Social Would you rather?

Funky Friday for a would you rather. So..................WYR:

Crawl through sticker bushes naked for 10 minutes or walk bare footed on hot beach sand for one mile.

Drink a can of hot sweetened condensed milk or drink a quart of hot lemon flavored yogurt.

Eat a half pound of raw hamburger meat or two raw chicken legs with the skin on. No feathers.

Camp in the woods by a lake or camp in a campground that has utility hookups.

Jeep Grand Cherokee or Ford F350?

Me: Sticker bushes, hot condensed milk, raw hamburger, in the woods and a Jeep.

Happy start of the weekend my BL fam. :group hug:
I hate the cold & can't swim, so can I be in the woods instead? I like the woods. Especially on wet gloomy days.

I like being by myself. I rarely meet anyone who likes any of the things I do, so I've learned to be my own best company.

I'd rather under-eat, but some times I over-eat if I've been smoking too much THC.

Blast the stereo of course. I stopped watching TV about 10 months ago. Don't miss it much.

I can't snap out of it, it's who I am. lol
I hate the cold & can't swim, so can I be in the woods instead? I like the woods. Especially on wet gloomy days.

I like being by myself. I rarely meet anyone who likes any of the things I do, so I've learned to be my own best company.

I'd rather under-eat, but some times I over-eat if I've been smoking too much THC.

Blast the stereo of course. I stopped watching TV about 10 months ago. Don't miss it much.

I can't snap out of it, it's who I am. lol
Did you answer the questions from my very first WYR ? These answers aren't jiving with the game today Mr. Death and I think that as punishment you have to do all of them within the next 20 minutes. You also have to eat Frog legs, raw oysters, slimy okra and burnt rice for dinner tonight.
Funky Friday for a would you rather. So..................WYR:

Crawl through sticker bushes naked for 10 minutes or walk bare footed on hot beach sand for one mile.

Drink a can of hot sweetened condensed milk or drink a quart of hot lemon flavored yogurt.

Eat a half pound of raw hamburger meat or two raw chicken legs with the skin on. No feathers.

Camp in the woods by a lake or camp in a campground that has utility hookups.

Jeep Grand Cherokee or Ford F350?

Me: Sticker bushes, hot condensed milk, raw hamburger, in the woods and a Jeep.

Happy start of the weekend my BL fam. :group hug:

1) Easy because we do it all our lives -- walk barefoot on hot sand.

2) Yoghurt because I'm diabetic.

3) Raw hamburger meat because harder to tell what it actually is.

4) Campground with utilities because I need my comforts (I'm menopausal and diabetic!)

5) Jeep Grand Cherokee (that Ford looks like absolute crap lol).

Great questions @Nurse Ratched

Did you answer the questions from my very first WYR ? These answers aren't jiving with the game today Mr. Death and I think that as punishment you have to do all of them within the next 20 minutes. You also have to eat Frog legs, raw oysters, slimy okra and burnt rice for dinner tonight.

Yes mam!
I had no idea this thread existed & didn't realize there were more WYR questions til after I hit the post reply button. I'll do the most recent ones as best I can though.

1. I would rather walk bare footeed on the hot beach. I already have enough scars. lol
2. I actually like the taste of condensed milk. It's very creamy, almost like having a treat. But I also like lemons & yogurt, but for the sake of it I'll go with the milk. Condensed milk is suppose to have health benenfits too.
3. Chicken legs. I think it would be less... gory. But I'm not sure.
4. Camp by a lake. I love camping. Could always take an RV to a lake too but then it's not really camping.
5. My mamma always told me to stay away from Fords, so the Jeep.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
I have a sub doc appt this morning & am a little concerned about issues I've been having. Prolly gonna have to make an appt with my GP too.
Gonna be a rough one for me on Sunday, but I'll keep pushing through.
Funky Friday for a would you rather. So..................WYR:

Crawl through sticker bushes naked for 10 minutes or walk bare footed on hot beach sand for one mile.

Drink a can of hot sweetened condensed milk or drink a quart of hot lemon flavored yogurt.

Eat a half pound of raw hamburger meat or two raw chicken legs with the skin on. No feathers.

Camp in the woods by a lake or camp in a campground that has utility hookups.

Jeep Grand Cherokee or Ford F350?

Me: Sticker bushes, hot condensed milk, raw hamburger, in the woods and a Jeep.

Happy start of the weekend my BL fam. :group hug:

Sticker bushes
lemon yogurt - but both choices for me would be horrible so that's a tough one....
raw chop meat
in the woods by a lake

:group hug:
Crawl through sticker bushes naked for 10 minutes or walk bare footed on hot beach sand for one mile.
Drink a can of hot sweetened condensed milk or drink a quart of hot lemon flavored yogurt.
Lemon yogurt.
Eat a half pound of raw hamburger meat or two raw chicken legs with the skin on. No feathers.
Chicken legs.
Camp in the woods by a lake or camp in a campground that has utility hookups.
Woods by a lake, depends for how long though. A couple weeks and my answer would be very different.
Jeep Grand Cherokee or Ford F350?
Funky Friday for a would you rather. So..................WYR:

Crawl through sticker bushes naked for 10 minutes or walk bare footed on hot beach sand for one mile.

Drink a can of hot sweetened condensed milk or drink a quart of hot lemon flavored yogurt.

Eat a half pound of raw hamburger meat or two raw chicken legs with the skin on. No feathers.

Camp in the woods by a lake or camp in a campground that has utility hookups.

Jeep Grand Cherokee or Ford F350?

Me: Sticker bushes, hot condensed milk, raw hamburger, in the woods and a Jeep.

Happy start of the weekend my BL fam. :group hug:

hot beach

hot milk, the consistency of yogurt makes me gag

umm... chicken I suppose

camp in the woods, no cords, no noise, no people

Funky Friday for a would you rather. So..................WYR:

Crawl through sticker bushes naked for 10 minutes or walk bare footed on hot beach sand for one mile.

Drink a can of hot sweetened condensed milk or drink a quart of hot lemon flavored yogurt.

Eat a half pound of raw hamburger meat or two raw chicken legs with the skin on. No feathers.

Camp in the woods by a lake or camp in a campground that has utility hookups.

Jeep Grand Cherokee or Ford F350?

Me: Sticker bushes, hot condensed milk, raw hamburger, in the woods and a Jeep.

Happy start of the weekend my BL fam. :group hug:

Hot sand beach



Woods by the lake

Neither -no idea what these cars are
Yo @Negentropic is the guy in your avatar from that weed movie with Dave Chappelle? Can't remember the name of the movie right now :bong:

Oh yeah....
Hot beach
woods by lake
Funky Friday for a would you rather. So..................WYR:

Crawl through sticker bushes naked for 10 minutes or walk bare footed on hot beach sand for one mile.
Drink a can of hot sweetened condensed milk or drink a quart of hot lemon flavored yogurt.
Both. I like dairy.
Eat a half pound of raw hamburger meat or two raw chicken legs with the skin on. No feathers.
The beef! Salmonella sucks.
Camp in the woods by a lake or camp in a campground that has utility hookups.
Feels like a trick question. Lake.
Jeep Grand Cherokee or Ford F350?
Sell one and work on the interior of my Subaru.
emoji's are fun
Had to delete the last 3 posts . I want other members to make their own would you rathers but they can't be like one you would make in The Lounge. TDS is kept kind of " clean" so if you make one just please keep that in mind. WYR's can have sex, drugs and rock n roll in them but the question should have a little more " taste"than the one that was posted. Thanks guys/gals.
Oh, very well. 😛
