 15.

That's not SO light. Another friend got 5 years for amphetamine production in the UK. He was lucky because he DID come from a VERY poor family in serious debt and he didn't do anything but pay that debt. The judges were 'satisfied that his actions were governed by financial desperation' or similar. Obviously they also said it was no excuse, but he had just got his degree in chemistry and the guys who ran the show were all in their 40s so it was obvious he had been targetted.
It's the big lie - per dose, penicillin kills more than MDMA. 1 in 100,000 is 0.2 (providing is IS MDMA, IS an appropriate dose and is NOT mixed with other drugs).

You don't see teen pictures and sad music for penicillin deaths.

The price goes down, the availability goes up and every time you bust someone, the place is filled in MOMENTS,

But we continue the lie. If MDMA and dexamphetamine tablets (again, dose, purity, no mixing - <1 per 100,000) were legal (but methamphetamine controlled), most clubbers would NEVER touch an illegal drug LSD and mushrooms are even safer.

So methamphetamine, coke & heroin (and synthetics). Almost all imported and now we can use skin-tests to detect use. I still don't think we can win, but we can redefine 'soft drug' so users never even MEET those who sell hard drugs.